Southwark Report Internals final single

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The Trustees will continue to focus on the key risk area of going concern as part of a new Financial Plan approved<br />

in March 2021 which aims to protect the long term financial position of the Archdiocese including balancing the<br />

central income and expenditure account and unrestricted reserves position. Please see note 1.2 to these accounts<br />

which sets out the accounting policy as regards the preparation of these accounts on a going concern basis.<br />


Covid 19<br />

The biggest challenge that the Archdiocese had to deal with was the impact of Covid both on the Archdiocese<br />

centrally but also on its parishes and schools. With the closure of churches for only part of the year the impact on<br />

parishes was insignificant and there was a growth in income of 6%.<br />

We further developed our fundraising strategy in the light of the pandemic, and this is set out in the Annual<br />

<strong>Report</strong>. The focus has been on our parishes helping them to switch collections which were cash focused into more<br />

standing orders and on line payments by parishioners . There has also been a focus on parishioners gift aiding<br />

their donations. We have developed our disposal strategy as regards our surplus properties and this will continue<br />

over the next 3 -4 years. We are continuing to develop our support for our sick and retired priests ensuring that<br />

they claim the benefits they are entitled to, ensuring that the properties they live in are safe and they are visited<br />

regularly by our priest welfare team and others. We also monitor the care they receive and consider any changes<br />

recommended.<br />

Other Risks<br />

A new risk management policy and procedure was adopted during 2021. The Trustees have assessed the other<br />

major risks to which the Archdiocese is exposed, in particular those related to the operation and finances of the<br />

Charity and are satisfied that systems are in place to mitigate the exposure. .<br />

Beyond dealing with Covid and its aftermath, the major risks and high level mitigations are:<br />

Financial<br />

The Charity has a significant investment portfolio both in terms of shares and properties some of which it is<br />

realising in order to meet our objectives.<br />

Missionary and Pastoral<br />

The Charity is working hard to encourage vocations. Although the closure of the Seminary was sad it was a<br />

significant drain on the resources of the two Dioceses and the sale of the site will release funds to develop a<br />

strategy to increase vocations to the priesthood and promote the Mission.<br />

Safeguarding<br />

All the relevant recommendations arising from national reviews in the Catholic Church in England and Wales have<br />

been implemented, including new governance. The Trustees continue to prioritise safeguarding as a strategic<br />

priority which is kept under constant review.<br />

Educational landscape changes<br />

An Education Strategy is in place in part to ensure that national developments are tracked and responded to in a<br />

positive manner.<br />

Regulatory and compliance failures.<br />

A comprehensive Health & Safety system is in place for Parishes and schools. The Trustees continue to prioritise<br />

compliance in this area, with well-developed governance and regular reporting.<br />

Key Plans for the future<br />

In 2022 we:<br />

• Initiated a Caritas network, building upon the good works already being conducted in many areas<br />

across the Archdiocese.<br />

• Continued to support Parish Community Sponsorship schemes and facilitate hosting of Refugees from<br />

Ukraine.<br />

• Supported the two year synodal process in order to grow in our journeying together.<br />

• Continued to develop new delivery models plans for our Agencies and central services, to ensure that<br />

they assist the Mission in the most appropriate way, serving the grassroots of the Church.<br />


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