Southwark Report Internals final single

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ANNUAL<br />



1.13 Pensions<br />

Certain staff are members of personal pension schemes to which they make contributions. The Archdiocese contributes<br />

an additional amount to the employee’s contribution but has no commitment to make good any shortfall in funding.<br />

Some staff employed in the educational work of the Archdiocese are members of the Department for Education and<br />

Skills Teachers’ Superannuation Scheme (TPA), which is a defined benefits scheme. The Department instructs the<br />

Archdiocese as to the level of employer’s contribution, which the Archdiocese is obliged to make, but the Archdiocese<br />

does not have any commitment to make good an actuarial deficit, nor is it entitled to benefit from surplus funding.<br />

For the purposes of complying with relevant accounting standards, the TPA is accounted for as a defined contribution<br />

scheme as the employer is not responsible for or entitled to receive benefit for any deficit or surplus of the scheme.<br />

1.14 Significant judgements<br />

In preparing these financial statements the Trustees have had to make estimates and assumptions that affect the<br />

amounts recognised in these financial statements. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based<br />

on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable<br />

under the circumstances. The significant judgments are in the valuation of the charity’s investment properties which<br />

were determined by the trustees with professional assistance and internal expertise; and in estimating the provision<br />

required with respect to a school building project which required additional funds to complete building in accordance<br />

with the plans.<br />

2. INCOME<br />

Investment Income and Interest Receivable<br />

2021 2020<br />

£ £<br />

Arising on quoted investments 549,418 949,551<br />

Bank interest 263 2,857<br />

Other interest and investment income 246,513 28,252<br />

--------------------- ---------------------<br />

796,194 980,660<br />

========== ==========<br />

Other income<br />

Government grants<br />

Parish and Commission recharges 510,786 478,189<br />

Education income 364,105 162,425<br />

Other income 64,092 276,072<br />

Other parish income 453,119 535,742<br />

--------------------- ---------------------<br />

1,392,102 1,452,428<br />

========== ==========<br />


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