z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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1466 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

to add drives at any time for performance or to recover from tape drive errors.<br />

However, if the previous comm<strong>and</strong> was not entered with the APPEND<br />

oper<strong>and</strong>, the comm<strong>and</strong> to exp<strong>and</strong> the range cannot include any file selection<br />

criteria.<br />

7. If all the tape drives on an active SPXTAPE comm<strong>and</strong> are reset (using RESET,<br />

DETACH, GIVE, or some other comm<strong>and</strong>), or if the issuer of the SPXTAPE<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> logs off or is forced off, the effect is the same as issuing the<br />

SPXTAPE CANCEL comm<strong>and</strong> for each tape drive.<br />

8. You may specify selection criteria oper<strong>and</strong>s in any order. All selection criteria<br />

specified on a comm<strong>and</strong> must be met for a file to be selected.<br />

9. A user with only class E comm<strong>and</strong> privileges cannot process reader, printer, or<br />

punch files.<br />

A class G user can process only files on the user’s own reader, printer, punch,<br />

<strong>and</strong> system trace file queues, or files on tape that were dumped from these<br />

queues.<br />

A class G user should not be given access to tapes containing files that belong<br />

to other users. Although SPXTAPE does not permit the class G user to load or<br />

scan a file that belongs to another user, there are other comm<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong><br />

programs the user could use to read the contents of the tape.<br />

10. Attention: Using multiple SPXTAPE comm<strong>and</strong>s to load <strong>and</strong> dump files<br />

simultaneously is not recommended. Simultaneous SPXTAPE operations may<br />

overlap. For example, if a DUMP PURGE request matches the selection<br />

criteria of a file that was just loaded by a LOAD request, the file might be<br />

dumped <strong>and</strong> purged from the system before it can be used.<br />

If multiple SPXTAPE DUMP comm<strong>and</strong>s are issued simultaneously for the<br />

same files, some files might not be dumped as many times as specified in the<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>s. This is because SPXTAPE DUMP opens a file to be dumped, but<br />

a file already open (except a named saved system or saved segment file)<br />

cannot be dumped.<br />

11. SPXTAPE attempts to dump or load the selected files in the minimum amount<br />

of time by overlapping <strong>and</strong> optimizing the DASD <strong>and</strong> tape I/O activity. To<br />

maximize performance in a DUMP operation, unless you know the files being<br />

dumped will occupy less than one volume, it is recommended that you use at<br />

least one tape drive for every 4-6 spool DASD volumes, with a minimum of two<br />

(to allow overlapping volume mounting).<br />

12. Tape-h<strong>and</strong>ling options (disposition oper<strong>and</strong>s) of LEAVE, REWIND, <strong>and</strong> RUN<br />

(rewind <strong>and</strong> unload) are provided for the DUMP, LOAD, <strong>and</strong> SCAN operations.<br />

The disposition is processed when the comm<strong>and</strong> is complete (or when the<br />

operation is ended by an SPXTAPE END comm<strong>and</strong>) to position the tape for<br />

subsequent comm<strong>and</strong>s. For LOAD <strong>and</strong> SCAN, the disposition also determines<br />

what conditions cause completion of the comm<strong>and</strong>.<br />

SPXTAPE rewinds <strong>and</strong> unloads the current tape <strong>and</strong> waits for another tape to<br />

be mounted when:<br />

v DUMP encounters either the physical end-of-tape or a permanent tape I/O<br />

error.<br />

v LOAD or SCAN with the RUN disposition encounters either the logical<br />

end-of-tape (the end of the tape file written by SPXTAPE DUMP) or a<br />

permanent I/O error.<br />

If SPXTAPE END is issued for a tape drive that is currently active for an<br />

SPXTAPE comm<strong>and</strong> with the APPEND disposition, the disposition is changed<br />

to RUN; that is, the tape is rewound <strong>and</strong> unloaded.

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