z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM

z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference - z/VM - IBM


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page. If a file is not spooled to the 3800 printer, the function performed by<br />

specifying the asterisk (*) is ignored, <strong>and</strong> duplication occurs normally.<br />

READY<br />


indicates whether the device is in a ready or not-ready status. The status can<br />

be changed by the READY <strong>and</strong> NOTREADY comm<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

FORM userform<br />

identifies the form associated with the device <strong>and</strong> assigned to the spool files as<br />

they are created.<br />

TO userid<br />

identifies the virtual machine that receives spool files created on the device.<br />

RDR<br />

PRT<br />

PUN<br />

identifies the spool file queue onto which spool files created on this device are<br />

placed. Unless changed by the SPOOL or CLOSE comm<strong>and</strong>, output normally<br />

goes to the PRT queue for a console spool file.<br />

DIST distcode<br />

identifies the distribution code for spool files created on this device.<br />

FLASHC ccc<br />

identifies the flash count for the file.<br />

DEST dest<br />

identifies the destination value to be assigned to each spool file created on the<br />

device. If the destination value has not been changed by a SPOOL comm<strong>and</strong>,<br />

the default is OFF.<br />

FLASH name<br />

identifies the forms overlay frame superimposed on the output pages if the file<br />

is printed on the 3800 printer.<br />

CHAR char<br />

identifies the name of the character set or sets used to generate output if the<br />

file is printed on the 3800 printer.<br />

MDFY cmod<br />

identifies the copy modification module used to alter output text if the file is<br />

printed on the 3800 printer.<br />

n identifies the copy modification character set number.<br />

FCB fcb<br />

identifies the forms control buffer used in the vertical formatting of a page if the<br />

file is printed on the 3800 printer.<br />

LPP nnn<br />

identifies the lines per page setting for the virtual printer where the console<br />

output will be generated. The value can be a decimal number in the range 30 to<br />

255, or ’OFF’, which indicates that internal defaults will be used.<br />

3215<br />

3270<br />

identifies the virtual console device type. A 3270 device type is only supported if<br />

the user is logged on at a real 3270.<br />

EOF<br />

1086 z/<strong>VM</strong>: <strong>CP</strong> <strong>Comm<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>

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