z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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TRSAVE<br />

Oper<strong>and</strong>s<br />

1666 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

ID traceid<br />

indicates that this TRSAVE applies to data generated by traceid, which was<br />

defined by the TRSOURCE comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

<strong>CP</strong> ON<br />

indicates that the recording of <strong>CP</strong> trace table data should begin.<br />

<strong>CP</strong> OFF<br />

stops <strong>CP</strong> system trace table data recording. Any remaining buffers of data are<br />

written to the output medium. Either a tape mark is written, or the DASD file is<br />

closed, depending on the output medium. Tapes are rewound <strong>and</strong> unloaded.<br />

<strong>CP</strong> CANCEL<br />

stops <strong>CP</strong> system trace table data recording. Any pending I/O is canceled. Any<br />

data collected, but not written, is lost. When tape is the output medium, a tape<br />

mark is written, <strong>and</strong> the tape is rewound <strong>and</strong> unloaded, regardless of the<br />

previous tape positioning option.<br />


indicates that no trace data is to be recorded on DASD or TAPE until the<br />

traceid is disabled or, for <strong>CP</strong> trace table recording, until TRSAVE <strong>CP</strong> OFF is<br />

issued. Until that time, when all in-storage buffers are filled tracing wraps to the<br />

oldest buffer. DEFERIO is not valid for TYPE GT BLOCK mode traces.<br />

FRAMES nnnnn<br />

specifies the amount of real storage frames to be used for the in-storage-wrap<br />

buffers. The default is 512 frames. The minimum is 8 frames. The maximum is<br />

99999 frames per trace, but may be further limited by the amount of pageable<br />

pages in the system dynamic paging area that are eligible for DEFERIO traces.<br />

See usage note 17 on page 1669 for usage notes regarding DEFERIO <strong>and</strong><br />

FRAMES.<br />

DASD<br />

indicates that trace data is to be recorded in system trace files. DASD is the<br />

default.<br />

TO userid<br />

* The oper<strong>and</strong> userid specifies the user ID to receive the system trace file<br />

containing the trace data.<br />

The oper<strong>and</strong> asterisk (*) specifies that the user who issues the comm<strong>and</strong><br />

should receive the system trace file containing the trace data. The oper<strong>and</strong><br />

asterisk (*) is the default.<br />

NAME fname<br />

specifies the file name to be assigned to the system trace file. For <strong>CP</strong> system<br />

trace table data, <strong>CP</strong>TRACE is the default name. For trace data generated by<br />

traces defined by the TRSOURCE comm<strong>and</strong>, the trace ID is the default name.<br />

SIZE nnnn<br />

indicates the maximum size of the system trace files. The oper<strong>and</strong> nnnn is a<br />

decimal number that specifies 4 KB pages of trace data. Once the file reaches<br />

the limit, it is closed <strong>and</strong> a new file is opened when the next trace record is<br />

received. The default is 256 pages. The minimum is eight pages. The maximum<br />

is 9999 pages.<br />

KEEP n<br />

specifies the total number of trace files to be kept on DASD for this recording<br />

function. The default is two files. The maximum is nine files.

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