z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Usage Notes<br />

Examples<br />


defines a <strong>VM</strong> LAN for use by simulated QDIO adapters. A QDIO LAN can only<br />

accept connections from a simulated QDIO adapter.<br />

IP|ETHernet<br />

indicates whether the transport for the LAN is ETHERNET or IP. An ETHERNET<br />

LAN operates at the Layer 2 level of the OSI model.<br />

1. The Class G form of the DEFINE LAN comm<strong>and</strong> only allows the invoker to<br />

create a <strong>VM</strong> LAN that belongs to the invoker. That is, ownerid must be the user<br />

ID of the invoker, or an asterisk (*).<br />

2. The Class B form of the DEFINE LAN comm<strong>and</strong> allows the invoker to create a<br />

<strong>VM</strong> LAN that belongs to another user (or to SYSTEM).<br />

3. A PERSISTENT LAN can only be destroyed by the DETACH LAN comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

When a <strong>VM</strong> LAN is created for ownerid SYSTEM, it is automatically classified<br />

as a PERSISTENT LAN.<br />

4. A TRANSIENT LAN can be destroyed by the DETACH LAN comm<strong>and</strong>, or by<br />

elimination of all references. When a <strong>VM</strong> LAN is created for a user (any userid<br />

other than SYSTEM) it is automatically classified as a TRANSIENT LAN. During<br />

LOGOFF processing, any TRANSIENT LAN with no active connections will be<br />

destroyed. If active connections exist, the “orphaned” LAN will continue to be<br />

functional until the last adapter is uncoupled. However, if the owner completes<br />

LOGON before the last adapter is uncoupled, the LAN is no longer “orphaned”<br />

<strong>and</strong> it will survive the removal of the last adapter.<br />

5. The <strong>VM</strong>LAN statement in SYSTEM CONFIG (or the SET <strong>VM</strong>LAN comm<strong>and</strong>)<br />

may restrict the number of <strong>VM</strong> LAN segments on the system. Use the QUERY<br />

<strong>VM</strong>LAN comm<strong>and</strong> to determine what limit is in effect.<br />

6. DEFINE LAN statements may be added to the SYSTEM CONFIG file to<br />

automatically create <strong>VM</strong> LAN segments during <strong>CP</strong> system initialization. Every<br />

<strong>VM</strong> LAN defined in the SYSTEM CONFIG file is classified as a PERSISTENT<br />

LAN.<br />

7. A Class B user can use the SET LAN <strong>and</strong> DETACH LAN comm<strong>and</strong>s to operate<br />

on a LAN segment that belongs to another user (e.g. a SYSTEM-owned LAN).<br />

8. When a RESTRICTED LAN is defined, the owner (as determined by the<br />

DEFINE comm<strong>and</strong>) is automatically added to the access list. The owner can<br />

use the SET LAN comm<strong>and</strong> to grant <strong>and</strong> revoke access to the LAN.<br />

9. SET LAN cannot be used to change the type of transport. The LAN will need to<br />

be redefined.<br />

1. DEFINE LAN - Class G:<br />

To create a user LAN named QNET that will allow up to 16 connections, enter:<br />

cp define lan qnet type qdio maxconn 16<br />

LAN <strong>VM</strong>USERX QNET is created<br />

2. DEFINE LAN - Class B:<br />

To create a SYSTEM LAN named INEWS that will allow up to 100 connections<br />

<strong>and</strong> will not have accounting records created, enter:<br />

cp define lan inews ownerid system maxconn 100 accounting off<br />

LAN SYSTEM INEWS is created<br />


Note that this must be done by a user with Class B privileges since the LAN is<br />

not owned by the invoker <strong>and</strong> the ACCOUNTing option is specified.<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 171

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