z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Usage Notes<br />

1. The filename of the NAME oper<strong>and</strong> designates a set of system trace files<br />

created by one invocation of the <strong>CP</strong> TRSAVE comm<strong>and</strong>. Multiple system trace<br />

files may exist with the same file name. If you specify a file name as NAME fn,<br />

TRACERED processes all system trace files with that file name, beginning with<br />

the oldest. If you specify NAME fn1 ,id1, TRACERED processes all system<br />

trace files with that file name beginning with the spool ID id1. If you specify the<br />

id oper<strong>and</strong>, TRACERED will process that system trace file.<br />

2. Avoid using TRACERED keywords for file names <strong>and</strong> file types as part of the<br />

file id specified with the “FILE” oper<strong>and</strong>.<br />

3. TRACERED uses the first 2 bytes of each TRSOURCE created entry record<br />

as the length of that entry.<br />

4. When more than one tape created by the same TRSAVE comm<strong>and</strong> is to be<br />

mounted <strong>and</strong> processed, they must be processed in chronological order.<br />

5. Use the QUERY TRFILES comm<strong>and</strong> to display information about system trace<br />

files you own, including spool ID, file name, <strong>and</strong> the time of creation.<br />

6. A total of five system trace files, CMS files, or both can be merged. However,<br />

only one <strong>CP</strong> trace table file or tape may be included. Therefore, you may<br />

specify one of the following:<br />

v One <strong>CP</strong> trace table file with up to four TRSOURCE trace files<br />

v One tape with <strong>CP</strong> Trace table <strong>and</strong> up to four TRSOURCE trace files<br />

v Up to five TRSOURCE trace files.<br />

You cannot merge a <strong>CP</strong> tape or tapes with a <strong>CP</strong> trace table file.<br />

7. The following guidelines apply to your responses to the prompt for selection<br />

criteria when <strong>CP</strong> trace table data is processed:<br />

v Each time the prompt appears, you may specify any or all of the six<br />

selection types: CODE, <strong>VM</strong>DBK, RDEV, VDEV, <strong>CP</strong>U, <strong>and</strong> TIME.<br />

v You do not have to enter these values on one line (with the exception of<br />

TIME), as the prompt for selection criteria will reappear until you enter a null<br />

line or QUIT.<br />

v You cannot specify more than a total of 16 values per selection type in all of<br />

your response lines combined, with the exception of TIME.<br />

v An individual trace entry may or may not contain a field of the same type<br />

specified in your reply to the prompt for selection criteria. All trace entries<br />

have a trace code, <strong>CP</strong>U address, <strong>and</strong> time-of-day field; not all trace entries<br />

have a <strong>VM</strong>DBK address, real device number, or virtual device number. As a<br />

result, there are two main rules that apply to TRACERED data reduction:<br />

– If you specify just one selection type in response to the prompt —<br />

CODE, <strong>VM</strong>DBK, RDEV, VDEV, <strong>CP</strong>U, or TIME — then the trace entries<br />

chosen for output will have a field for the selection type you indicated<br />

<strong>and</strong> a value in the field that matches the value you indicated in your<br />

response.<br />

For instance, your response to the selection criteria prompt may have<br />

been the following:<br />

code 0c32 1000 0100<br />


In this case, all trace entries with the code 0C32, 1000, or 0100 are<br />

selected.<br />

– If you specify more than one selection type in response to the prompt —<br />

some combination of CODE, <strong>VM</strong>DBK, RDEV, VDEV, <strong>CP</strong>U, <strong>and</strong> TIME —<br />

then the trace entries chosen for output depend on the selection type<br />

Chapter 3. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> 1877

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