z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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Authorization<br />

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Set<br />

Set<br />

Purpose<br />

Oper<strong>and</strong>s<br />

PRIVclass<br />

PRIVclass<br />

*<br />

The SET PRIVCLASS comm<strong>and</strong> has two formats, one for privilege class C <strong>and</strong> one<br />

for privilege class ANY.<br />

Privilege Class: C<br />

userid<br />

*<br />

Privilege Class: ANY<br />

Use SET PRIVCLASS to control future SET PRIVCLASS comm<strong>and</strong>s or to<br />

temporarily change the set of privilege classes for a logged-on user.<br />

When you log on, your user ID’s privilege classes are set to the privilege classes<br />

granted to you in your user directory entry. If a privileged user sets the privilege<br />

classes of another user ID or selects classes beyond those defined in the user<br />

directory, <strong>CP</strong> generates an accounting record.<br />

Use the class Any QUERY PRIVCLASS comm<strong>and</strong> to determine the privilege<br />

classes for your user ID. Use the class C <strong>and</strong> E QUERY PRIVCLASS comm<strong>and</strong>s to<br />

determine another user ID’s privilege classes. For more information, see “QUERY<br />

PRIVCLASS” on page 933.<br />

Note: <strong>CP</strong> rejects the SET PRIVCLASS comm<strong>and</strong> if a FEATURES ENABLE<br />

SET_PRIVCLASS statement is not specified in the system configuration file.<br />

For more information on the FEATURES ENABLE SET_PRIVCLASS<br />

statement, see the z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> Planning <strong>and</strong> Administration book.<br />

userid<br />

LOCK<br />

RESET<br />

UNLOCK<br />

=classes<br />

+classes<br />

-classes<br />

*<br />

0<br />

LOCK<br />

RESET<br />

UNLOCK<br />

=classes<br />

+classes<br />

-classes<br />

*<br />

0<br />

1322 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

►◄<br />


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