z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Responses<br />

6. If you use the BASEnn <strong>and</strong> INDEXnn oper<strong>and</strong>s together, the specified hexloc<br />

is used as a displacement from the address formed by the sum of the contents<br />

of the two specified registers.<br />

The values in the registers specified by the BASEnn <strong>and</strong> INDEXnn oper<strong>and</strong>s<br />

are treated as 24-bit, 31-bit, or 64-bit real addresses according to the<br />

addressing mode bits (EA <strong>and</strong> BA - bits 31 <strong>and</strong> 32) in the virtual machine’s<br />

PSW. The addressing mode is determined as follows:<br />

Bit 31 Bit 32 Addressing Mode<br />

0 0 24-bit<br />

0 1 31-bit<br />

1 1 64-bit<br />

7. During STORE comm<strong>and</strong> processing, the authorization mechanisms used<br />

during normal address translation are not used.<br />

8. Special authorization is required to use the SPACE or ASIT oper<strong>and</strong> of this<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> to alter any address space other the host-primary address space of<br />

the virtual <strong>CP</strong>U. In order to use this comm<strong>and</strong> to alter storage in an address<br />

space, one of the following conditions must be satisfied:<br />

v Your virtual machine must be the owner of the address space. Your virtual<br />

machine is the owner of its host-primary address space <strong>and</strong> of any address<br />

space that it creates using the CREATE function of the ADRSPACE macro.<br />

v If the address space is owned by another virtual machine, your virtual<br />

machine must have read-write authorization to the address space. The<br />

owner of the address space can grant authorization to your virtual machine<br />

using the PERMIT function of the ADRSPACE macro.<br />

Authorization is granted on a space-by-space basis, so that you may be<br />

authorized to alter one address space of a virtual machine but may not be<br />

authorized to alter a different space.<br />

9. The oper<strong>and</strong>s V <strong>and</strong> W used to place data in third-level storage from guest<br />

primary <strong>and</strong> secondary are being supported for compatibility. The PRI <strong>and</strong><br />

SECO oper<strong>and</strong>s replace the V <strong>and</strong> W oper<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

10. When the ASIT or SPACE oper<strong>and</strong> is specified, the STORE request fails if the<br />

specified address space does not exist, or if you are not authorized to alter the<br />

address space. The current request is rejected, <strong>and</strong> processing of the<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> line is terminated. The rejected oper<strong>and</strong>s are displayed along with a<br />

message indicating the nature of the error.<br />

11. The STORE comm<strong>and</strong> requires a segment table designation (ASCE) to alter<br />

third-level storage (storage that appears virtual to your virtual machine). It may<br />

receive the ASCE as an oper<strong>and</strong>, find it in a control register, or use the<br />

access-register translation (ART) process or the address space number (ASN)<br />

translation process to obtain the ASCE. The access-register translation <strong>and</strong><br />

ASN translation processes may fail because of one of several program<br />

exception conditions. If the translation does not succeed, the current request is<br />

rejected, <strong>and</strong> processing of the comm<strong>and</strong> line is terminated. The rejected<br />

oper<strong>and</strong>s are displayed along with a response indicating the nature of the<br />

exception condition.<br />

12. If you use an underscore, it must be followed by eight hexadecimal digits.<br />

Response 1:<br />

Store complete<br />

STORE Guest Storage (z/Architecture)<br />

Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 1547

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