z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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1878 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

fields a given trace entry contains. Trace entries that contain fields for<br />

only some of the selection types you indicated, but whose values in<br />

those fields match the values you designated, are chosen for output. A<br />

trace entry does not have to have all the selection types you specified in<br />

order to be chosen for output.<br />

For example, your response to the selection criteria prompt may be the<br />

following:<br />

code 0c32 rdev 399 vdev 191 code 1000 0100<br />

In this case, trace entries to be selected for output depend on the<br />

following:<br />

- Trace entries with code 0C32 contain both an RDEV <strong>and</strong> VDEV value.<br />

Therefore, a trace entry of 0C32 must have an RDEV field value of<br />

399 <strong>and</strong> a VDEV field value of 191 in order to be selected for output.<br />

- Trace entries with code 1000 contain only an RDEV value. The VDEV<br />

selection value does not apply in this situation. Therefore, all trace<br />

entries of code 1000 with an RDEV field value of 399 are chosen for<br />

output.<br />

- Trace entries with code 0100 have neither an RDEV nor VDEV value.<br />

Therefore, all trace entries of code 0100 are output.<br />

8. The following guidelines apply to your responses to the prompt for selection<br />

criteria when <strong>CP</strong> <strong>and</strong> TRSOURCE data is requested:<br />

v If you immediately enter a null line when prompted for the selection criteria,<br />

this indicates that no data reduction is requested. As a result, all trace<br />

entries are selected.<br />

v You can specify a time range only once.<br />

9. If you own more than one set of files with different originators, you must<br />

specify NAME fn, id for the file you want.<br />

10. All files being processed must have been created under a z/<strong>VM</strong> environment.<br />

11. When a new system trace file or tape is being processed, a message will be<br />

issued to the screen indicating which file or tape is being processed.<br />

12. When you indicate <strong>VM</strong>DBK in your response, data reduction takes place by<br />

<strong>VM</strong>DBK address. Should you want to trace a specific user or users, you need<br />

to find out the <strong>VM</strong>DBK address for the user in question before invoking the<br />

TRACERED comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

13. For TIME selection criteria, the h<strong>and</strong>ling of a two-digit year will be interpreted<br />

within a window of 100 years centered on the current date.<br />

For example, if the year is 1997, the 100-year window spans from 1947 to<br />

2046. Any two-digit year in the range 47-99 will be interpreted as 1947-1999,<br />

<strong>and</strong> any two-digit year in the range 00-46 will be interpreted as 2000-2046.<br />

Likewise, if the year is 2003, the 100-year window spans from 1953-2052. Any<br />

two-digit year in the range 53-99 will be interpreted as 1953-1999, <strong>and</strong> any<br />

two-digit year in the range 00-52 will be interpreted as 2000-2052.<br />

14. When the output is directed to a CMS file, the XEDIT comm<strong>and</strong> will be invoked<br />

automatically. You can then scroll back <strong>and</strong> forth through the merged data.<br />

15. When processing system trace files that contain GCS trace entries, it is<br />

advisable to use the LRECL 132 option for formatted CMS output.<br />

16. A file of fixed length records is created when the TRSAVE subcomm<strong>and</strong><br />

extracts <strong>CP</strong> trace data. A file of variable length records is created when the<br />

TRSAVE subcomm<strong>and</strong> extracts TRSOURCE trace data. These files need to<br />

remain in their original fixed or variable length format for proper input to<br />


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