z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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TRSAVE<br />

Examples<br />

Responses<br />

amount of frames is allocated. When the number of FRAMES specified on<br />

the TRSAVE comm<strong>and</strong> for a DEFERIO traceid trace is greater than 512,<br />

informational messages will be issued to document the progress of<br />

obtaining the frames.<br />

If a large number of frames are specified, then it may take some time for<br />

the TRSOURCE DISABLE comm<strong>and</strong> to complete (<strong>and</strong> for <strong>CP</strong> trace table<br />

recording data to be written) because at that time all of the frames must be<br />

written to DASD or to TAPE. When the number of frames to be written out<br />

for a DEFERIO traceid trace is greater than 3, informational messages will<br />

be issued to document the progress of writing the frames.<br />

Because the issuing virtual machine will be in 'comm<strong>and</strong> wait' until the<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> completes, you should not enter the TRSOURCE ENABLE or<br />

TRSOURCE DISABLE comm<strong>and</strong>s from a virtual machine that may be<br />

adversely affected by comm<strong>and</strong> wait, such as a server virtual machine, a<br />

secondary virtual machine, or a PROP virtual machine.<br />

e. When a DEFERIO trace is eventually recorded on DASD, the SIZE <strong>and</strong><br />

KEEP oper<strong>and</strong>s affect the size <strong>and</strong> number of trace files that are kept. You<br />

should specify a combination of SIZE <strong>and</strong> KEEP that is equivalent to the<br />

number specified for FRAMES. That is, SIZE * KEEP = FRAMES.<br />

f. If the system terminates with a DEFERIO trace active, then no data is<br />

recorded on DASD or TAPE for that trace. However, the trace data can be<br />

extracted from a <strong>CP</strong> dump.<br />

v To record system trace table entries on DASD <strong>and</strong> specify USERA as the file<br />

owner, enter trsave for cp on dasd to usera.<br />

v To turn off TRSAVE for <strong>CP</strong>, enter trsave for cp off.<br />

v To turn on TRSAVE for the trace defined by TRSOURCE ID DEBUG, save the<br />

recorded data in a file named FILEB, <strong>and</strong> allow DUSER to process the files,<br />

enter trsave for id debug dasd to duser name fileb.<br />

v To use in-storage wrap for the same traceid so that data is not written to DASD<br />

until the traceid is disabled, enter trsave for id debug deferio frames 1000<br />

size 500 keep 2.<br />

Response 1:<br />

For <strong>CP</strong> tracing:<br />

1670 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

{ started }<br />

TRSAVE function { completed}[: nnnn files purged]<br />

{ canceled }[: nnnn files purged]<br />

nnnn<br />

is the number of trace files that have been purged during the time the trace<br />

service tool function was active because of the wrapping of the keep limit.<br />

When the keep limit is reached, the oldest file is purged. If the response states<br />

that 9999 files were purged, it is possible that more than 9999 files were<br />

purged.<br />

You receive this when you enter trsave for cp <strong>and</strong> the TRSAVE comm<strong>and</strong> is<br />

started, completed, or canceled. If you are not logged on, the completed <strong>and</strong><br />

canceled responses are sent to the system operator.

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