z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Usage Notes<br />

CSS nn<br />

is the channel-subsystem ID of the specified channel paths. The variable nn<br />

must be a 1- to 2-digit hexadecimal number between X'00' <strong>and</strong> X'0F'. See<br />

Usage Note 6.<br />

Note: This parameter <strong>and</strong> other parameters that identify different<br />

channel-subsystem IDs require the logical channel-subsystem facility to<br />

be installed.<br />

MANaged_paths n<br />

is the maximum number of managed channel paths that can be attached to the<br />

specified control unit. The variable n must be a 1-digit decimal number from 1<br />

to 7.<br />

Note: The actual managed paths cannot be specified in the control-unit<br />

definition; only the maximum number of managed channel paths can be<br />

specified. The managed paths will be associated with specific control<br />

units automatically by z/OS’s dynamic-channel-path-management<br />

function. When a maximum number of managed paths is specified, the<br />

channel paths named in the CHPID/PATH oper<strong>and</strong> must all be shared<br />

<strong>and</strong> of the type CNC, FC, or FCV. Also, the number of paths specified<br />

with the CHPID/PATH oper<strong>and</strong> when added to the maximum number of<br />

managed paths specified cannot exceed 8.<br />

1. Devices attached to your system communicate with the system through control<br />

units <strong>and</strong> channel paths. Thus, before you dynamically define a new device to<br />

your system, you must first dynamically define one or more control units for that<br />

device (if they do not already exist) <strong>and</strong> one or more channel paths (if they do<br />

not already exist).<br />

If you need to physically define any channel paths, control units, or devices, use<br />

the following comm<strong>and</strong>s in the following order:<br />

a. To define channel paths, use the DEFINE CHPID or PATH comm<strong>and</strong>. (See<br />

page 124.)<br />

b. To define control units, use the DEFINE CU or CNTLUNIT comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

c. To define devices, use the DEFINE DEVICE or IODEVICE comm<strong>and</strong>. (See<br />

page 155.)<br />

If you do not define the channel paths, control units, <strong>and</strong> devices correctly <strong>and</strong><br />

in the proper order, <strong>CP</strong> will issue appropriate error messages.<br />

2. After successfully entering this comm<strong>and</strong>, you will have changed the software’s<br />

view of the I/O configuration <strong>and</strong> part of the hardware’s view: the active I/O<br />

configuration in the hardware system area (HSA). You should also change the<br />

other part of the hardware’s view: the active I/O configuration data set (IOCDS)<br />

file on the support element (SE) hard disk.<br />

To change the IOCDS file on the SE hard disk, you must:<br />

a. Update the IO<strong>CP</strong> source file.<br />


b. Run the IO<strong>CP</strong> utility (see page 1849) against the updated IO<strong>CP</strong> file. If the<br />

IO<strong>CP</strong> utility runs without errors, it downloads the new IOCDS file to the SE<br />

hard disk.<br />

c. Issue the SET IOCDS_ACTIVE comm<strong>and</strong> (see page 1258) to make the new<br />

IOCDS file the active file that the processor will use during the next<br />

power-on reset (POR).<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 153

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