z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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2. You can interrupt RETRIEVE processing by entering the EXTERNAL comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

You can then decide to stop processing altogether or request a summary of the<br />

records collected so far <strong>and</strong> resume processing by responding to a prompting<br />

message issued by the RETRIEVE utility.<br />

3. As records are collected, they are placed in one or more CMS files based upon<br />

their type.<br />

System accounting records are placed in a file named ACCOUNT $Ammddyy<br />

where mmddyy indicates the month, day, <strong>and</strong> year on which the files were<br />

collected.<br />

Error recording records are added either to the file XAEREPIO RECORD for<br />

outboard type records, or the file XAEREPMC RECORD for inboard type<br />

records. The <strong>CP</strong>EREPXA utility needs these files for its processing. Error<br />

recording records are also placed in XAEREPSD RECORD when LOGROUTE<br />

is specified.<br />

Note: Short object recording (OBR) records are not useful for configuration <strong>and</strong><br />

error management <strong>and</strong> are not routed by the LOGROUTE parameter.<br />

Each symptom record is placed in a separate CMS file whose name is based<br />

on the time the symptom record was processed by <strong>CP</strong>. All symptom record files<br />

have the characters SYM as the last three characters of the file type. You can<br />

use the CMS VIEWSYM comm<strong>and</strong> to select symptom records for viewing based<br />

on user-specified criteria. If a symptom record is received that contains<br />

unformatted dump-related data supplied by a virtual machine, the portion of the<br />

symptom record containing the dump data is not formatted by the VIEWSYM<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>; it is presented as raw hexadecimal data. The maximum size<br />

symptom record supported by z/<strong>VM</strong> is 4K bytes.<br />

4. At least eight 800-byte CMS disk records must be available on your A-disk <strong>and</strong><br />

your virtual machine storage size must be at least 512K bytes in size in order to<br />

use this comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

5. When LOGROUTE is specified, the user ID <strong>and</strong> node ID can be either a <strong>VM</strong> or<br />

TSO system.<br />

6. When LOGROUTE is specified, RETRIEVE utility processing accumulates<br />

certain error records in a CMS file named XAEREPSD RECORD A. The records<br />

collected are ones which should be h<strong>and</strong>led as soon as possible. The records<br />

include: long outboard type records for permanent errors on 3380 models D, E,<br />

J, <strong>and</strong> K; long outboard type records for serial switches (9033 <strong>and</strong> 9032);<br />

temporary outboard type records with a fault symptom code of 9F9F; service<br />

alert records (type A3); <strong>and</strong> serial incident records (type A2).<br />

The file is routed to the specified user ID every time the indicated time interval<br />

elapses. It is also routed when a service alert or serial incident record is<br />

received, even if the time interval has not yet elapsed. After the file is sent, it is<br />

erased.<br />

If you used a <strong>CP</strong> EXTERNAL comm<strong>and</strong> to halt RETRIEVE processing, any<br />

accumulated records will be routed to the user ID.<br />

7. The RETRIEVE utility does not support recording retrieval to SFS directories.<br />

8. The RETRIEVE utility attempts to periodically close the files which it creates<br />

<strong>and</strong> updates. The committing of the close can be delayed if there are other files<br />

on the disk which are open. This can occur when RETRIEVE has been invoked<br />

by an EXEC <strong>and</strong> files were opened but not closed prior to invoking RETRIEVE.<br />

It is recommended that all files be closed on the target disk prior to invoking<br />

RETRIEVE so that the closes performed by RETRIEVE are not delayed.<br />

Chapter 3. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> 1863

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