z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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170 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

The Class B form of the comm<strong>and</strong> also accepts OWNERid SYSTEM (creating a<br />

PERSISTENT LAN), or any other user ID (creating a TRANSIENT LAN).<br />

MAXCONN INFinite<br />

MAXCONN maxconn<br />

sets the maximum number of simultaneous adapter connections permitted at<br />

any given time. When MAXCONN is specified as INFinite, there is no limit on<br />

the number of connections. Any other value, maxconn, limits the number of<br />

simultaneous connections to a decimal number in the range of 1–1024<br />

(inclusive).<br />

If MAXCONN is omitted, the default is MAXCONN INFinite.<br />

RESTricted|UNRESTricted<br />

sets the type of authorization required to connect to this LAN. Options are:<br />

RESTricted<br />

Defines a LAN with an access list to restrict connections. The LAN<br />

owner will use the SET LAN comm<strong>and</strong> to GRANT or REVOKE access<br />

to specific <strong>VM</strong> users (by userid). The COUPLE comm<strong>and</strong> will only allow<br />

authorized users (those on the access list) to connect a simulated<br />

adapter to a RESTRICTED network.<br />

UNRESTricted<br />

Defines a LAN with no access list. When <strong>CP</strong> is in control of the LAN,<br />

connections to this LAN are not restricted by user ID. If an External<br />

Security Manager (ESM) is in control of the LAN, the ESM may restrict<br />

access.<br />

When neither option is specified, the default is to define an UNRESTricted<br />

LAN.<br />

ACCOUNTing ON<br />

ACCOUNTing OFF<br />

Allows a Class B user to control whether accounting records are created for the<br />

LAN being defined. The default setting may be changed by the <strong>VM</strong>LAN<br />

statement in the system configuration file, <strong>and</strong> queried by QUERY <strong>VM</strong>LAN.<br />

TYPE HIPERsockets<br />

defines a <strong>VM</strong> LAN for use by simulated HiperSockets adapters. A HiperSockets<br />

LAN can only accept connections from a simulated HiperSockets adapter.<br />

If TYPE is omitted, the default is TYPE HIPERsockets.<br />

MFS 16K<br />

MFS 24K<br />

MFS 40K<br />

MFS 64K<br />

sets the Maximum Frame Size (MFS) for adapters on this network. When an<br />

adapter is connected to this LAN, it will adopt the network MFS. The MFS value<br />

determines the amount of storage to be allocated for internal structures, <strong>and</strong><br />

limits the effective MTU size (Maximum Transmission Unit) for the coupled<br />

adapters. For general internet communications, a lower MFS is probably better.<br />

However, a high MFS may provide higher data transfer rates for applications<br />

that are capable of using larger packet sizes.<br />

If MFS is omitted, the default for HiperSockets is 16K. The MFS oper<strong>and</strong> is not<br />

valid for QDIO but the effective MFS is 8992 for a QDIO adapter.

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