z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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<strong>CP</strong>EREPXA<br />

1778 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

For those FILEDEFs where NOCHANGE is an option, you can supply an overriding<br />

FILEDEF before invoking <strong>CP</strong>EREPXA. The NOCHANGE option in <strong>CP</strong>EREPXA’s<br />

FILEDEF means that it cannot change your previous FILEDEF.<br />

filedef ereppt printer ( nochange blksize 133<br />

filedef sysin disk sysin erepwork x3<br />

filedef serlog disk serlog erepwork ( block 4096<br />

filedef tourist terminal ( blksize 133<br />

filedef directwk disk directwk erepwork x4<br />

filedef accdev tap1 ( nochange recfm vb blksize 12000<br />

filedef accin tap2 ( nochange recfm vb blksize 12000<br />

EREPPT<br />

is EREP’s printer file to which the report output is sent. You can override<br />

this FILEDEF with your own FILEDEF, which you can enter before invoking<br />

<strong>CP</strong>EREPXA.<br />

SYSIN is a workfile built by <strong>CP</strong>EREPXA <strong>and</strong> read by EREP. You need not be<br />

concerned with it because it contains very few records. It is placed on the<br />

read/write disk having the most available space. It is erased automatically<br />

at the end of the run because its file mode number is 3. In those runs<br />

where there is no data to go into SYSIN, <strong>CP</strong>EREPXA issues FILEDEF<br />

SYSIN DUMMY for it, rather than the FILEDEF shown.<br />

SERLOG<br />

represents the SYS1.LOGREC data set. The SYS1.LOGREC does not exist<br />

for z/<strong>VM</strong>; EREP’s I/O to the SYS1.LOGREC is trapped by H<strong>CP</strong>IFC.<br />

Nevertheless, the FILEDEF is required to satisfy the needs of the OPEN<br />

<strong>and</strong> CLOSE comm<strong>and</strong>s issued by EREP because these are not trapped.<br />

Although a FILEDEF is defined, no corresponding file ever exists on any<br />

disk.<br />


is the message data set directed to your display station. EREP writes<br />

messages <strong>and</strong> diagnostics to this file with printer control characters. These<br />

characters may appear as data on the display station. A line of unknown<br />

characters may be printed before the EREP INFORMATIONAL MESSAGES<br />

heading.<br />


is a workfile built <strong>and</strong> read by EREP. It is not always created; whether it is<br />

created depends upon the particular report <strong>and</strong> whether the input comes<br />

from a history tape. This file may be quite large because it contains all input<br />

error records. The file is placed on the read/write disk having the most<br />

available space <strong>and</strong> is erased at the end of the run.<br />

ACCDEV<br />

is the accumulation file. Normally, it is a tape on tape drive 181. This file is<br />

used if ACC=Y is specified either explicitly or implicitly. If ACC=Y is<br />

specified, tape 181 is rewound <strong>and</strong> spaced forward over the existing file<br />

<strong>and</strong> then backspaced over the tape mark before any writing is done. In this<br />

way, the tape is positioned to write new records at the end of the<br />

accumulation file.<br />

For st<strong>and</strong>ard label tapes only: You must enter your own FILEDEF for<br />

ACCDEV before invoking <strong>CP</strong>EREPXA, so that the header labels are read<br />

correctly as filedef accdev tapel sl (recfm vb blksize 12000<br />

In addition, if you want to update the st<strong>and</strong>ard label tape file, you should<br />

include the DISP MOD option.<br />

Note: By issuing your own FILEDEF for ACCDEV before invoking<br />

<strong>CP</strong>EREPXA, you can override <strong>CP</strong>EREPXA’s FILEDEF. In this way,<br />

you can accumulate data to another tape drive or to a disk file.

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