z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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ignored. If the verification fails, the LOC parameters are not accepted, <strong>and</strong> a<br />

message is sent to the user who entered the comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

DL datalinks<br />

identifies the data to be traced. There are six character groups that can be used<br />

to make up a data link string:<br />

1. Addresses: substrings consisting of characters 0 to 9 <strong>and</strong> A to F.<br />

2. Registers: substrings beginning with G or GG (for general purpose registers)<br />

or X or XG (for control registers) followed by a hexadecimal digit. A range of<br />

registers may be specified by using a colon between the two registers, such<br />

as G0:4 .<br />

3. Indirection: a percentage sign (%) or an ampers<strong>and</strong> (&). Indirection means<br />

that the contents of an address are used instead of the address itself. A<br />

percentage sign uses a four-byte indirect address; an ampers<strong>and</strong> uses an<br />

eight-byte indirect address.<br />

4. Address type: L or R. L indicates that the address derived from the<br />

preceding expression, <strong>and</strong> all subsequently derived addresses, should be<br />

treated as host Logical addresses. R indicates that the address derived from<br />

the preceding expression, <strong>and</strong> all subsequently derived addresses, should<br />

be treated as host Real addresses. For each Datalink, addresses are<br />

treated as host Logical addresses until the first occurrence of R, if any.<br />

5. Arithmetic: a plus sign (+) or a minus sign (−).<br />

6. Length delimiter: a period (.).<br />

7. Mnemonic marker: an equals sign (=).<br />

The data link strings specify how to combine these groups to reach the data to<br />

be traced. The following is a Backus-Naur definition of the syntax of data link<br />

strings:<br />

::= | =<br />

::= | | . |<br />

. | <br />

::= | 0...FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF<br />

::= | <br />

::= + | − | + | − | % | & | R | L<br />

::= 0...F00<br />

::= G: | X: | GG:<br />

| XG:<br />

::= G | X | GG | XG<br />

::= 0...15 | 0...9, A, B, C, D, E, F<br />

::= 0...7FFF<br />

::= mmmmmmmm<br />

TRSOURCE ID (Definition Oper<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

where mmmmmmmm indicates a user-generated 1- to 8-character<br />

alphanumeric string.<br />

Data can be identified by either using the current register contents as pointers<br />

or knowing the real location of the data to be traced. Data links define the<br />

procedure to be used to locate the desired data.<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 1687

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