z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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configuration file, or some combination thereof. After initialization, you can<br />

change the software’s view of the I/O configuration using the SET RDEVICE<br />

comm<strong>and</strong> (page 1333) or the dynamic I/O comm<strong>and</strong>s listed in Usage Note 3 on<br />

page 1258.<br />

The hardware creates its view of the I/O configuration at power-on reset (POR)<br />

time. The I/O configuration is defined in the I/O configuration program (IO<strong>CP</strong>)<br />

source file that is stored on a user’s minidisk (or SFS directory). You run the<br />

IO<strong>CP</strong> utility against the IO<strong>CP</strong> source file to create an I/O configuration data set<br />

(IOCDS) file that is stored on the support element (SE) hard disk. You can have<br />

multiple IOCDS files stored on the SE hard disk. At power-on reset time, you<br />

choose the IOCDS file that you want to use. The specified IOCDS file is copied<br />

to the hardware system area (HSA) storage <strong>and</strong> becomes the active hardware<br />

I/O configuration. Thus, there are 2 parts to the hardware’s view of the I/O<br />

configuration: the active IOCDS file in HSA storage <strong>and</strong> the IOCDS file on the<br />

SE hard disk.<br />

After the machine is up <strong>and</strong> running, you can change the hardware’s view of the<br />

active I/O configuration using the dynamic I/O comm<strong>and</strong>s listed in Usage Note 3<br />

on page 1258. However, these comm<strong>and</strong>s only change the active I/O<br />

configuration in the HSA. They do not change the IOCDS file on the SE hard<br />

disk.<br />

To change the IOCDS file on the SE hard disk, you must:<br />

a. Update the IO<strong>CP</strong> source file.<br />

b. Run the IO<strong>CP</strong> utility (page 1849)against the updated IO<strong>CP</strong> file. Specify all<br />

options you normally specify including WRTxx (to write the newly generated<br />

IOCDS file to the SE hard disk) <strong>and</strong> DYN (to define the hardware<br />

configuration token). If the IO<strong>CP</strong> utility runs without errors, it downloads the<br />

new IOCDS file to the SE hard disk.<br />

c. Issue the SET IOCDS_ACTIVE comm<strong>and</strong> to make the new IOCDS file the<br />

active file that the processor will use during the next power-on reset (POR).<br />

Response 1:<br />

To change the active IOCDS file to A3, enter the following:<br />

set iocds_active a3<br />

The active IOCDS file is now A3<br />

Ready;<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>026E Oper<strong>and</strong> missing or invalid<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>6812E Set IOCDS_active comm<strong>and</strong> failed with<br />

return code nnnn<br />

H<strong>CP</strong>6814E Comm<strong>and</strong> is not valid on this<br />

processor<br />


Chapter 2. <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> 1259

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