z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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EDIT<br />

lets you enter the DIRECTXA comm<strong>and</strong> without updating the directory on disk.<br />

With this option, you can check the syntax of directory control statements.<br />

SYSAFNID sysafnid<br />

identifies a 1- to 8-character alphanumeric value that must correspond to a<br />

system affinity ID specified on one of the DIRECTORY control statements in the<br />

source directory named in the DIRECTXA comm<strong>and</strong>. This option can be used<br />

only with the EDIT option, <strong>and</strong> it specifies that the DIRECTXA utility is to<br />

compile the source directory as if it were executing on the system identified by<br />

sysafnid.<br />

&SYSRES volid<br />

is a one to six-character value that is used to represent the volume serial<br />

number of the system residence volume for minidisks defined using the<br />

symbolic value &SYSRES. This value is used in responses to the <strong>VM</strong>UDQ<br />

LSTMDISK function. It need not be the actual system residence volume serial<br />

number. If this option is omitted, a value of +<strong>VM</strong>RES is used.<br />

How the Directory Program Works<br />

1816 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

The DIRECTXA utility performs the following steps during execution:<br />

1. The program looks for the file you specify on the DIRECTXA comm<strong>and</strong> line. If<br />

you do not specify a file name or a file type, the program looks for a file that<br />

has the file name of USER <strong>and</strong> a file type of DIRECT.<br />

2. If the program does not find the source directory or an error occurs during<br />

processing, the program does not create a directory, <strong>and</strong> the old directory<br />

remains online. The program continues to check the syntax of all control<br />

statements before ending.<br />

3. DIRECTXA looks for the RPWLIST DATA file, which contains a list of restricted<br />

passwords. The RPWLIST DATA file is supplied on your system. You can edit<br />

this file to add your own restricted passwords. (The z/<strong>VM</strong> Installation <strong>and</strong><br />

Service Sample Files document also contains a copy of the RPWLIST DATA file.<br />

This document is supplied with your z/<strong>VM</strong> product order.) If the RPWLIST DATA<br />

file is not found, DIRECTXA issues a warning message but continues<br />

processing. If the RPWLIST DATA file is found, DIRECTXA checks all the<br />

passwords in the directory against it <strong>and</strong> changes any restricted passwords<br />

(except the password of the user issuing the DIRECTXA comm<strong>and</strong>) to NOLOG.<br />

Any user whose password is changed to NOLOG cannot log on. If the password<br />

of the virtual machine issuing the DIRECTXA comm<strong>and</strong> is restricted, it is not<br />

changed to NOLOG. DIRECTXA issues an error message <strong>and</strong> does not update<br />

the directory.<br />

4. If DIRECTXA runs out of DASD space, the utility issues an error message, <strong>and</strong><br />

the directory is not processed. To continue, you must allocate more cylinders or<br />

blocks for the user directory <strong>and</strong> reissue the DIRECTXA comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

If DIRECTXA runs out of virtual storage, the utility issues an error message, <strong>and</strong><br />

the directory is not processed. To continue, you must define more virtual storage<br />

(DEFINE STORAGE comm<strong>and</strong>), re-IPL CMS, <strong>and</strong> reissue the DIRECTXA<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>. Using the following formula, calculate the size of virtual storage you<br />

need:<br />

vstor = 140 Kb + (40 bytes X (2 + profiles + userids)) + (32 bytes X userids) +<br />

(32 bytes X totgrents)<br />

vstor<br />

the amount of virtual storage in the program area that DIRECTXA requires.

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