z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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4. DDR copies mode zero (private) files from a CMS disk, regardless of whether<br />

the disk is linked R/O or R/W.<br />

5. Results are unpredictable if you use DDR to copy data from one minidisk to<br />

another minidisk unequal in size (for example, the output disk contains fewer<br />

cylinders or blocks than the input disk).<br />

6. If the DDR st<strong>and</strong>-alone utility is IPLed from tape with a LOADPARM of<br />

AUTOxxxx, it automatically restores the tape to the DASD with device address<br />

xxxx. No output is produced on the console. Comm<strong>and</strong> completion is indicated<br />

by loading a disabled wait PSW. A wait code of zero in this PSW indicates a<br />

successful restore; a non-zero wait code signals an unsuccessful restore. See<br />

z/<strong>VM</strong>: System Messages <strong>and</strong> Codes - <strong>CP</strong> for PSW wait state details.<br />

7. DDR writes its own tape marks after a dump. It reads past any tape marks<br />

found between dumps during a restore.<br />

DDR Control Statements<br />

DDR control statements describe the intended processing <strong>and</strong> the needed I/O<br />

devices. Specify I/O definition statements first.<br />

All control statements may be entered from either the console or the card reader.<br />

The program inspects only columns 1 to 71. It ignores all data after the last<br />

oper<strong>and</strong> in a statement. Since the output tape must have the DASD cylinder header<br />

records in ascending sequences, you must enter extents in sequence by DASD<br />

location (that is, in sequence by cylinder number if this is a count-key-data device).<br />

You may specify only one type of function to be performed in one execution.<br />

Choose from:<br />

v Dump<br />

v Restore<br />

v Copy.<br />

You may enter up to 300 statements describing cylinder or block extents.<br />

The function statements are delimited by an INPUT or OUTPUT statement, or by a<br />

null line if the console is used for input. If additional functions are to be performed,<br />

the sequence of control cards must be repeated. If you do not use INPUT or<br />

OUTPUT control statements to separate the functions you specify, an error<br />

message (H<strong>CP</strong>702E) is displayed when the input is read from a card reader or<br />

CMS file. The remainder of the input stream is checked for proper syntax, but no<br />

further DDR operations are performed. Only those statements needed to redefine<br />

the I/O devices are necessary for subsequent steps. All other I/O definitions remain<br />

the same.<br />

To return to CMS, enter a null line (carriage return) in response to the<br />

prompting message (ENTER:). To return directly to <strong>CP</strong>, enter #<strong>CP</strong>.<br />

DDR<br />

Two logical line editing symbols are recognized <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>led by the DDR comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

The first is the logical character-delete symbol (@) that allows deletion of one or<br />

more of the previous characters entered. The second is the logical-line delete<br />

symbol (¢) that deletes the entire previous physical line. Most often, the default<br />

values for these two symbols are defined for each virtual machine at system<br />

generation. When you use the <strong>CP</strong> TERMINAL comm<strong>and</strong> to redefine the CHARDEL<br />

<strong>and</strong> LINEDEL characters, the redefinitions have no effect on DDR line editing. DDR<br />

continues to recognize the at sign (@) <strong>and</strong> the cent sign (¢) as valid CHARDEL <strong>and</strong><br />

LINEDEL symbols, respectively.<br />

Chapter 3. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> 1797

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