Southwark Report Internals final single

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ANNUAL<br />


• Continued to implement changes in Safeguarding, including being a pilot for the new national audit<br />

regime.<br />

• Implemented our fundraising strategy, including the launch of an Archbishop’s Appeal, while building<br />

upon the digital delivery successes of 2021.<br />

• Implemented the Curial Archdiocesan property strategy including to continue with the disposal of<br />

surplus properties and to embed new Health & Safety arrangements.<br />

• Continued with the phased implementation of the Education Strategy, which included the creation of<br />

new Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) and the opening of a new school in Chatham.<br />

• Strengthened financial management and governance across the organisation.<br />

• Continued to develop and refine the Archdiocesan risk management policy<br />


Financial Performance<br />

We refer to the statement of financial activities in the financial statements that follow and cover the year ended 31<br />

December 2021. The comparatives are for the period from the 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020.<br />

Collections and donations were up on the previous year from £16.5m to £17.9m. Legacies, which were mainly<br />

credited to parishes, were £1.6m (2020 £1.0m).<br />

Expenditure was £26.3m for the year (2020 £25.1) and the main areas of expenditure are church repairs and<br />

supporting sick and retired priests. Before investment gains there was a deficit on unrestricted funds of £3.0m<br />

(2020 deficit £4.0m); restricted funds had a deficit of £0.7m (2020 deficit of £1.5m); and parish funds showed a<br />

surplus of £3.7m (2020 £4.8m). Overall, before investments, the Archdiocese had a surplus of £4,500 (2020 deficit<br />

of £0.7m).<br />

Reserves Policy<br />

The reserves policy of the Archdiocese is based around the level of free reserves.<br />

Definition of free reserves<br />

The diocese’s free reserves are those funds which can be freely spent on the Archdiocese’s charitable purposes.<br />

Free reserves will therefore normally exclude tangible fixed assets because these assets are used by the charity to<br />

deliver their activities and as such cannot be sold to meet a funding deficit. Amounts already set aside for essential<br />

future spending (designated funds) are also excluded from free reserves. Free reserves therefore are defined as<br />

total net assets less restricted funds less tangible fixed assets.<br />

Definition of unrestricted expenditure<br />

Unrestricted expenditure is defined as expenditure which is made by the Charity to further its objects, to be spent<br />

as the trustees see fit, i.e., where the application of funds is not restricted by the donor.<br />

Reserves Policy<br />

The policy adopted by the Trustees is that the level of free reserves across the Charity should represent 12 to<br />

24 months of unrestricted expenditure. At the 31 December 2021, the level of free reserves was £55.0 m which<br />

represents 48 months unrestricted expenditure. However, this is made up of positive parochial free reserves of<br />

£56m and negative curia reserves of £1m. This negative level of free reserves in the curia is being addressed.<br />

The policy will be subject to annual review.<br />

For further detail on the Archdiocese’s reserves see notes 12 to 15 of the Accounts.<br />

The Archdiocese has a number of restricted funds to be used for specified purposes totalling £12.0m (2020 £13.3m)<br />

which include:<br />

Priests Training Fund (formerly Ecclesiastical Education Fund)<br />

This fund meets the costs of students at Seminaries training to be priests for the Archdiocese and ongoing training<br />

for Clergy. Its income derives from investments.<br />


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