SPA UK Sandesh - Volume 44 (2019)

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Volume 44 | December 2019, Shree Prajapati Association (UK) | Est. 1975

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Small Steps Bring Big Change


Wedding Planning

Event Management

Gourmet Food

Please contact Sunil Mistry, quoting SM001 for complimentary canapes.

+44 (0)845 009 5221

Offices in London, Birmingham & Manchester

advertisement promotion


editorial //5

spa (UK) commitee //6

spa (UK) reports //7


theme //34

sports //41

branch reports //50

shradhdhanjalis //74

Branch & HQ LISTS //92

Rates & deadline //95

Meet the Designers //96


nepal Earthquake //23

Boxing for Charity //29

Are Prajapatis Changing? //30

National Diversity Award //32

Kamla Foundation //33

Bradford tea party //56


Thank You

Graphic Design Team Liaison

Dinesh Mistry (Preston)

Lead Graphic Designers

Arun Mistry (Luton)

Lead Graphic Designer

Jaimini Mistry (Preston)

Theme Topic Editors

Liam Mistry (Reading)

Vinay Chhana (East London)

Proof Reader

Liam Mistry (Reading)

Nimisha Mistry (Leicester)

Contributing Writers

Bhupendrabhai Mistry (Stockport)

Hansaben Mistry (Bolton)

Liam Mistry (Reading)

Sumitraben N Mistry (Birmingham)

Vinay Chhana (East London)


Preeya Mistry (Slough)

Dahyabhai Lad (Tameside)

Kiranchandra D Mistry (Birmingham)

Photos by ava-sol, Elaine Casap and

Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash



Jasuben Mistry (London)


Shree Prajapati Association (UK) & SPA (UK) Branches



Evolution Print and Design Ltd

143 Cavendish Road



+44 (0)116 274 7700

E: sales@evolutiondc.co.uk


© Copyright Shree Prajapati Association (UK) 2019

The articles contained in this publication are the views and opinions of their

authors. They may not necessarily reflect the views and opinions

of SPA (UK), unless stated otherwise.

4 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Please note that every care has been taken to avoid errors. However, please

accept our apologies for any errors that may have been overlooked.


JASUBEN mistry

“The world is changing, the generation game ...”

Namaste and Jai Shree Krishna

This year climate change and the

environment has been a ‘hot’ topic

at a global level. Whilst many

people are sublimely aware, others

have seen the devastation caused

by heatwaves, forest fires and

floods. We are all still unsure what

role we can play to help?

The Sandesh team took this

opportunity to further create

awareness about climate change

and environment to the Prajapati

‘‘.....Our aim is that

you will proudly

declare reducing

plastic waste and

boldly go above and


community. Our aim is that you

will proudly declare reducing

plastic waste and boldly go above

and beyond, so that our planet

may continue to blossom in its

radiant colours, natural beauty and

resource. We hope that you will find

our theme article, by Vinay Chhana

and Liam Mistry, thought provoking

and life changing.

In this year’s Sandesh..

Vinay plays back the results of our

survey on what you said about the

Sandesh. We showcase the boxing

talent of Deepa Mistry-Patel, the

National Diversity Award short-lister

Dharmesh Mistry and the charity

work of the Kamla Foundation, in

addition to the achievements of

SPA (UK) and the branches for their

work on charitable causes, sports,

social and cultural activities.

Graphics Design

The way the world is changing,

and climate change have been

the drivers for the graphics team

this year. Vinay and Liam (our

newcomer), researched and

compiled the theme article. Arun did

the artwork for the HQ, Branch and

the Sports sections, Jaimini created

layouts for the Articles and Nimisha

and Liam jointly were our proofreading

professionals. Our sincere

appreciation to Preeya for providing

consultation on art direction. We offer

our congratulations to her on the birth

of her first baby and wish the whole

family well with their bundle of joy.

Dineshbhai has coordinated the

entire process with artwork on

Shradhdhanjalis as well as finalising

the design to print and for delivery.

A massive applause goes to the

professionalism of this team.

It is the collective effort of all the

volunteers that enables the SPA

(UK) to present this very attractive

Sandesh to you. My sincere

appreciation to the advertisers, all

the contributors and to Leicester

branch for help with collection and

distribution of this Sandesh to all


Jasuben Mistry, SPA (UK) Editor,


vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019






Bharatbhai C Mistry

Vipulbhai H Mistry

Kamleshbhai C Mistry

Pravinbhai G Mistry

O7777 684900

O7968 776304









Kiranbhai D Mistry

07774 704760



Nayanaben N Mistry




Anilbhai D Mistry

07949 179045




Hansaben K Mistry

01204 432166



Dineshbhai L Mistry

07973 697177




Balvantrai M Mistry



Jasuben Mistry

0208 933 4656


6 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Bharatbhai C Mistry


We live in very changing times, the norms that we have become

accustomed to are being challenged. Society is changing very fast and

some in our community are in danger of being left behind.

The opportunity for social progression

allowed many to move into more affluent

areas, this led to our community becoming

more dispersed and the social interaction

with each other that we once took for

granted became less frequent. Family

dynamics have also changed; our old

custom of children living with parents and

grandparents is becoming less likely. Modern

education and career progression lead many

children to move away and set up homes

far away from their parents and community.

This in turn can have negative side effects

especially for our elder members, feelings

of isolation, abandonment and sometimes a

lack of mobility prevents them from making

contact with their peer group.

Over the past 7 years our older members

have successfully staged the Senior Sneh

Milan. This event has proven that there is a

demand for us to address the needs of our

senior citizens.

Some of our branches are trying to combat

these issues. Many invite senior members to

weekly or monthly gatherings in their halls

or local community centres for physical

exercise, prayers and dinner so that they

can have the opportunity of a change of

environment and also some companionship.

At the other end of our membership we

have our Young Prajapatis. This group

has proven to be very successful in their

education and careers. The world that they

inhabit is very busy and changes very fast.

There are now so many more distractions

that draw them away from us. In addition

to that, since we are

more established

and becoming more

affluent our objectives

and aspirations

have changed. We

do not live close to

each other, so our

social interaction is

drastically reduced,

our youngsters do not

get together as often

...opportunity for social

progression allowed

many to move into

more affluent areas...

and then find it difficult to interact with one

another in the same way as they do with

their friends at school, university or work.

This year our Sports Day, Mahila Samelan

and Senior Sneh Milan has proven that we

can cater for all our members. I’m certain

that we can do so for many years to come.

Finally, I wish all of our community here and

throughout the world good health, happiness

and prosperity for the forthcoming year.

Pranaam and Jai Shri Krishna.

Bharat C Mistry

President SPA (UK)

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Vipulbhai H Mistry


At the Pratinidhi Meeting and AGM held on 19th May 2018 in Leicester I accepted

the role as the Secretary for the second year, despite personally not wanting to

take on the role. It is always a question to me: why does no-one else want to take

on this role? I however felt that I will fill the vacancy as no one else wanted to.

Change is ever-present; in our

personal lives, in our jobs, in

the wider community and in all

institutions, of which Prajapati

Samaj is one. It is my vision to

bring back the ‘glory days of

Samaj and for the Prajapati

Samaj to make a difference

in society’ and I hope we

have started something with

the successful Sports Day

that we held at University of


I have been involved with Samaj

at a local level for over 20 years

and have been fortunate to

have had the opportunity to

serve in various posts. I take

pride in promoting and helping

our community and the wider

Hindu Community through

involvement at all levels. My

sincere appreciation to our

community members who have

served the Prajapati community

wholeheartedly. My heartfelt

gratitude to the past committee

members, all branches and SPA

(UK) Officers who have done a

marvelous job in promoting our

culture and trying to maintain

the unity in the Prajapati


Over the years Prajapati

Samaj have shown that it is a

forward thinking, progressive

community through airing

topics that matter to everyone

in their personal lives at the

big events like Mahila Samelan,

promoted sports and social

through Sports Day and Youth

Ball, and over the past six years,

the Senior members of our

Prajapati Samaj has rekindled

the old glory of Samaj through

Seniors ‘Sneh Samelan’. Along

with the charitable work done

by individual members of our

Samaj, branches and SPA (UK)

Trust Fund, we have put SPA

(UK) on the world map.

As the rapid pace of change in

the current tech savvy world

of all things digital continues

to take over individual lives

(including the new born!),

and rapidly changing the

community fabric, the Samaj

is also changing. In areas like

social media, all officers of SPA

(UK) and branches are now

using Samaj email accounts,

Websites, Facebook, WhatsApp

and Cloud technology for mass

communication (this would

have only been possible via

leaflets and the old landline

phone in the past). But I still

feel that the personal touch

and phone calls and visiting

are the best methods of


On the other hand, it has

also introduced challenges

to the Samaj. Whereas in the

past the whole family used

to attend Samaj functions

(including the AGM), now we

see select generations take

part in specific events. But I do

want to state that the Samaj

does not just belong to the

committees of each branch/

SPA (UK), the Samaj belongs

to all the members, young and

old. Each member has a right

to have a say, attend events

and meetings. One of the main

challenges, over at least the

past five years, has been to

keep the past two generations

8 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

and their siblings engaged in

Samaj. This is the challenge

the SPA (UK) and all branches

are working with currently

(and indeed all other external

community or faith based


SPA UK Activities of the

Past Year


I would like to congratulate

both London Branch and the

SPA (UK) Mahila Committee for

organising an excellent Mahila

Samelan in Leicester on Sunday

7th April 2019. The topics

were Internet/Phone Security

and the Rejuvenation of SPA

(UK). The Samelan included

talks from guest speakers on

the specialist subjects as well

as individuals who are dealing

with this type of symptoms.

The thing that caught my eye

was the number of Youth from

London who volunteered at the

event which was great to see.

There was also an election

which was held and it is good

to see new faces that came

forward to take on the roles.

On the social front, the Mahila

Team once again organised

the annual Family Funday

on Saturday 6th July 2019 at

Wickstead Park in Kettering. In

addition, they also volunteered

their duties at the Seniors Sneh

Samelan and at the Sports Day.


I would also like to thank the

Seniors Sub-Committee and

Bolton Branch for hosting

the 7th Seniors Samelan on

Sunday 23rd June 2019 at the

3D Centre, Bolton. The main

topic was Technology – Past/

Present. There was also an

election which was held, and it

was good to see new faces that

came forward to take on roles.


I would like to thank the SPAITF

committee for processing

all grant applications and

awarding grants to students.

A big thank you to also to

Arunbhai, who not just looks

after the Website, but also

implemented the online Grant

application, which is live via the

SPA (UK) website. Well done to

ITF team who have produced a

banner and leaflets promoting

the work that continues. Well

done to Arun Mistry who has

helped ITF design the leaflets

and banners.

Website / Social Media

Arun Mistry (Luton) has been

absolutely tremendous in

ensuring that that the website

has been updated regularly.

He is also an admin on our

Facebook account.

Sports Day

The Sports Day was hosted by

SPA (UK) Sports Team and held

at University of Birmingham,

on Saturday 31st August 2019.

This year we hired a new venue

and also saw an increase in

participants and spectators. I

would like to thank Divyenbhai

(Coventry) who was initially

the person to negotiate a

great deal with the University

and Perfection Snooker Club.

Eleshbhai C Mistry (London)

was phenomenal is taking

the lead and with his vast

past experience, hard work

and commitment, things fell

into place. With constant

communication and enthusiasm

from Branch Sports Leaders

this year you could see that the

old times are slowly coming

back. My heartfelt thanks to

Over the years Prajapati

Samaj have shown that

it is a forward thinking,

progressive community

through airing topics

that matter to everyone

in their personal lives...

Dineshbhai, Ramanbhai and

Keshavbhai (all over 70) for

helping set up the dart boards

the day before the event. I

hope that this success carries

on for many years to come.


My sincere congratulations

to the Sandesh Team, forever

ensuring that the publication is

of high quality and immaculate.

I am so happy that we have a

skillful Graphics Design team

and proof check professionals,

who works tirelessly, to bring to

you a high-quality publication

that all our members as well

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


as external organisations are

proud of.

Single? Let’s Mingle!

Thank you to Anilbhai (Luton)

who continues to organise the

Single? Let’ Mingle! events. For

any single boys and girls who

are looking for future partners,

this is your event of choice. He

has stated that this year will be

his last and I am hoping that he

will find a successor whom he

can train.


- The 2016-2018 nominated

charities are the Muni Seva

Trust and Kasturba Ashram in

Maroli Bazaar in Gujarat, India.

In total we raised £15,000,

which was shared between

the two charities.

- The charity for 2019/2020

is to raise funds for ITF. We

have seen all branches now

sponsor a student this year.

But this should not stop

as we should continue to

promote and raise the good

work that ITF committee

carries out.

Other Organisations

- SPA (UK) continues to

work along with other

organisations such as the

Navsari Ashram, Ashram

in Bilimora, Shree Prajapati

Association Valsad, Canada,

USA, DIPF, Hindu Forum

of Britain and many more

organisations nationally and


- On behalf of SPA (UK), it was

an honor to have been invited

by the Consulate General of

India Birmingham to take

part in the Independence

Day. The event was attended

by Mayor of Telford &

Wrekin, Councillor Raj Metha

and many Indian Diaspora

community leaders. Despite

the protest by the Pakistani

Kashmiri’s outside, the event

went well.

With abrogation of article 370

and 35a there has been counter

violent protests from the

opposition, who feel that it was

wrong of Modi’s government to

do this. I have also attended a

few demonstrations in support

of the Abrogation of article

370. There will be more and

more violent protests that will

continue to be held and we

should not be frightened to

voice our opinions on this issue.

I know that outside of the High

Commissioner India office there

were violent protests on the day

of Independence Day where

many who were celebrating

Independence young and old

were physically hurt. It is also

with great sadness that Hindu

MPs, Lords are keeping quiet

about this. Why?

My question to you all and

officers from Branches and

SPA (UK) is how are we going

to evolve the next generation

knowing that challenges facing

Hindus will be an even bigger

issue as time goes on and

knowing that SPA (UK) and

its branches are not politically

engaged as it has been said

that we are NOT a political

organisation and we should not

get involved. Hindus continue

to face persecution in parts

of Pakistan, Bangladesh, West

Bengal, etc. and it seems that

issues such as these are the

ones we should be tackling.

If we cannot protect Dharma,

then we will become a minority

in all parts of the world just

like the Yazidi’s have. They

have been persecuted and

continue to do so. Why are

we turning a blind eye to these

issues? There is a lot we can

do from here, like lobbying

your local MPs, being part

of protests/Demonstrations,

etc. If we are turning a blind

eye and not doing anything

about it, it suggests that it is

ok that Hindu’s continue to be


Finally, I would like to thank

Balubhai D Mistry and

Hansaben K Mistry on taking on

roles as Assistant Secretaries

at the election. I am sure that

with their experience we will be

able to solve issues within the

Secretarial Department.

I would also like to pay my

sincere thanks to those

individuals that continue

to serve our Samaj without

expectation for recognition

and to those that have served

in the past. Without past

members our Samaj would not

be here today.

On this note, I will say that this

will be my last year and I am

hoping that new faces come on


Jai Shree Krishna

Vipul Harkishanbhai Mistry

SPA (UK) Secretary 2019/2020

10 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Pravinbhai G Mistry


At this year’s AGM in May 2019, I was nominated by the branch pratinidhis and I

was duly elected as Treasurer of SPA (UK). I feel proud that I have taken on this

position again to serve our Samaj and coming back when I originally took on this

position 21 years ago for a period of 7 years.

Firstly, I would like to thank Kamleshbhai C

Mistry, my predecessor for leading this role

for the last 12 months. A a very big thank you

to my assistants Smt Ranjanben M Mistry and

Shri Rajnikantbhai L Mistry who have been

past Treasurers and Assistant Treasurer for

many years for their committed Sewa to the

Samaj. I would also like to express my sincere

appreciation to Jay Mistry who has provided his

services as our account’s examiner.

It is my honour to present a brief report on the

financial activities of the Association. We have

had a mix of surplus and deficits for our various

events for the last 12 months with an overall

deficit of £1,039.78 for this financial year.

During the last 2 years, SPA branches have

raised funds for Kasturba Ashram and Muni

Ashram both in India and raised £10,935.47.

SPA (UK) from their general funds contributed

£4,064.53, making the final collection to

£15,000. Many thanks to everyone for their

contribution and support.

We finally released the funds collected by

branches for the Nepal Earthquake of 2015

of £20,000, and alongside this, Birmingham

branch raised a further £6,000. In total, £26,000

was given to a boys hostel in Nawakot, Nepal

managed by Sewa International.

For this year 2019-20, our Charity of the year is

to raise funds for our Education Fund so that we

can sponsor students in India and UK. A target

of £15,000 has been set, so please contact your

local branch for further information or see the

SPAITF report.

In recent years the Nairobi Trust Fund’s income

has not grown much due to very low interest

rates, but we continue to use the funds for

charitable causes. The value of the Nairobi Trust

Fund at the end of the financial year stood at

£104,388.71 of which £6,800.04 is available for

charitable use.

Calling all professional Accountants or

Bookkeepers, young or old, male or female,

please serve your community and give SEWA.

In recent years branches and SPA (UK) have

struggled to find Treasurers, so if you are

interested please contact your branch or contact

me for the UK position.

Finally, the Treasury team would like to wish the

whole Prajapati Community of UK a very Happy

Diwali and a Prosperous New Year 2076 and as

this will be arriving at your door towards the end

of the year, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New

Year 2020.

Jai Shree Krishna

Mr Pravin G Mistry, SPA (UK) Treasurer (2019-20)

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Kiranbhai D Mistry

PRO (Public Relations Officer)

In our Samaj this year, there has been considerable

debate about supporting political causes. The cold

wind of intolerance, authoritarianism, and nationalism

is blowing around the world.

The growing power of rightwing

parties has liberals

around the world struggling to

respond to populist nationalism.

They promise to put national,

rather than global, interests

first. Consider the trade war

between China and USA,

Turkey’s aggressive stance or

for that matter, the Kashmir

issue with the abolition of

Article 370 by Modi.

Whatever your stance, we need

to understand how, why and

what the outcome will be and

what we can do about it. No

doubt, there are worth-while

causes one needs to fight for,

however if you support one

view or the other, it needs to

be done with an intelligent and

balanced perspective.

The consequences of spreading

nationalism cannot end well.

Building walls, promoting

fear instead of compassion

for migrants, and putting

disproportionate emphasis on

self-interest trade can only lead

to a less safe and less friendly

international community.

Nationalism makes international

cooperation difficult and can as

history shown cause war.

Above is a challenging

viewpoint for all Samaj members

to consider. Where possible, the

Samaj will provide due guidance

on political issues and will use

other institutions to voice our

concern. Do exercise your

powers – ensure you vote in

your local and national elections.

Do so with a balanced viewpoint

and with conviction.

When I despair, I remember

that all through history the way

of truth and love has always

won. There have been tyrants

and murderers and for a time

they seem invincible, but in the

end, they always fall... think of

it, always.

Mahatma Gandhi

Wishing you a Happy New

Year VS 2076 full of life’s

contentment and good health.

Kiran D. Mistry MBA

..there has been

considerable debate

about supporting

political causes.

12 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Bharatbhai P Mistry

Golf Day Coordinator

SPA UK held its 8th Annual UK golf day at the prestigious Belfry Golf Club,

Sutton Coldfield. The event was attended by 21 players and a further 6 attendees

for the evening dinner.

We had a lower turnout as there were many

weddings this year, but for those that made it, we

were blessed with fantastic weather (we could

have been in Portugal!). We look forward to

planning the event next year, hopefully avoiding

any wedding dates, fingers crossed.

This year we also expanded our horizons to

include the first European golf weekend located

in Portugal’s Valle de Lobo (Wolf Valley)

staying at the 5* Donna Phillipa hotel located

just a stone’s throw away from the beach. We

had eight golfers who thoroughly enjoyed the

golf, afternoon swim in the hotel pool, and

magnificent sunsets before the evening meals.

We are all looking to repeat the event in 2020

with a request to hold the event later (after

Easter) so all the restaurants and shops are open.

In addition to repeating these events, the golfing

community has also requested a longer golf trip

to Turkey so we will be planning something for

late Autumn 2020.

We have also been contacted by our community

in Canada following a discussion in Portugal to

arrange a “Ryder Cup” style event. I’ll be looking

into the logistics and demand for such an event.

If you are interested in any of these events, then

please contact me so I can include you in the



Bharatbhai P Mistry

M: 07785 998141 | E: bmistry@oscar-ltd.co.uk

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Sports Team

Sports Day

Sports Day – Saturday 31st August 2019

University of Birmingham proved an excellent venue for the 41st

Annual Sports Day with excellent facilities to accommodate

Football, Swimming, Table-Tennis, Squash, Carom, Darts and Pool.

This year we also introduced Yoga for participants/spectators

which proved an excellent activity.

The initial success/gratitude is

really awarded to Divyenbhai Mistry

(Coventry), who took his own time out

to visit the University and Perfection

Snooker Club to negotiate an excellent

deal. Commitment, hard work, good

teamwork and enthusiasm can prove

that any event can be a success.

With over 320 entrants for the day,

we had an increased attendance

driven by all branches especially Mina

from Leicester who had the largest

contingent entrants in Darts. A big

thanks to Mina for all her efforts and to

all the branches. All 14 branches were

represented, and it made for an inclusive

and enjoyable day for all.

Darts and Pool were held at the

Perfection Snooker Club, a short

distance away from the main sports

centre. A self-contained arena for both

Darts and Pool with bar facilities, it

proved an ideal venue which served the

needs of the events and we received

good feedback from the participants

of the events and from the venue. A

big thanks to Dineshbhai, Keshavbhai

and Ramanbhai of Coventry for all their

Commitment, hard work, good teamwork and

enthusiasm can prove that any event can be a


help in setting up the venue on the day

before and on the day itself; without

their continued support the Darts event

would not be as successful as it has

been. Pool was a difficult tournament to

manage with the number of entries and

we owe a massive thanks to Umeshbhai

of Preston for his help in making this

event such a success. From all Samaj, a

big thanks to Dineshbhai, Keshavbhai,

Ramanbhai and Umeshbhai.

In the main arena, Squash was run by

Kamleshbhai Prajapati (London). The

event was a smooth-running success

and it great to see Squash so well

attended and back at our sports day.

Table-Tennis was again a great success

being run by Pravinbhai Mistry

(Birmingham). We had a 40+ year’s

tournament and it was great to see such

14 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

an age range of competitors.

Swimming was run by Mina

Mistry (Leicester) and she did

an amazing job of managing

such a difficult event. We have

been inundated with requests

to expand the age ranges for

swimming events and it’s a

testament to the work of Mina.

Football was run by Sundeep,

Hemant and Deepakbhai

(London). This is always a

tough event to run but they did

an amazing job and dealt with

all difficulties including some

inclement weather. Jayantibhai

(Walsall) managed an excellent

Carom tournament and with his

quiet but effective way was a

credit to our sports day. Punam

(Tameside) did an amazing job

of managing the badminton

All 14 branches

were represented,

and it made for

an inclusive and

enjoyable day for all.

tournament and dealt with all

complexities and completed the

event on-time and even held

show-piece finals where we had

crowds to support the winners.

This year we introduced an

inaugural over 60s Mens

Badminton tournament, which

was a great success.

Many thanks to all the Youth/

Sports Coordinators who

tried their best to rack up

participants. The key to a

successful event is good

communication. A WhatsApp

group was set up to keep the

respective Sports Coordinators/

Secretaries updated.

Finally, Yoga was introduced

and was a great success.

The feedback from the

participants led us to believe

our future sports should

accommodate to promote

such a valuable activity which

brings so many life benefits.

Many thanks to Sureshbhai for

running the event.

We had Colop sponsoring the

event which was a great way

to not only bring in funds, but

to promote local business.

With over 500 people

The sports day

has always been

a testament to

teamwork and our

ability to deliver a

nationwide event...

attending the event, this was

a great way to promote your

business. Also, we would like

to thank those members that

donated generously.

Finally, I would like to thank all

the HQ Executives and venue

staff who contributed to the

overall success of the event. The

sports day has always been a

testament to teamwork and our

ability to deliver a nationwide

event which can be at the heart

of our Samaj calendar.

All the best and hopefully see

you next year.

SPA UK Sports Committee


Eleshbhai C Mistry (London) &

Vipulbhai H Mistry


vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Mahila Team


Changes within the 2018 Mahila Team did not affect our strategy to move

forward and continue the roles we had taken on. We were even more determined

to see that we provided our members within the Mahila sub group the same

commitment we gave them in 2018.

In 2018, the London branch

were kind enough to step

forward to take on the 39th

Mahila Samelan. Meetings

and suggestion had already

started to be discussed. The

topic chosen for the day

being Internet/Phone security

associated with Social Media

and also Rejuvenation of the


The HQ Mahila presented How

Social Media has become a part

of every one’s lives, the dangers,

the fun and using the internet

on your mobile phones.

The first speaker was

Vinodbhai Mandora who gave

a speech on ‘Social Media in

the 21st Century’. He explained

how the internet and social

media affect us and our

families. Most teenagers on

average spend 8-9 hours a day

on the internet or social media

apps such as Facebook and

WhatsApp. There are great

benefits of using the internet

such as being able to read

the news, look up information

and watch movies. Vindobhai

also touched upon how good

the internet has been for the

elderly, they are now able to

keep in touch with loved ones

using video calling. However,

there are negative points such

as cyber bullying through

social media and fraud where

people can lose out on money

or buying counterfeit products.

The next speaker was

Samantha Hancock a Cyber

Protection Officer from

Leicestershire Police. Samantha

covered the impact and

importance of keeping your

software updated regularly

and keeping your private

details,such as passwords,

safe. Samantha went through

the importance of not posting

photos or “checking in” to

places when you go away

on holiday, as this is letting

the world know you are not

home, giving thieves a great

opportunity. Samantha also

went through the importance

of limiting how much personal

information you share online

and there was great emphasis

on making sure you log out

of websites as well as being

careful when using free Wi-Fi.

The HQ Mahila took the stage

and requested approval of

Minutes of previous Mahila

Samelan, followed by a reelection

chaired by our

former presidents Hansaben

and Revaben.

New Elected Mahilas


Naynaben Mistry (Leicester)

Assistant Convenor

Padmaben Mistry (Leicester)


Bhagvati Mistry (Leicester)

Assistant Secretary

Minaben Mistry (Leicester)

Assistant Secretary

Madhuben Mistry (Leicester)

16 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

The afternoon topic of ‘Rejuvenation of the SPA

UK’ was presented by Jasuben. She mentioned

where the SPA would be without its members

and also how we should encourage our younger

generation to take interest and get involved in

the Samaj.

The volunteers were given a vote of thanks, a

cheque was presented to the hosting branch

from Leicester Branch for the sum of £1250

towards the cost of the event. The annual raffle

draw was conducted by London branch.

Myself, Hasmita (Mahila Secretary) and Neha

(Assistant Secretary) would like to thank all for

their continued support and encouragement

during our last two years on the HQ Mahila team,

before we stepped down.

Family Fun Day (6th July 2019)

This year’s Family Fun Day took place at

Wicksteed Park it was definitely a day to


We had approximately 160 people join us on the

day, as well as a van full of enthusiastic members

ready to take part and enjoy the fun. Despite

the unpredictable weather, all members came

prepared bringing their gazebos, marquees,

umbrellas and of course some delicious food.

Later that evening when the weather improved

the HQ Admin members organised games such

as bingo and raffle draw which they all enjoyed


Hopefully next year we would have better luck

with the weather and can introduce some more

games for all.

In addition, the Mahila team also provided

helping hands at the Senior Sneh Milan in and at

the Sports Day at The University of Birmingham.

This year a new Yoga taster session was

introduced. The most interesting was yoga with a

twist, where standard poses incorporated animal

shapes! It was definitely a new experience.

Namaste and Jai Shree Krishna,

Nayanaben, Bhagvati, Padmaben, Minaben &


Please pencil in the following upcoming dates

in your diary:


Family Fun Day


Wicksteed Park

Saturday 27th June 2020

40th Mahila Samelan

Sunday 5th April 2020


vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Ambalal B Mistry


Even though the attendance at the Seniors Sneh Samelan has increased in the

last few years, in order to provide an opportunity to a smaller branch and involve

their members and boost their morale, and after careful consideration, this year’s

Seniors Samelan was held in Bolton.

The 7th Seniors Sneh Samelan was organised

in conjunction with the SPA Bolton branch on

Sunday 23rd June 2019 at The 3D Centre, Bolton.

Dahyabhai and myself had the opportunity to

attend their volunteers meeting and saw at first

hand the enthusiasm, co-operation and details of

their work plan. They successfully and efficiently

carried out various tasks and duties on the day

and also raised funds from their branch. The

Seniors Committee expresses deep thanks and

hearty congratulations to the whole team.

The focal point or the theme of the Samelan was

on “Technology”. Shri Niranjanbhai G Sharma,

from Ashton-U-Lyne, presented his views on

the Technology of the Past. This was followed

by Shri Pradipbhai Mistry from East London,

who explained what the modern trend is in

his topic on Present Technology. To show the

seniors what the future would look like, Shri

Piyushkumar Mistry, from Birmingham, explained

in depth his presentation on A Glimpse of the

future Digital World. All the speakers were well

received and appreciated by the audience.

After the aarti, prarthana, shradhhanjali and

national anthems, Smt Hansaben and Shri

Champakbhai (president and secretary

respectively of Bolton branch) gave a warm

welcome and health and safety information. Shri

Dahyabhai (Chairperson, Seniors Committee)

and Shri Bharatbhai (President, SPA (UK)) also

welcomed the members and thanked them for

their support to the Seniors function.

The programme consisted of swagat geet (‘Avo

Avo Monghera Maheman ...’), dance (‘Kanha Soja

Zara ...’), bhajans and dhoon and a comic relief

drama (‘Jamano Badlaay Rahyo Chhe’) from

Bolton; a garbo(‘Jagat thi Niralo Maro Samaj ...’)

from Walsall; and an action dance (‘Maaro Chaar

Paindaano Rath ...’) from Leicester.

For the first time a game, ‘Play Your Cards Right’,

was introduced to the members, not knowing

how the audience would react. There was a lot of

enthusiasm and the members loved the game: it

was a success!

As per last year, this year we had two members

who were honoured on reaching 100 years but

unfortunately, they could not attend the Samelan.

They were Smt Diwaliben Maganlal Lad from

Leicester born on 13/09/1916 and Smt Diwaliben

Ranchhodbhai Mistry from London born in

18 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

1919. Prayers to the Almighty to give them good

health and live a happy life.

Smt Hansaben and Shri Dineshbhai briefed the

members what the ITF (International Trust Fund)

under SPA (UK) stands for and its working, like

financial assistance during natural disasters,

village needs, or individual requirements based

on criteria set out by the ITF.

The members also had plenty of time to meet

and greet their old friends and relatives - the

main purpose of the samelan.

The Seniors Committee thanks Bolton branch,

and congratulates and expresses gratitude

to all the participants for the cultural and

entertainment items provided and making

the programme lively. Without the generous

donations from the members, buying the raffle

tickets, donating towards food and prasad and

assisting in other forms, this sort of function

cannot be possible - for which the Seniors

Committee expresses grateful thanks.

The present Seniors Committee has been

working for the last three years and it was

time for a change. Shri Jitubhai from Leicester

conducted the election for a new Seniors

Committee and the following were elected



Balvantrai Maganlal Mistry (East London)


Pushpaben Yogeshbhai Mistry (Luton)

SPA (UK) Asst. Secretary (Seniors)

Ranjanaben Vijaybhai Mistry (East London)


Manubhai Govindbhai Mistry (Tameside)

Dolatrai Bhikhabhai Mistry (Rugby)

Bhikhubhai Vallabhbhai Mistry (Coventry)

Pravinbhai Thakorbhai Mistry (Coventry)

Any new ideas or

suggestions are welcome

provided they are feasible to


In conclusion, my prayers

to the Almighty to bless

and guide SPA (UK) in

achieving the goals set

towards the service of the

Prajapati community and

take it to a greater height of


Ambalal Balubhai Mistry

Secretary (2016-2019)

SPA UK Seniors Committee

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Dineshbhai L Mistry

ITF (International Trust FUND)

It is a privilege and honour to submit my first report since being elected secretary

to SPAITF in March 2018. The work of ITF secretary is interesting but difficult with

the diversity of applications and challenges.

In the short time that I have

been the ITF secretary I have

quickly learnt that there is more

to SPAITF then just giving out

grants to students from low

income families in India. There

are also internal challenges for

example (a) to find effective

communications with ITF

trustees and branches, (b)

raising awareness of SPAITF

among the wider membership

of SPA movement and (c)

to find ways to encourage

our community to support

and donate for this worthy

programme. The biggest

challenge for the ITF committee

is how to engage with our

younger generations.

Education is the route out of

poverty and better life.

Education (VIDYA)

SPAITF has a sense of purpose

to support our Prajapati

community and continue

with the legacy established in

1931 by our forefathers from

South Africa who realised that

“Education was the route out of

poverty and better life”

Our parents and grandparents

always had a clear vision that

Education was the key to better

standards of living, and for that

they made every effort and

saved every penny to educate

their children by sending

them to higher education and


Today in the UK, our children

are the benefactors. They have

achieved professional status

holding jobs as consultants,

dentists, engineers, accountants

etc and working in some of

the world’s leading companies,

which our forefathers in India

would never have even dreamt

of. Unfortunately, many of our

fellow Prajapati’s in India do

not have the same opportunity

to raise their standard of living

through education because of

a low family income, but we

have the means to raise their

standards by supporting their


SPAITF nominated Charity

of the Year 2019-2020

We all know, the bank interest

has been very low for number

of years and as a result the

interest we build up from NTF

has been used up over the

years, we have supported over

200 students and distributed

over £35,000 of grant money.

20 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

To continue with this excellent

work, SPAITF needs to raise

more funds. This year we are

delighted that SPA(UK) has

nominated SPAITF as the

“Charity of the year 2019-2020”

and we are confident that all

the branches will be making

a lot of effort to raise the

donations at local events like

Navratri and Diwali. We hope

you will support the initiative

and donate generously for the

good cause.

Effective Communication

In the past all the

communication has been

by email to trustees, the

challenge here was to improve

communications among fellow

ITF trustees and speed up the

decision-making process. This

has been achieved by setting

up an ITF WhatsApp group,

whereby short messages are

sent and followed by this

any detailed messages with

attachments are sent via email

if required. The result has been

quite positive in engaging all

trustees to participate in ITF


Student Applications

We have left behind the old

days of paper applications and

post and have moved fully to

Online Applications. This has

brought considerable benefits

to those applying from villages

and cities and improved the

reliability of receiving the


The SPAITF committee met

twice in 2018 in Leicester

(April’18) and Coventry

(October ’18). In total, 22

applications (14 new and 8

repeat) were received and

reviewed, 14 applications

were successful and 8 were

unsuccessful due to not

meeting the ITF criteria. The

total grant of £2,920 was

approved by ITF Trustees.

Charities update

I am pleased to report that

myself and my fellow trustee

Hemantbhai together with

5 other families had the

opportunity to visit Nuwakot

Children Orphanage in

December 2018 when we

were on holiday in Nepal. The

orphanage hostel is a joint

project with Sewa International

and SPA (UK) in which our

contribution was £26,000.

At the time of our visit the

ground floor was completed,

the management committee

and children were delighted

to see us. We were warmly

greeted with a Marigold garland

of flowers and we distributed

some gifts to 26 children.

The collection for Kasturba

Sevashram (Maroli) and Muni

Sewa Ashrams (Goraj, Vadodra)

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


What are the

students saying

about the grant?

We have had numerous

feedbacks from students,

examples include:

“Thank you, appreciate of

SPAITF grants.”

“Have lightened the

financial burden and helps

to concentrate on studies,

motivates to do better.”

“Your generosity has

inspired me to help others.”

“I will stay by side with my

family and give them every

happiness of world.”

“After passing BE

Aeronautical degree, I am

working for FLYdocs MNC

in Vadodara.”

is now closed and in total we

collected £10,868 which has

been topped up by HQ to a

total of £15,000. For Kasturba

Sevashram, we are looking

of funding the “building of

toilets for Girls” and for Muni

Sewa Ashram, we are looking

at funding the “Orthopaedic

shaver for treatment of joints”.

Other SPAITF activities

Some other activities

committee have been

discussing are:

• Working relationship between

SPAITF and SPEF of Canada,

established over 3 years ago,

and are in the process signing

off updated Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU).

• How students in United

Kingdom can be helped

and a short survey has been

prepared to circulate to our


• Indian student monitoring

form has been prepared

to find out how the grant

is helping the student and

family. This would be sent to

all final year applicants.


This being my first year as

SPAITF secretary, I am truly

amazed with the amount of

work the committee does

and that it would have been

impossible for me to carry

out this secretary job without

the support of all committee

members, Hansaben for

chairing the meetings, and

Arunbhai for managing the

Online Application platform and

SPAITF marketing material.

I also recognise the huge

contribution made by

Hemantbhai, SPAITF secretary

from 2014 to 2018, whose

lasting legacy of “SPAITF as

the shining diamond”, has done

an exceptional job managing

the ITF and introducing much

needed process to make the

trustees work easier.

I would also like to thank all the

branches and their members

for their support in hosting ITF

meetings, sponsoring a student

and raising funds for ITF and

HQ charity projects.

Unity is our strength and

together we will prosper.

Dinesh L Mistry


On Behalf of SPAITF

22 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

In April 2015 Nepal

suffered a devastating

earthquake in Kathmandu,

creating catastrophic

landslides and avalanches

in the Himalaya

Mountains. Approximately

9,000 people lost their

lives and over 22,000

others suffered injuries.

More than 600,000 homes

were destroyed and over

288,000 were damaged

in the 14 worst affected

districts. The response

efforts were made more

challenging since the

strongest impact was in

remote and rural areas of


Compelled by this natural

disaster and based on

SPA (UK)’s experience

of supporting projects in

natural disaster areas,

during 2016 and 2017 we

appealed to all branches

to raise funds, Jitubhai

from Leicester branch

took responsibility to

work with SPAITF to

develop a legacy project in

partnership with a Non-

Government Organisation

in Nepal. SPAITF

partnered with Sewa

International and joined

forces with Janajati Kayan

Ashram (JKA) to build a

boys hostel in an area

called Nuwakot (483km

from Kathmandu) for

separated and orphaned


All 14 branches did a

fantastic job supporting

the project and raised

a total of £26,000! This

included a generous

donation of £6,000 from

the Birmingham branch.

In December 2018

myself, Hemantbhai

from London branch and

5 other families visited

the Nuwakot hostel.

The journey took over 4

hours as the roads were

extremely rough and

prone to lots of traffic.

Once we reached the

Ashram, Meelan (JKA)

and Bijaybhai (Sewa) took

good care of us, arranged

the transport and an

authentic Nepalese meal.

In addition, we were given

a warm welcome by Shri

Som Pandey (caretaker)

and the children, with

marigold garlands and

Nepalese Sal. After their

welcome, Hemantbhai

gave a brief talk on our

support for the hostel and

emphasised our hope that

the donation on behalf

of SPA (UK) would give

the children a head start

in their life. Whilst in

this remote part of Nepal,

giving out presents to

the children seeing the

joy and smile on their

faces made the trip even

more worthwhile. The

gifts included calculators,

pens, pencils, writing and

colouring books as well as

chocolates and biscuits.

We also took some board

games which the children



could play in the evening

since they don’t have any

other entertainment such

as a television.

The supportive work

SPAITF offers to victims

of natural disasters

around the world is to be

commended by improving

much needed facilities.

In doing so SPA (UK)

collectively are leaving

a lasting legacy to

communities and lives of

the local people around

the world.

Dinesh Mistry, SPAITF


vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Anilbhai D Mistry

Single? Let’s Mingle

Event held on Saturday 27th April 2019 at Grosvenor Casino in Leicester.

Firstly, I would like to thank my

S.L.M. Team: Nimisha, Jemini,

Devina and Mina. Without this

team there would be no S.L.M.

This year’s event was advertised

from the middle of January

onwards knowing that it is

always a struggle to generate

interest from single girls who

are looking to connect.

As usual all male tickets were

sold out by end of February

2019. We had 10 extra boys on

our reserve list to. By the end

of February, we only had 7 girls

on our list compared to 20 boys

already booked up.

We promoted our event via

Facebook using pages from

S.P.A. branches and the Mistry

Hook-Up page. Emails were

sent to S.P.A. HQ to forward the

event details to all our branches.

As we were struggling to

encourage girls to attend the

event, my saviour in the name

of Mahila Samalen came to

my rescue. They invited me to

promote the singles event at

their event. Hasmitaben from

Leicester scheduled me in their

agenda. Thank you Hasmitaben.

I am very grateful to you. Thank

you also to Naynaben who

accompanied me on the stage.

A great support she is! With

only two weeks before our

singles event, 14 girls applied to

attend the event and we ended

up with an equal total of 21

boys and 21 girls.

The afternoon/evening event

was a great success again.

We began with some tutorials

on how to play and gamble

on the Roulette and Blackjack

tables, followed by speed

dating. Thereafter, the buffet

and gambling in the casino

commenced with the free £5

voucher given to each delegate.

Complimentary drinks were

also provided.

I received positive feedback

from the delegates after the

event. They loved how the

event was organised, the venue

was brilliant, and the buffet

was amazing. It was well worth

coming to the Singles event.

Before I forget, I would like

to mention that at last year’s

singles event we had 3 couples

connect and are still together.

We have been organising the

Single? Let’s Mingle! events

since 2010 and we would say

it has been a fantastic success

story. Couples connecting and

getting married too. I would

say 18 or more have connected

and even got married since this

event has begun.

If future events information

is required, please email us

on prajapatisinglesmingle@


Unfortunately, in 2020 it will

be my last year in organising

the Singles events. It’s been a

pleasure! Really enjoyed the

success stories over the years.

Hopefully the new Singles coordinator

will take us into new

ventures for “SINGLE? LET’S


Thank you.

Anil D Mistry


24 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Dylan Mistry

Congratulations on achieving

MBBCH Medicine and Surgery

in July 2019


BSc (1st Class Hons) in

Emergency, Pre-hospital and

Immediate Care

in July 2018

Cardiff University

Prifysgol Caerdydd

Alicia Mistry

Congratulations on achieving

MEng (1st Class Hons) in

Civil & Structural Engineering

in July 2019

The University of


Beloved Grandson and Granddaughter of

(Late) Mr Govindbhai Prabhubhai Mistry & Mrs Lalitaben G Mistry (Bodali, India)

(Late) Mr Vallabhbhai Parbhubhai Mistry & Mrs Jasuben V Mistry (Munsad, India)

Dearest Son and Daughter of very proud parents

Dr Anil Govindbhai Mistry & Mrs Anita Mistry of Nottingham (Bodali, India)

Well done and CONGRATULATIONS to you both. We are very proud of your well

deserved achievements. Wishing you both success and happiness in all that you do to

enhance your future.

Special Love & Blessings from your Grandparents, Dad, Mum, Uncles, Aunties & Cousins.

We sincerely wish that all your hopes and aspirations are fulfilled.

A donation of £275 has been gratefully received by Prajapati Sandesh

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Kailesh Mistry

Congratulations on achieving



Computer Science

from Cardiff University in July 2019

Beloved Grandson of

(Late) Mr Khushalbhai Nathubhai Mistry & (Late) Mrs Kuverben K Mistry

of Harrow (Vanz, India)

Mr Govindbhai Vithalbhai Mistry & (Late) Mrs Padhamavatiben G Mistry

of Neasden (Talangpur, India)


Beloved Son of

(Late) Mr Surendrabhai Khushalbhai Mistry & Mrs Ramaben S Mistry

of Watford (Vanz, India)

Well done and Congratulations on your achievements. We are very proud of you

and wish you all the best for the future. Lots of Love from Mum, Sister Karishma,

Granddad and Family

63 Alva Way, Carpenders Park, Watford WD19 5EB

26 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Alisha Lad

Congratulations on achieving

BSc (Hons)



from Aston University in July 2019

Beloved Granddaughter of

Mr Natwarlal Dallubhai Lad & Mrs Nirmala N Lad

of London (Degam, India)

Mr Ambalal Lakubhai Mistry & Mrs Jamnaben A Mistry

of Rugby (Kachholi, India)


Beloved Daughter of

Mr Shatish Natwarlal Lad & Mrs Minaxiben S Lad

of London (Degam, India)

Congratulations on your well-deserved success. You’ve worked very hard &

deserve the end result. Always remember: There’s no limit to what you can do if

you keep believing in yourself.

Love Bapa and Ba, Dad and Mum and Dillan

28 Garrick Road, Greenford, Middlesex UB6 9HT

A donation of £250 has been gratefully received by Prajapati Sandesh

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Dr Anish Mistry

Congratulations on achieving



Medicine & Surgery

from University of Leeds in July 2019

Beloved Grandson of

(Late) Mr Dahyabhai Morarbhai Mistry & (Late) Mrs Shantaben D Mistry

of Bradford (Simalgam, India)


Mr Ratanjibhai (Bhiku) Naranbhai Hari & Mrs Jasuben R Hari

of Walsall (Vesma, India)


Dearest Son of

Mr Jentybhai Dahyabhai Mistry & Mrs Nitaben J Mistry

of Bradford (Simalgam, India)

Congratulations on your fantastic achievement. We are very proud of your

commitment, hard work and determination in achieving your success. We wish

you all the very best and we are sure you will be even more successful in your

future career.

Love from Mum, Dad, brother Mitesh, family and friends.

57 Blackberry Way, Clayton, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD14 6NB

A donation of £250 has been gratefully received by Prajapati Sandesh

28 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Charity Boxing Night 2019


Deepa Mistry-Patel Lives in

Manchester with her Husband

Sach and 6-year old twin boys;

Khaylen and Khush. She has a

passion to keep fit and healthy

by training in the gym. Over the

past 9 years she has been doing

boxing workouts and when the

opportunity arose for an amateur

boxing fight for charity, she

could not resist…

This year marks 10 years of training

at the gym and I wanted to take

on a challenge and do something

different. I have been boxing with

my personal trainer Lloyd for nearly

9 years, and it’s through him that

I met Ric Moylan who has been

organising the Charity Boxing

Nights for the past 4 years.

The reason for wanting to apply

to take part in this amazing event

was the charity. The Manchester

Foundation Trust Charity supports

nine hospitals across Manchester,

including Saint Mary’s Hospital

and Royal Manchester Children’s

Hospital treating babies, children

and young people from across the

North West and beyond.

So, with this in mind I sent my

application and the challenge

was set. All I had to do was work

hard enough to be picked to fight.

Training started on the 19th August

2019, with 3 gruelling sessions

a week. This was a test both

physically and mentally, but I had to

stay focused. I was determined to

see it through to the end.

An opponent was selected for

me and on the 5th October 2019,

I walked into a boxing ring for

my first ever fight. The result

unfortunately didn’t go my way on

the night; however I did receive

an award for the most improved

fighter. I feel proud to have

achieved something that I thought

couldn’t be possible.

“It just goes to

show that when

you put your heart,

soul and mind

into something

you can achieve


In total I have raised over £3,300

for the charity and am thankful

for everyone who has supported

me not only by donating, but also

helped me through this incredible


vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019





Media and

the Sandesh

By Vinay Chhana

At the Sandesh team, we were talking about the reading habits of

our community and how this might help us better understand their

needs. We had a feeling that reading habits are varied, but were not

sure what this looked like in practice.

In light of this, we sent round a survey which you may have seen

circulate earlier in 2019 asking about your reading habits. We

collated some of the responses as we thought you might be

interested. The survey had 14 questions and was distributed via

branches, Whatsapp and by word of mouth. We received 80

responses, for which we were very grateful.

The Results

Tuesdays and Sundays work best: We found

that Tuesdays and Sundays saw the most survey

responses, suggesting that these are the best

days of the week to reach our community about

Prajapati matters.

Evenings work for Prajapati matters: Evenings,

usually after 7pm, saw the most responses.

‘not sure’ to the question. When asked about

other needs the Sandesh could meet, people

highlighted our need to look at and embrace

influences outside of the Samaj (rather than the

Samaj being self-contained). Solutions included

mental health awareness, partnering more closely

with social causes and charities, and what the

outside world means for our Samaj e.g. politics,

technology, climate change. One member from

Birmingham suggested we talk more about the

direction of our Community e.g. career paths for

the next generation and our “impact on society”,

and also how we respond to change e.g. “how

we’ve introduced others into our community” as a

way of scaling up as a community.

Women show greater interest in life

announcements and charitable activities, the

men on theme articles: When compared against

the overall benchmark results, responses from

women were higher for articles in categories such

as deaths, graduations, weddings and summaries

of SPA’s charitable activities (e.g. the eye camp).

Men by contrast fared lower for interest in

articles such as deaths, graduations, weddings

but interestingly were more likely to read articles

around the theme topic e.g. cooking, Indian


In the Sandesh, Prajapatis prefer reading about

local and familiar topics, but within a national

context e.g. branch reports: When asked about

which sections of the Sandesh Prajapati members

looked at, we found that branch-specific and

sports day activities are most popular. This

suggests that our more vocal members are more

engaged when it comes to people and places we

know, which means these are key assets for the

Prajapati community going forward.

Under-45s want our community and the

Sandesh to look outwards, and more often: The

majority of responses found the Sandesh useful,

with some under-45’s raising some doubt about

how useful the Sandesh is, as some answered

30 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

On newspaper habits, over 45’s mix it up with

smaller, less expensive newspapers e.g. local

papers and national dailies: When asked which

newspapers they generally read, there was no

clear pattern for individual news titles read by

Prajapatis. Instead, Prajapatis in this age bracket

are more likely to name a set of newspapers and

choose between national dailies such as the Daily

Mail, Mirror, and Metro and also local newspapers

e.g. Telegraph and Argus, Rugby Advertiser, etc.

This suggests older Prajapati are less tied to a

newspaper-specific point of view and are open to

a range of influences dependent on the context.

Under 45’s read newspapers less often, but

more in-depth and are tied to a set (branded)

perspective: When asked which newspapers

they generally read, a clear pattern emerged

for titles read by Prajapatis under-45; they read

broadsheets but read them less often. They

named only one newspaper on average, most

likely The Times and The Guardian, suggesting

they are tied to perspectives associated with the

newspapers e.g. socially liberal, economically


Youth participation and the ‘future Samaj’ are

a real concern across the older age groups: For

the generation of 55+, a recurring view emerged

when they were asked what they would like to

see more of: youth participation. Some suggested

that the Samaj should show more about “young

people [and] the importance that Hinduism as a

way of life…to show the importance of well being

through diet, exercise, and work life balance.”.

Others mentioned that we should “Assist UK

charities more. Generate more activities for those

between 25-55.”

In conclusion, the views above show that we are

a broad Samaj in reading habits and interests,

and ultimately we care about how we keep this

Community moving on and evolving in line with

today’s world. Some expressed concern, others

have given direct suggestions. All are valid and

hugely appreciated to help keep our Samaj


We are planning to run another survey next

year, so please do speak to the Sandesh Team

or your Branch Lead if you’d like to contribute or


FLAT FOR SALE Navsari, India £60,000.00 ONO

A 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom apartment set on top floor. The flat is

located in a gated modern complex, with night and day security,

lift, standby generator for essential services.

The accommodation comprises of 3 bedrooms. Two of the

bedrooms have on-suite toilet/shower. Large lounge/dining and

fitted kitchen, 2 balconies and use of a shared roof terrace. All

occupants are NRI’s and the building is regularly cleaned and

maintained and is located in one of the most sort out area of

Navsari. (Asha Bhag, Dudhia Talaw).

In this street there are four other building, occupied by NRI’s,

therefore during winter months the place is buzzing with NRI’s.

The location has easy access to town centre and the market.

For further information and details call Arvind Mistry. Home: 020 8845 3785 or Mobile: 07711 710 592

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Bradford Police Officer

Honoured By National

Diversity Award

An active member of SPA

Bradford branch and police

officer from Bradford has

been hailed as a shining

example for diversity.

PC Dharmesh Mistry was

shortlisted in the final

eight for the Positive Role

Model Award for Race,

Religion and Faith at the

2019 National Diversity

Awards, which took place

at the Anglican Cathedral

in Liverpool on Friday 20th

September 2019.

Dharmesh was chosen

for the work he does both

as a police officer and a

community volunteer by

a colleague in the force’s

Police Disability Association.

“It was an absolute honour

to just make the shortlist of

nominees,” said Dharmesh,

who has served with West

Yorkshire Police for 14 years.

Praise was received from

the Chief Constable of

West Yorkshire Police, John

The Homeless Hampers group

Robins saying, “To make

the final eight nominees

for such a prestigious

award demonstrates his

total commitment towards

championing diversity

and working hard for his


Despite suffering with

arthritis in both knees,

Dharmesh is very active

in the Samaj, within the

community, and volunteers

with initiatives in Bradford

which helps the homeless

and the vulnerable. This

includes feeding the

homeless via the Bradford

Curry Project and the

Homeless Hampers

group. Also helping the

British Legion ‘Khadi’

Poppy Appeal and raising

funds for ex-service men

and their families, all in

acknowledgement of our

forefathers involvement in

the war.

Dharmesh is a dementia

champion and where

possible he attends

to provide support to

sufferers with his mother

Kanchanben, following his

father’s passing of the same


Dharmesh has worked

tirelessly to forge

relationships between the

Police and the Bradford

Prajapati Samaj, so there is

a better understanding of

our community. The Police

are regular attendees at

Bradford branch events

Navratri at SPA Bradford

and are willing to support

where they can.

“Volunteering allows me

to give something back

to the community - raising

awareness and making

a positive difference

to people’s lives,” said


Shree Prajapati Association

Bradford congratulates

Dharmeshbhai on his

achievements and wishes

him the very best for the

future and to continue

actively working with our

Samaj and the community

of Bradford and West



Changing minds, Changing lives

Above: Bhupendra with a beneficiary of the Foundation

My Mother was tragically taken away from us at a very

young age. Mother was admired and loved by all who

came into contact with her; for her dedication to her family,

resilience in the face of adversity, her sense of duty and

gracefulness, in good times and bad she never lost her

capacity to smile and laugh, nor to inspire others with

her warmth and kindness. As children, we all loved and

respected her enormously, for all that she gave us.

I named and created the Foundation in Mother’s memory,

to build on the spiritual and humane ethos of Kamlaben

Mistry, a fitting tribute to a truly remarkable woman.

Kamla Foundation, is a registered charity based in the UK

helping vulnerable communities in India, develop their

capacity to meet basic needs and create solutions to

poverty and injustice.

Major projects include:

• Supporting vulnerable children through schooling

• Extensive women empowerment programme

• Rural water supply programme – giving clean drinking

water to villagers for the first time

• Supporting vulnerable people with life changing cleft

lip / palate operations

“The Foundation is addressing

the multiple factors that

contribute to communities

being locked into poverty”

Our approach is to build partnerships that respond to

locally defined problems with culturally sensitive solutions.

We firmly believe in taking a calculated risk, which

underlies most innovation and for venturing where others

remain reluctant to go. Ultimately developing sustainable

solutions rather than illusory quick-fixes, with the potential

to move not just money but ‘minds and policies’.

The strapline for Kamla Foundation is ‘changing minds,

changing lives’ and through the delivery of our work, we

are changing the lives of the poorest but in parallel to this,

we are helping to develop ‘new thinking’ and in doing so,

we have transformed the lives of over 30,000 people to


In our short history, we have made significant progress

and the importance of continuing this work in Mother’s

memory, is ever more crucial.

Bhupendra Mistry, Founder, Kamla Foundation

For further information, please log onto our website: www.kamlafoundation.org

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019






Small Steps Bring Big Change

Written by

Vinay Chhana and Liam Mistry




A lot of people are talking about

climate change from grandads to

parents, to colleagues and certainly

younger nieces and nephews.

The arguments for protecting the

environment, reducing our plastic

usage and reducing our oil and gas

usage have been around for at least

a generation. So why is it more

relevant now than ever?

Well, the topic is now being

discussed by the world’s largest

economies and corporations. For

example, India vowed to end single

use plastic usage at this year’s

Global Climate Summit. You

may also be aware that there is a

Plastic Pact in the UK between

the government, companies and

environmental groups. It created

targets and principles for all

parties to abide by. For instance by

2025, 100% of plastic packaging

should be reusable, recyclable or


This article aims to raise further

self-awareness about climate

change, our habits and what we

can do, or indeed if we can go

above and beyond, in order to help

the planet continue to blossom in

its radiant colours, natural beauty

and resource.

Our habits

and the planet

We saw more this year about what

happens to our rubbish in the sea from

the plastic bags, beer rings and netting

we may discard, which really ‘tipped’

this topic into everyone’s minds.

National Geographic published an issue titled

‘Planet or Plastic’. Our national treasure David

Attenborough also released his Blue Planet

documentary series, which meant that climate

change and caring for the planet stopped

becoming an academic debate, or something

that affected faraway lands.

It affected everyone, everywhere!

National Geographic,

Planet or Plastic.

Guest editor:

Ellen MacArthur

Avid ears and journalists picked this up. It

connected our buying habits to what we threw

away in the seas. It was a clear story that was

quite hard to deny. If you haven’t read the

magazine, we suggest you do. Visually, it is

striking, as well as shocking.

Earlier this year, the War on Plastic, fronted by

Anita Rani and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall,

aired on BBC1. The programme highlighted

that councils were unaware that huge quantities

of our recycling were in fact not being recycled.

Instead, it was being thrown away into landfill.

It also showed what we tend to flush away was

clogging up our sewers e.g. packaging, cotton

buds and wet wipes.



Reducing one cost,

adding another…

First-generation British Asians had to reduce costs

to get the bare necessities in the past. This led them

to learn how to be resourceful, reusing margarine

tubs and oil, and making our food and possessions

go that extra mile.

Some may hide the fact over others who are quite

proud that their buying habits have long been

driven by cost. The cheapest version of products

is often made of, or coated in plastic. Although

the cost to individuals for these products is low,

it’s a shame because the true damaging ‘cost’ to

our immediate environment is much more, which

is even more uncomfortable for us. It’s hard to

change views on what most think is the right way.

In the past thinking about climate change in India

and the UK focused on the melting ice caps and

endangered polar bears. These issues were distant

to our modern-day life and often did not concern

many of us.

A mush of rubbish

found in UK

sewers, which

often contribute

to ‘fatbergs’. These

are made up of

plastic packaging,

cotton buds, and

wet wipes


Younger people,

louder voices

It’s fair to say younger people do feel the guilt

around plastic usage more than their elders.

Research by YouGov shows 46% of people in the

UK feel guilty about the amount of plastic they use.

This is motivating them to consider changes in their

behavior, including paying more for products so

companies will find alternatives to single-use plastics.

The sense of guilt was found most among young

people. There were 51% of respondents in the 18-24

age bracket, and 43% among people in their late 40s

and early 50s.

The younger generation is often criticized for not

focusing on home ownership and gaining secure

employment and here are many reasons for this. What

is clear is that there seems to be an emerging shift

towards values over cost.

A recent study in Preston looked at recycling habits of

British Asians (in comparison to other ethnic groups),

which showed that second and third generation

British Asians are likely to have greater concern and

awareness about environmental issues. In contrast,

todays British Asians (under 45 years old) were found

to re-use and minimise less than their parents and


In short, no one generation and no one solution is

right. The younger generation is more aware and

vocal on the environment, but the older generation

practices environmentally friendly behaviors more

often. It’s only through dialogue between generations

that we can drive debate and action, work through

uncom-fortable truths and come to something we can

all agree on regarding the environment.

We don’t always need to listen to our elders, and we

don’t always share the same views, but we do need

to talk and work together. We will reduce costs for

one generation and reduce future costs for the next





Many of us would have been

educated and brought up to

always work hard and to do

so by any means. Historically

and culturally many Prajapati’s

lived together at homes with

their families, often sharing and

having a sense of community

with those they lived close by to.

We have changed in several ways

whilst trying to retain values as

comically illustrated below:

• Sharing food with neighbours

has turned into sharing your

food pictures on Instagram

with neighbours

• Having an open-door policy

has turned into locking down

your social media privacy

settings or making certain

posts public.

• Checking-in on our friends

and family has turned into

checking-in to a location on

Facebook or tagging them

in posts.

• Living close by within walking

distance to the workplace has

become a 1-hour commute

using 3 modes of transport

so there is less time for seeing


We Should Think


We should think differently

about how our attitude towards

climate change can be altered

through a similar concept. You

may now use different recycling

bins in your home for plastics,

paper and food waste, or it may

be that you re-use plastic bags

rather than


them away or

perhaps using


greener modes

of transport to

go to and from

work to avoid

polluting the environment. All of

this is great, if carried out by the

masses. Even if climate change is

the last of your worries, we can

all do some simple things to help

reduce the impact we have on

our environment.

• Next time you go shopping,

use a re-usable paper bag

• Try switching to a Hybrid or

electric car

• Recycle where possible

• Walk if you are only travelling

a short distance

• Turn off your engine in traffic

• Share your positive changes

with others


How do we digest Information?

The way we interact with the world has changed over recent years with the

use of technology, social media platforms and prioritising a more flexible and

convenient way of living. The chances are that you will most likely have a

Smartphone, Smart TV or Tablet within a few feet of you whilst reading this


Through reliance on modern necessities,

the perception on climate change can be

both negatively or positively influenced

depending on the way we react to what

we see. Often trending posts will generate

talking points, leading to awareness of

a topic and in turn an action or further

discussion amongst others, however these

topics tend to fade once a new ‘trend’ the

next day is discovered. Climate change is a

good example of one of these topics as we

all know it’s happening but it tends to take

a back seat in our day to day conversation

most of the time.

Many people who are campaigners for

climate change are taking advantage of

social media platforms to promote their

views globally. An analysis done between

May 2017 and May 2018 found that

more people were seriously talking about

the dating app Tinder on such social

platforms as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

and YouTube than they were discussing

climate change. That said, these sites serve

the greatest value in organising when

children in 112 different countries planned

a coordinated mid-March school walkout

to bring attention to climate change, social

media was essential. Gathering a global

audience for any individual posts has been

made effortless through platforms such

as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and

a post can often be published for a global

audience at the click of a button.

Overall this raises the question about how

valid, scientifically factual or fictitious

the information we learn about climate

change really is. It is always important

to fact check any content that you use

to make any judgements, or that you in

turn “share” through a click of a button.

Using a variety of trustworthy sources

and not relying wholly on the internet

for our primary information can help

reduce miscommunication of fictitious or

exaggerated comments related to climate




Where are people getting

information from?

“Google it”

Today nearly all of us have access

to the internet in our homes and

the term “Google it” has probably

become a catchphrase in your

household. We now feel a greater

need for convenience in our daily

lives, driven by us feeling much

busier with work, commuting and

balancing commitments.

“Almost 130 public libraries have

closed in the last year in Britain while

an extra 3,000 volunteers have been

brought in to run remaining services,

as the decade’s austerity pressures see

local authorities continuing to apply

swingeing cuts to budgets”. It is

therefore no surprise that many of us

are turning to alternative sources.

With the rising use of social media

platforms and having constant

internet access it has supplemented

the requirement to meet individuals

face to face. The reduction of our

interactions can lead to having fewer

debates and sharing of information

that might not otherwise be shared

remotely such as climate change.

Luckily, Prajapati’s across the UK

still have this opportunity to meet

and share information on influential

topics through the Mela Samelan

and Regional Annual Programmes.

The type of area in which you live

can also have a large impact on

where you gather information on

topics such as Climate change. Those

living in villages may rely more on

Radio and Newspaper whereas those

in the city may prefer more online

content. Equally those living in

suburban areas are likely to commute

longer so will rely on newspapers,

podcasts and the radio. Prajapati’s

have over many years began living

all over the UK and the world and so

the connection to local hometowns

and communities is greatly reduced.

One thing that is clear however, is

that whichever method you use to

gather information about what is

happening around the world, the

topic of Climate change persists.

















Sports Day 2019 31st August 2019 - Birmingham Univesity 41







Branch Awards


Chetan Trophy


Winner: 1. Rugby & London Branch

Fairplay Award

Winner: 2. East London Branch


Runner Up:

Over 40s


Runner Up:

3. Rugby Branch

4. London Branch

5. Bradford Branch

6. London Branch

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019








Boys 12 under Singles

Boys 16 under Singles


Runner Up:

7. Vikesh Mistry (Tameside)

8. Kavi Mistry (Leicester)


Runner Up:

11. Dylan Mistry (Rugby)

12. Kiren Mistry (London)

Girls 12 under Singles

Girls 16 under Singles


Runner Up:

9. Shayni Mistry (Rugby)

10. Davina V. Mistry (Birmingham)


Runner Up:

13. Diya Lad (London)

14. Diya Mistry (Bradford)

42 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019





17 18


Mixed Doubles

Winner: 15. Rohan Mistry & Mia Mistry (Tameside)

Runner Up: 16. Kiran Mistry & Rajshree Mistry (Tameside)

Mens Doubles 60+

Winner: 17. Bharatbhai Lad & Mohanbhai Mistry (Loughborough)

Runner Up: 18. Shashibhai Mistry & Vasanjibhai Chhana (Rugby)

Presenters (previous page):

1 - Jayantibhai Mistry

2 - Bharatbhai C Mistry

3,4,5,6 - Revaben Mistry


7,8,11,12,17,18 - Bharatbhai C Mistry

9,10,13 - Archanaben Vipulbhai Mistry

14,15,16 - Punam Mistry

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019



20 21




Mens Singles

Mens Doubles


Runner Up:

19. Dipan Mistry (London)

20. Amit Mistry (Tameside)


Runner Up:

23. Shailen Mistry & Amit Mistry (London)

24. Hamil Mistry & Teiren Mistry (Leicester)

Ladies Singles

Ladies Doubles


Runner Up:

21. Heenaben E. Mistry (London)

22. Tejal Vishvakarma (London)


Runner Up:

25. Kamini Mistry & Sheila Uttamlal (Preston)

26. Dharmista Tailor & Deena Mistry (Bradford)

44 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


26 27

28 29


Table Tennis



Runner Up:

Over 40s


Runner Up:

27. Kishen Mistry (Leicester)

28. Nilesh Mistry (London)

29. Mahendra Mistry (Leicester)

30. Narendra Mistry (Leicester)


19,20,21,25,26 - Punam Mistry

23,24 - Mahendrabhai & Dakshaben Mistry

27,28,29,30 - Jayantibhai Mistry

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


32 33










Runner Up:

31. Katen Mistry (Rugby)

32. Ramanbhai Mistry (Tameside)


Runner Up:

35. Hiren Lad (Bradford)

36. Raju Lad (Bradford)




Runner Up:

33. Shashi Mistry & Chagan Mistry (Leicester)

34. Raj Mistry & Mahesh Mistry (Bradford)


Runner Up:

37. Neetesh Mistry (Leicester)

38. Krish Mistry (Leicester)

46 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019










16 under


Runner Up:

39. Dipesh Mistry (Rugby)

40. Kamlesh Mistry (Leicester)


Runner Up:

43. Karmran Mistry (Walsall)

44. Priyan Mistry (Walsall)



Runner Up:

41. Preena Lowden (Birmingham)

42. Vaneesa Mistry (Coventry)

Presenters: 32 - Kiranbhai & Nilaben Mistry || 33 - Sandip Mistry || 34

Dineshbhai Mistry, Ramanbhai Mistry and Keshavbhai Mistry || 35,36

- Jayantibhai Mistry || 37 - Prakash Lad & Umesh Mistry || 38 - Punam

Mistry || 39,40 - Bhikhubhai & Taraben || 41,42,43,44 - Umesbhai Mistry

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019









Swimming Boys (6-8 yrs)

Swimming Boys (9-12yrs)


Runner Up:

45. Aryan P Mistry (Birmingham)

46. Jaival Mistry (Tameside)


Runner Up:

49. Anuj C. Mistry (Birmingham)

50. Anay C. Mistry (Birmingham)

Swimming Girls (6-8yrs)

Swimming Girls (9-12yrs)


Runner Up:

47. Valicia Mistry (London)

48. Meisha Mistry (Leicester)


Runner Up:

51. Nina C. Tailor (Bradford)

52. Jasmine G. Milward (Birmingham)

48 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019



53 54




Swimming Boys (13-16yrs)

Winner: 53. Kurtish Mistry (Luton)

Runner Up: 54. Dru Tailor (Bradford)


45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,54,55,56 - Minaben Mistry, Naynaben Mistry,

Bhagvatiben Mistry & Fiona Kelly

53 - Ashockbhai Mistry

Swimming Girls (13-16yrs)


Runner Up:

55. Anya Mistry (Bradford)

56. Tara Mistry (London)

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Birmingham Branch

Birmingham branch continues to flourish through the increased participation

of its members at samaj events, increased vibrancy in all the events we have

organised and the impact we are making in the wider society that we live in.

We held three bhajan programmes this year

namely Ram Navmi and Hanuman Jayanti Bhajans,

Janmashthami Bhajans and Shraddh Bhajans.

This year Birmingham branch was pleased to put

forward an even larger team of nearly 35 sports

participants at the HQ Sports day which was a

record attendance for the branch. We were very

proud to have won 6 trophies. This success has

given our youth a huge boost, and enabled us to

re-start our weekly badminton and table tennis


Our Seniors continued with their monthly gettogethers

on the second Wednesday of each

month with a variety of activities such as prarthana,

bhajans, yoga and presentations followed by lunch.

The Seniors also enjoyed their annual coach trip to

the seaside in the summer.

In the spring, we held a “Karaoke and Curry” night

which proved to be a success with several members

bringing out their singing talent with bathroom

singers blossoming into more confident singers.

The Mahila team were once again the stars with

preparing all the food as they do at all our events.

We held a successful and enjoyable Navratri this

year. Many of our members supported the event

by beautifully decorating the hall, setting up the

mandap, bringing fresh haars each day to adorn

Mataji’s photos, helping with the prasad, opening

and closing the hall etc. The Birmingham branch

were also very privileged to have been able to host

the Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street, who

joined us for the first Aarti and then participated in

the first garbo with our members.

50 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

We continued to make improvements to

our samaj building through completing the

washroom refurbishment project, replacing

the fire doors, investing in a new PA system,

installing a new CCTV security system

among many other regular building works in

accordance to the regulations.

We continue to collaborate closely with

many local Hindu Samajs and Mandirs and

jointly hosting events in Birmingham such

as Holi, supporting the Mayors events, and

currently forming a joint working group to

support the Commonwealth 2020 games

which are to be held in Birmingham. This

years Navaratri Food Bank Collection raised

1,919kg of food (4,172 meals equivalent)

where SPA Birmingham members made

a significant contribution. Also, on 19th

October, 200 volunteers got together and

packed 7 tonnes of food into 525 hampers

and hand delivered to the needy families

across Birmingham. SPA Birmingham

members donated 15% of the hampers that

were distributed and many members helped

with the packing and deliveries.

SPA Birmingham supported the Mayor of

the West Midlands and the Consul General

of India during the unveiling of the ‘Blue

Plaque’ to commemorate 88 years of

Mahatma Gandhi’s visit to Woodbrooke in

Birmingham. Lord Jitesh Ghadia attended

the occasion and addressed everyone in

the same room where Mahatma Gandhi had

addressed the Quakers in 1931.

I am personally very proud of the continued

vibrancy within the Birmingham branch and

how the branch activities have continued

to grow from strength to strength. These

achievements are only possible when

members come together and work in unity.

I sincerely thank the Birmingham branch

members for their continued support, and a

heartfelt thanks to my Executive Committee

without whom none of the above would

have been possible, and the Trustees for

their continued guidance and support.

Piyush Ambalalbhai Mistry (President)

Shree Prajapati Association Birmingham

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Our big achievement for

2019 – 7th Seniors Sneh

Samelan held in Bolton.

We planned and hosted the 7th

Seniors Sneh Samelan within 6

months after the go ahead from

HQ Senior committee.

Bolton Branch

In 2018, Bolton Branch made a

commitment to host the Seniors

Sneh Samelan. Therefore 2019

has been a big year for us and

an excellent opportunity to

showcase our commitment to

SPA (UK). The Seniors Samelan

was hosted on 23rd June 2019

with great success. We had more

than 630 SPA members from

all over the UK in addition to

over 100 members from Bolton

Branch attending.

The theme for the day was

‘Technology’. The day was

packed with various speeches

and presentations from several

members of SPA (UK) with a

technology background. We were

entertained with bhajans, dances,

a short play and a game (play

your cards right).

As the event was held in Bolton,

it was agreed that Shri Jitubhai

and Shri Ambalalbhai would take

the opportunity in recognising

Shri Uttambhai Mistry who has

dedicated many years for SPA

(UK), Bolton Branch and many

other charitable organisations

around the Bolton Area.

Quote from Ambalalbhai Misty

Secretary SPA (UK) Senior


“Namaste and JSK Hansaben and

the Bolton Branch Team, on behalf

of the SPA UK Seniors Committee

I take this opportunity to thank

you, the entire Bolton Branch

Team of Volunteers, Management

Committee and the Trustees for

all the effort put in and working

in conjunction with the Seniors

Committee in organising and

successfully completing the 7th

Seniors Sneh Samelan.

We all appreciate the hard work

put in by all of your volunteers.

Yes, it may not have been easy,

but success comes from team

effort, dedication and individuals

carrying out their respective

duties. Please convey our sincere

appreciation to all of them”.

The success of the Senior

Samelan would not have been

possible without the effort and

commitment of our volunteers.

I take this opportunity to thank

all those involved for making it a

successful event.

We would like to wish SPA (UK)

members all the best for the

2019/2020. We look forward to

reuniting at upcoming events.

52 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Coventry Branch

It was a steady but challenging year for the Coventry Branch for the past year.

The traditional events of Navratri and Shradh bhajans were brightly celebrated

and attended by members.

One of the outstanding highpoints of the year was

the Senior’s group which has been very proactive

and seen many meetings over the years with

activities and outings for the Senior citizens. The

Senior’s group was formed in May 2017 and the

first gathering was held on the 17th May 2017. The

forming of the group was long overdue as it was

identified that there was a lack of activities and

gathering to meet people in the community. At this

meeting we had 37 attendees and we discussed

various topics which would affect the lives of the

senior citizens in old age and what is the best way

forward to be active, fit and healthy. The group have

since been meeting once a month on a Wednesday

and are pleased with the progress so far. The group

activities have continued over the past years with

discussions about health matters, gentle light

exercises, bhajans, yoga exercises, bingo playing,

Quiz, outings and of course a mouth-watering

delicious meal at Diwali. Professional speakers

have been invited to talk on health matters such

as Diabetes, Dementia, Bowel Cancer, Therapy of

Tapping for health and carers. The outings have

been arranged to visit temples and the seaside. In

addition, a talk about Wills, Probate and Power of

Attorney was arranged with a Solicitor’s firm.

This year a special two-day trip was arranged to

visit the Modern Buddhist Temple near the Lake

District and the city of Liverpool, with its refurbished

dockyard with an overnight stop near Preston

where we all had a delicious thali meal at an indian

restaurant. A group of over 40 Seniors joined us on

this trip.

A children’s Christmas Party was organised for

the third year running and proved to be a huge

success. The event was attended by 34 children

aged between 0-14 years and there was a special

appearance by Santa Claus. All monies raised were

donated to a local children’s charity, Tiny Tim’s. The

working committee wish to thank all the participants

and members for their continued support and

Coventry Branch wishes everyone a very happy

Diwali and prosperous 2020.

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Bradford Branch

For SPA Bradford, 2019 has been

another triumphant year.

The Mandir Committee has organised religious

events and continued providing the daily Aarti,

whilst the Mahila team have organised the

“Blooming Great Tea Party” for Marie Curie and

participated in the “Race

for Life” for Macmillan

Cancer. The Youth team

have continued to support

Bradford and UK Sports Days

and the Maintenance team

have been busy with the upkeep of our community

centre building.

Over the last three years, SPA Bradford has

continued to successfully embrace social media. All

forthcoming events are posted on Facebook with

information and pictures allowing SPA Bradford to

instantly connect with its members and to gauge

their interest from the number of “likes” received.

Meanwhile, WhatsApp has helped to facilitate “word

of mouth” communication across the community.

Two of 2019’s most outstanding achievements have

been to introduce the Walking and Cycling clubs.

The Walking Club

The SPA Bradford walking club was established in

Spring by experienced walkers Chaxu Lad, Hemant

Mistry and Kanti Mistry from the Bradford Samaj.

The club welcomes people of all ages to take part

- free of charge! It’s a great opportunity for people

to be outdoors, meeting and mixing with new

54 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

people, whilst getting invigorating

exercise across the breath-taking

Yorkshire countryside.

During Spring and Summer,

the club has walked popular

Yorkshire trails around Saltaire (a

world heritage site in Bradford),

Ogden Waters (Halifax), Malham

Cove (North Yorkshire Dales)

and Bolton Abbey (Skipton). All

the walks covered scenic five

to eleven-mile routes, with the

option of shorter, three- or fourmile

routes for less advanced


All the walks have been very

popular with our members with

attendance ranging from 50 - 65

members of diverse ages from

seven years of age to eighty-one

years young! As a result of the

very positive feedback, the walks

will continue throughout the year

(weather permitting!).

The club is open to all, so if you

like walking and beautiful scenery

please come and join the walking


The Cycling club

Thanks to Chaxu Lad, the SPA

Bradford Cycling Club was

launched in October 2018 with

an impressive ten cyclists aged

from 10-81 who rode eight miles

across the Spen Valley Greenway

in Bradford. The cycling club

grew to fourteen cyclists for the

next ride through the Greenway

followed by further on-road and

off-road rides. For the advanced

riders, the club has ventured to

more challenging, but picturesque

Yorkshire routes through Skipton,

Saltaire, Leeds, Ogden Waters,

Halifax and Mirfield as well as

along the canal from Saltaire

to Leeds. For beginners, the

club joined with the charitable

organisation ‘Streetbikes’ who

provided bicycles and tricycles

for a safe ride around a 400m

athletics running track. Some club

members have completed the 50

mile Tour De Yorkshire Sportive

and 60 mile UCI Road World

Championships Sportive which

were gruelling races around the

relentless hills (and rain!) of Leeds

and Harrogate.

As the club’s first year ends, they

are looking forward to future

cycling events and to welcome

more riders of all ages and



Thank you to all our members and

volunteers from West Yorkshire

for their ‘sewa’ to our Bradford

Samaj this past year, but not

forgetting, the last 36 years. All

of SPA Bradford’s achievements

would not have been possible

without their dedication and

hard work. SPA Bradford is now

looking forward to 2020 with the

aim of exceeding achievements

of 2019 for the West Yorkshire

Prajapati community.

For more information or to keep

up-to-date with our events,

please visit our “Shree Prajapati

Association” Facebook page.

Jai Shree Krishna.

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


SPA Bradford’s

“Blooming Great Tea Party”

21st September 2019

This social event was the idea of one of our SPA

Bradford volunteers Nita Mistry who wanted to organise

a Ladies Tea Party to raise money for the Marie Curie


The right care means everything to families living with a

terminal illness. With our donations Marie Curie nurses

can be there for more families when needed the most.

The aim of this event was to engage ladies, young and

old, within our community to experience a Tea Party.

Supported by our Mahila Team, volunteers and friends,

a date was set to hold an afternoon Blooming Great Tea

Party, brain storming ideas together to get the “PARtea”


Of course, it would not be a tea party without chai

and cakes……complimented by savoury treats,

prosecco, raffle prizes, an auction and bingo. But most

importantly, to share a wonderful experience, and to

have fun and laughter with family and friends.

Generous donations were given by local supermarkets,

businesses and our SPA members. Home-made

cakes, sandwiches, biscuits, savoury treats, prosecco,

decorations and much more was donated by our

amazing Bradford ladies and their families. All funds

collected from ticket and raffles sales went straight

towards the Marie Curie Charity event.

Many of our ladies that attended the event had never

experienced such a thing as an afternoon tea party, so

it was a very special treat for them. It was definitely the

icing on the cake to hear that our ladies appreciated the

time and effort dedicated by our Mahila Team to make

this Tea Party a success.

Our target was to raise a thousand pounds on the day.

We actually exceeded our expectations and raised an

amazing total of £1,368.50.

The event was so successful that other SPA branches

have been in touch and praised our Bradford SPA Tea

Party following on from our social media broadcast. We

would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone

who supported us!

Just some of the feedback from our SPA members:

‘table decor looked amazing and the food variety

layout was brilliant’,

‘very well organised’

‘the event was for all ages to come and enjoy a

memorable day’,

‘thank you to all organisers for a wonderful event for

such a good cause. Your efforts were priceless’.

56 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Loughborough Branch

During the past twelve months

the Loughborough team have

focused on engaging and

reinvigorating the local branch

membership, in line with the vision

and mission set out in late 2018

and have tried to make activities

appeal to different demographics

within our community.

As well our regular annual events,

such as Navratri, Diwali Meet

and Greet, we also held several

additional events, including:

Children’s trampolining, Ten

pin bowling event, Curry Night,

Ladies tea and coffee morning.

A significant number of members

also attended the Mahila and

Senior Samelan.

During the year, we launched

the Monthly Seniors Social. This

event is now well established,

and attendance is consistently

increasing. The Seniors typically

enjoy an hour of exercise/yoga,

followed by a cup of chai with

nasto, board games and a social


Noli (Nori) Nem was in August,

and for the first time we decided

to host this event for members.

Whilst the ladies cooked the

vuddhu and rotlas, the men

prepared the venue and cut

the onions, and we then all ate

together. If you are not aware of

the meaning of Noli Nem, Noli

is taken from the word “Nevia”

or “mongoose” and Nem means

“Navam” or “ninth”.

We had a significantly higher

number of representatives at this

year’s SPA (UK) Sports Day in

Birmingham. As well as football,

we had swimmers, Table Tennis,

Badminton and Squash players.

Congratulations to Mohanbhai

and Bharatbhai who were the

winners of the over 60’s men’s


Our Loughborough team did

a great job in making sure the

SPA (UK) Prathindhi meeting

in September ran smoothly and

all of the delegates needs were

catered for. As always there

was some lively and interesting


Our best wishes to all our


SPA Loughborough Branch


vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Leicester Branch

Once again SPA Leicester’s calendar was packed

with events taking place almost every month. I would

like to highlight some of the things that we have been

doing in Leicester, the majority of which is focussed

on our youth.

We have realised that to sustain

our organisation’s long-term

growth, we need to grow as an

attractive hub for investment and

talent. Our biggest challenge is to

integrate our young generation in

to the general Prajapati society.

It is more difficult for the older

generation to quickly change

their social habits and culture,

but their children may grow up

less cultured, unless we take

responsibility to facilitate their


We must therefore all

work together to make our

organisation most vibrant and

attractive. Youth participation

is about young people having

a say and influencing change in

decisions that affect their lives,

organisations and communities.

The principles must be built

on the foundations of positive

relationships between young

people and trusted adults,

equality in opportunities

and effective safeguarding.

Young people must voluntarily

participate in purposeful roles

and be empowered to share

views influencing real, visible and

tangible outcomes.

With this in mind, our youth

trustee Minaben has been working

hard with a team of young

Prajapatis’ over the last year and

have managed to rejuvenate the

weekly youth club. There has

been an increase in the number

of participants for the SPA (UK)

Sports day and generally, the

youth involvement at various

levels is increasing over time.

Progress is slow but moving in the

right direction. Sold out events

included various social events and

the Children’s Christmas party.

We also have a trustees training

programme which is currently

being used by a couple of our

youths. More recently, we have

also been engaged in running

health events in collaboration with

local health organisations such

as South Asian Health Action

(SAHA) and together we had a

very successful health event in

August. The event was attended

by many and was also well

supported by our youth.

We still host major religious

events taking place throughout

the year and are pleased to report

that the participation and support

58 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

from our members has been

fantastic leading to every event

becoming a success.

The activities taking place

during the week at our site have

experienced a significant increase

in participation. More recently we

have also introduced a day time

keep fit and yoga activity, which is

proving to be a success.

Looking at the number of

activities that SPAL run over the

year, nearly all of these have seen

a fantastic increase in attendance

and it is encouraging to know

that we must be doing something


In conclusion, I feel very proud

that we have members who care

that SPAL is a valued asset and

will remain so for the foreseeable

future. SPAL holds its volunteers

at heart, because they participate

with their own free will to help

and ensure that all of our events

are enjoyed by all.

Jay Shree Krishna

Jay D Mistry (President)

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


London Branch

What an exciting start to 2019! The enthusiastic newly

elected Executive Committee is hoping to take the

samaj to a new level by attempting to lay down ideas

to address the issue of youth participation in 2019

which is an ongoing challenge.

SPA London ladies joined

together on Friday 28th June

2019 to walk in aid of St. Luke’s

Hospice Charity where the theme

was Hollywood/Bollywood for

the biggest girls’ night out walk

each year.

The Mahila team organised

religious functions like Hanuman

Chalisa, Shraadh Bhajans, Navarati

and Diwali. These events were well

supported and loved by members.

The London branch undertook a

project to host the 39th Mahila

Samelan on 7th April 2019. This is

nothing unusual - so far, London

has hosted five Mahila Samelans

in London, and the sixth followed

suit! This Samelan differed as

London bravely met all SPA

(UK) branch members half way

in the middle of the UK. Instead

of all the branches getting up in

the early hours of the morning

and travelling on the motorway.

The London volunteers travelled

early to Leicester so that they

could welcome all branches who

enjoyed a shorter journey to the

venue –SPA Leicester Samaj hall.

Our senior, experienced Jasuben

co-ordinated the event well with a

dedicated team of volunteers and

the extended Mahila team.

In total, 150 volunteers worked

hard to make this event a

success. Three volunteer

meetings were held prior to the

event in London and there were

nearly 60 members who helped

with the preparation and setting

up of the hall on Saturday 6th

April 2019 in Leicester.

In the weeks leading up to

the event the young team

of volunteers designed and

produced the colourful stage

backdrop in the hours they kindly

spared after work. The dedication

of volunteers was evident as they

travelled to Leicester and stayed

in hotels in order to make an

early morning start on Sunday

7th April 2019.

The remaining volunteers and

members travelled in two

coaches, departing from London

at 6.00am for an early arrival

in Leicester. By 7.00am, SPA

Leicester’s Hall was humming

with life and many volunteers

were ready to welcome and serve

the arriving guests from all 14

UK branches. The programme

started on time with a live musical

aarti, followed by a swagat geet

performed by the London Mahila.

The enthusiastic volunteers fed

over 1000 attendees in just over

60 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

an hour, which was a fantastic

achievement! Our younger

volunteers served water in the hall

throughout the programme.

Raffle prizes were generously

donated by SPA London

members. Additionally, the

breakfast was kindly donated

by one of our members in

memory of their late mother. The

programme finished on time after

singing India’s national anthem.

All coaches departed safely by

4.30pm. The hall was cleared

and the remaining volunteers left

Leicester at 5.00pm.

This event was a great success

because of the support from

our 150 volunteers. A big thank

you and credit goes to such a

dedicated team. The London

branch is proud of you!

During the month of Shravan;

25 ladies celebrated Noli Nem

by performing the pooja of

Noria and enjoyed the dinner of

vuddhu and rotla.

holiday and arrived back in

London on 14th September 2019.

Their cruise ship was described

like a big shopping centre and

the weather was fabulous. The

whole tour was organised by

Jasuben as no other travel

agency was involved.

Shraadh Bhajans and bhojan was

held on Sunday 15th September

2019. The Bhajans finished at

4.00pm followed by the Bhojan.

In preparation for Navarati this

year, we organised a Navarati

garba workshop where young and

old members learnt new garba

steps with expectation to perform

them during Navarati.

We wish you all Nurtan Varash

Abhinandan, health, happiness

and hope for increased support

from the youth of today who will

be our leaders of the future.

On 2nd September 2019, 27

members went on a 12-day

Mediterranean cruise. They

visited 7 ports where the ship

had docked. Except for 3 people,

all others were over 60 and the

oldest person was 84 years old.

All thoroughly enjoyed their

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Luton Branch

Our biggest achievement this year has

been the development of our Instagram

feed. We have been able to give a

behind the scenes experience to our

events, by uploading photos and live

updates throughout our events.

We first trialled this at last year’s Bhajan Bhojan,

where we were able to show the ladies cooking and

then the Bhajans live as they were performed. This

has been a success as a result of the new members

that have joined our committee, bringing fresh ideas

to the table.


We decided to conduct a survey to find out what

our members want to do and get out of the Samaj.

The responses we received led to the development

of two new events. Like many other branches we

have found we have members from a broad age

range, therefore we decided to

focus on family friendly events.

The first of our new events

was a family bowling

afternoon. We had a

mix of generations





children. Lanes were mixed to give the opportunity

for the new generation to get to know others

within the community. Overall, we had a fun packed

afternoon that was the beginning of a new chapter

for our branch.

Yarn Spinning

Our other new event was a Creative Yarn Spinning

Workshop. We had one of our very own young

Prajapatis leading the sessions. We had a sell-out

event with lots of ladies interested in how to make

the yarns from the fibres, bringing back long-lost

skills. They were also shown how to make rakhis and

bracelets using their new skills.

Race For Life

As with previous years, our ladies took part in the

local Race for Life, however this year there was

a fantastic twist - the men and children could

join in! As a result, we had a good turnout of 20

participants, who ran, jogged or walked either the

5km or 10km circuit. Together we raised over £400

for this important charity.

Annual Events

Luckily, we were blessed with good weather for our

annual BBQ at Wickstead Park. We had a lovely turn

out of around 30 people including some new faces.

We were able to reminisce about previous years

whilst enjoying the company and food on the day.

Our next event was the Bhajan Bhojan. We had the

pleasure of Shree Wellingborough Bhajan Mandal

playing harmonious bhajans that were thoroughly

enjoyed by all those who attended. The food was

prepared by our amazing ladies and you can follow

us on Instagram to see how the men helped too. Our

charity of choice for the day was Macmillan Cancer


Upcoming Events

Future events in 2019 include our Annual Dinner

and Dance, which is one of our most awaited events

62 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

of the year. There are still both the

Ladies and Gents Nights Out to

come along with the pre-Christmas

drinks just before the holidays. We

are also looking forward to the final

part of Sewa for the year, with the

annual Smiley Sam (door knocking)

collection for our local Hospice. Last

year we had a wonderful team of 5

who took on one of the hilliest areas

in Luton. Even though it was a cold

night and there were lots of steps

to climb, the look on the children’s

faces when they see Santa made it

all worth the while. This year we are

really looking forward to being able

to do our bit to help this wonderful

local cause.

We are looking forward to

celebrating the rest of the year with

our members. The New Year will

bring lots of new ideas with it to

bring our community together.

Don’t forget to follow us at

www.spaluton.com or on

Instagram @SPALUTON.

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Rugby Branch

Branch Spotlight on

‘Rugby Dementia’

SPA Rugby are proud and

honoured to have raised a

magnificent sum of £1000 for

Rugby Dementia Support. The

money was raised through a fun

filled evening of Darts & Skittles

played by all ages and abilities

and from other kind voluntary

donations received.

Rugby Dementia provides and

seeks to offer support to people

living locally with Dementia and

their carers. This can include

activities for patients and

carers, understanding Dementia,

information sessions, enable

people to sustain social contacts

and to encourage mutual support,

they also provide help and

support to those who are isolated

or are in hospital.

Dementia affects just under

a million people in the UK, of

which 25,000 are from the Asian

and black minority groups, and

unfortunately these numbers are

set to rise.

This condition triggers a loss of

brain function which is usually

progressive. Symptoms include

memory loss, confusion and

problems with speech and


It is one of our greatest medical

challenges, shattering lives and

robbing families of the people

they know and love.

However, there are many national

and local charities plus other

organisations helping in numerous

ways to deliver new preventions,

treatment and support to combat

this condition.

One such body is Rugby

Dementia Support who we have

been privileged to help this year.

2018/19 Branch Report

The Branch organised a coach trip

to the seaside town of Weston

Super Mare, which was well

enjoyed by all.

The Senior Sneh Samelan and

Mahila Samelan were both well

64 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

attended and appreciated by our members.

At the 2019 Sports day, the branch excelled

in many events and were winners in the

Under 13’s and Under 16’s Badminton,

Men’s Pool, Darts Singles, Senior Football

plus being runners up in the over 60’s

Badminton. We were joint winners of

the Chetan Trophy - well done to our


The Rugby branch is proud to say that

for the second year running we have

sponsored a student in India, under the

SPAITF Vetted Education Fund.

We are also very pleased to announce SPA

Rugby will be Sponsoring an Eye Camp

on 26th January 2020 in Vesma, Gujarat

for the Rotary Eye Institute. If any member

wishes to donate towards the Eye camp

/ SPAITF please contact a committee


On a very sad note, Shri Arvindbhai

Ranchhodbhai Mistry sadly passed away

this year. He was a long serving committee

member, who will be dearly missed by both

his family and the community, may his soul

rest in peace.

The committee would like to take this

opportunity to thank all our members and

volunteers for their continued support, kind

donations and generosity over the year.

We wish you all a Happy New Year.

Jai Shree Krishna

Shree Prajapati Association, Rugby

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‘fdL©$‘pmy ‘fdpÐdp bn¡ A¡S> Adpfu

A„s:L$fZ“u âp’®“p.

rg. L$pe®hplL$ krdrs “p S>e îuL©$óZ.

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Preston Branch

The working committee is making a great effort to

keep and maintain cultural and religious programmes

for our community by focussing on key activities

throughout the year.

We would like to congratulate Kamini Mistry and Sheila Uttamlal

who were winners of Ladies Badminton Doubles at this year’s Sports

Day held at University of Birmingham. A big thank you to all the

participants and spectators who represented the branch.

Khushalbhai Kumar (Preston) along with Taraben Sharma (Tameside)

have been working with Madhi Surali Prajapati Samaj in Gujarat, India

to raise funds for the development of a new samaj building in the

Madhi area. The Madhi Prajapati community was established around

1960 consisting of Prajapatis from four villages. The committee has

envisaged a need to have a local samaj builiding, as the nearest

prajapati building is based in Bardoli (27km away). As well as not

being convenient for the Madhi community to access, it is heavily

utilised by the local Bardoli community and is not cost effective to

hire for minor activities.

The Madhi Prajapati community demographic consists of very few

affluent members. Despite this, in 1980 the Madhi Prajapati community

had been successful in purchasing a plot of land from funds raised

from fund raising activities such as undertaking serving duties at

weddings and providing a utensil hire service.

In 2016 a new young enthusiastic committee decided to embark on

the ambitious project to raise funds and begin construction. So far

the Madhi Prajapati Samaj team has raised funds for construction to

begin (base level, pillars). The next major phase of the project is to

incorporate a concrete slab (roof). This will result in the completion

of the building skeleton and will allow the building to be used. The

building will facilitate various activities for the membership and local

community. We wish the Madhi Prajapati Samaj team all the best and

success in their valuable project.

We would like to

congratulate Kamini

Mistry and Sheila

Uttamlal who were

winners of Ladies

Badminton Doubles

We would like to

acknowledge the

support we continue

to receive from all

our members.

We would like to acknowledge the support we continue to receive

from all our members. It is key to maintaining our local activities. Sadly,

once again we were unsuccessful in electing a full executive committee,

so the current working committee remained to sustain the branch. This

is not an ideal situation, as many aspects of the Samaj are being underrepresented.

Jai Shree Krishna

Working Committee, SPA (UK) - Preston Branch

66 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

SPM East


In 2019, Shree Prajapati Mandal celebrated 40 years

of our founding here in East London & Ilford.

From 6 founder members

meeting at a house and coming

up with the idea of forming

a branch in East London, to

more than 100 families now

participating in our events every

year, the Mandal has come a very

long way in the last 40 years.

The anniversary was celebrated

with a Dinner and Dance on

7th September 2019, almost

exactly 40 years to the day we

were established. This event

was the perfect opportunity

to congratulate our founders

for their vision and dedication

to the Mandal. Their drive and

commitment through the years

drove the Mandal to be what it

is today, forging lasting bonds

in the Prajapati community and

beyond. We give thanks to those

founders, some of whom have

passed on and we miss dearly.

The founder members were:

(1) Late Shri Uttambhai S. Mistry,

(2) Late Shri Govindbhai P. Mistry,

(3) Late Shri Ramanbhai V. Mistry,

(4) Balvantrai M. Mistry,

(5) Harishbhai V. Mistry and

(6) Natubhai M. Mistry.

The Dinner and Dance held at

the London Darbar in Ilford was

attended by over 140 members,

young and old, and was a huge

success. It was fantastic to see

our community coming together

to celebrate this very special


Over the years, our members

have supported us in our regular

events such Shradh Bhajans,

Navratri and our New Year meet

and greet. All events are well

attended by members of the East

London community and beyond.

This year, we were represented at

SPA Sports Day by Kiran Mistry,

one of our committee members,

for the first time in over 20 years

and were awarded the Fair Play

Shield. We hope this acts as

encouragement to our members

to come forward and represent

the Mandal in the future too.

Finally, I would like to take this

opportunity to say thank you to

all of our members, volunteers

and especially our committee

members for their efforts in

making all of our events a success.

Wishing you all a Happy Diwali

and Nutan Varsh Abhinandhan.

Vinubhai Mistry








vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Tameside Branch

I am very proud to be a part of a branch committee

that is extremely dedicated and experienced, and

that each year we are able to organise local activities

as well as to support HQ activities.

The support we receive from local organisation headed by

our members is immeasurable; Champaben Pravinbhai Mistry to

this brings a great deal of unity combat isolation and loneliness

amongst our members.

amongst ladies on their own

for a long time. This is a void

At the Tameside AGM in April, the

that needed to be filled, sharing

existing committee were elected

each other’s experiences and

to continue to lead the Tameside

to bring them back out into the

Branch again. In July we had a day


trip to Morecambe, it was a fun

day that was enjoyed by over 40 Our ‘Diwali Get Together’ was

members of all ages even though held in October 2018 to celebrate

it was a bit windy.

Diwali. Celebrating in

this informal manner has

The Shradh Bhajan Bhojan

become very popular

in September 2018 was an

with our members, as it

enchanting day of beautiful

brings families together

bhajans. It was decided that

in a local pub rather

the funds raised would be

than visiting each other’s

donated towards Dipak Dristi

houses to wish each

Group (‘Light of Vision’) a new

other a very Happy

Diwali and Happy New Year, whilst

mingling with a drink and enjoying

each other’s homemade food.

During the ‘Diwali Get Together’,

the Samaj presented Champaben

with a cheque for £750, which

was kindly received on behalf of

Dipak Dristi Group. This donation

has helped the group to register

with New Life Church to hire a

special-needs minibus on any

occasion and enabled them to

train two volunteers, Dilipbhai

Mistry and Lalitaben Mistry, to

drive and operate the minibus.

This has allowed the group to take

their members on more trips.

68 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

We are very proud of all the

participants who took part in the

HQ Sports Day and in particular

those from the Tameside branch

who continually support us and

come back with medals.

A revised SPA Tameside Branch

Telephone Directory was released

in January 2019. Additional copies,

are available via the Tameside

branch secretary.

Finally, on behalf of the SPA

(UK) Tameside Executive

committee and Trustees; I would

like to express our gratitude

and thanks to all our branch

members, volunteers and HQ

for their relentless contribution

in supporting the success of the

Tameside Samaj. Thank You!

Jai Shree Krishna

Sailesh Bhanabhai Mistry

SPA Tameside Branch Secretary

“dõs¡ A“¡ S>eîu L©$óZ.

d“¡ A“ychu kæep¡’u v$f¡L$ krdsudp

cpNuv$pf b“hp dpV¡$ Nh® ’pe R>¡. kdpS>“p

kæep¡“p klL$pf“¡ gB“¡ krdsu õ’pr“L$

õsf¡ s¡dS> dÝeõ’ g¡hg¡ âh©rÑAp¡“y„

Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ kam ’B R>¡. s¡ kæep¡“¡

kp’¡ dmu“¡ L$pe® L$fhp“u sL$ Ap‘¡ R>¡.

V¡$dkpBX$“u hprj®L$ kcpdp lpg“u krdsu“¡

afu’u Q|„V$hpdp„ Aphu L¡$ S>¡’u ipMp“p L$pep£“¡

ApNm h^pfu iL¡$. Sy>gpBdp„ dp¡fL$çb“u V²$u‘

L$fhpdp„ Aphu S>¡dp„ 40 ìe[¼sAp¡A¡ cpN

gu^p¡ A“¡ M|b dTp L$fu.

k¡àV¡$çbf drl“pdp„ cS>“-cp¡S>““y„ Apep¡S>“

’ey„, ky„v$f cS>“p¡ Nphpdp„ Apìep. S>¡ v$„X$

c¡Ny ’ey„ s¡“¡ õ’pr“L$ k„õ’p v$u‘L$ Örô$

“¡ Ap‘hp“y„ “½$u ’ey„. Ap Q„‘pb¡“

ârhZcpB rd”u“u ApN¡hp“u l¡W$m Qpg¡

R>¡. d|¿e l¡sy kdpS>dp„ fl¡su A¡L$ghpeu

”uAp¡“¡ âp¡Ðkpl“ Ap‘u s¡Ap¡“p A¡L$ghpep

Æh“dp„’u blpf L$pY$hp“y„ R>¡. Ap“u Mpk

S>ê$fueps lsu L¡$ S>¡’u ”uAp¡ c¡Np dmu

A¡L$buÅ“p A“ychp¡“u Ap‘ g¡ L$fu iL¡$.

qv$hpmu“u DS>hZu dpV¡$ Ap¡¼V$p¡bfdp„

qv$hpmu-N¡V$-Vy$N¡^f “y„ Apep¡S>“ ’ey„.

Aphu fus¡ qv$hpmu DS>hZu s¡ klº“¡ M|b

Nd¡ R>¡. OZp„ ‘qfhpf“¡ c¡Np dmhp“u sL$

dm¡ R>¡, A¡L$buÅ“p Of¡ S>hp L$fsp„ gp¡L$g

‘bdp„ c¡Np ’B hpsp¡ L$fhp“u A“¡ Mphp

‘uhp“u M|b dTp Aph¡. Ap L$pe®¾$d v$fçep“

Q„‘pb¡““¡ ‘p¥. 750 “p¡ Q¡L$ qv$‘L$ Örô$ dpV¡$

Ap‘hpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡. Ap ‘¥kp’u Þey gpBa$

QQ® ‘pk¡’u du“u bk cpX¡$ g¡hpdp„ dv$v$

’B. Ap bk Qgphhp dpV¡$ b¡ õhe„k¡hL$p¡

îu qv$gu‘cpB A“¡ îudsu gguspb¡“ R>¡.

kæep¡“¡ Äep„ S>hy„ lp¡e Ðep„ S>B iL¡$.

hprj®L$ fdsp¡dp cpN g¡“pfpAp¡ dpV¡$ Nh®

A“ycrhe¡ R>uA¡. V¡$dkpBX$ ipMp sfa’u

cpN gB OZp„ d¡X$gp¡ ‘Z gB Aph¡ R>¡.

ÅÞeyApfu 2019 dp„ V¡$dkpBX$ ipMp“u

“hu V¡$guap¡“ byL$ blpf ‘pX$hpdp„ Aphu R>¡

S>¡ byL$ L$p¡B“¡ h^pfp“u g¡hu lp¡e sp¡ ipMp“p

d„Óuîu“p¡ k„‘L®$ kp^¡.

A„sdp„ îu âÅ‘rs kdpS> V¡$dkpBX$ ipMp“u

L$pe®hplL$ krdsu s¡dS> V²$ô$uAp¡ sfã’u kh£

kæep¡, õhe„k¡hL$p¡ s¡dS> dÝeõ’ k„õ’p“p

klL$pf bv$g Apcpf ìe¼s L$fy„ Ry>„ L¡$ S>¡Ap¡

V¡$dkpBX$ ipMp“u kamspdp„ M|bS> klL$pf

Ap‘¡ R>¡. Apcpf.

rg. i¥g¡i cpZpcpB rd”u

d„Óuîu, îu âÅ‘rs kdpS> ey.L¡$. -

V¡$dkpBX$ ipMp

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Wellingborough Branch

Wellingborough’s key focus remains raising funds for charities and 2019 wasn’t any

different. This past year we donated over £3,000 to two local charities Daylight

Centre and Service Six, and to one national charity, Motor Neurone Disease.

Daylight Centre – an

independent local

charity helping people

in Wellingborough and

the surrounding areas

in meeting personal challenges that range from

complex mental health issues, drug and alcohol

abuse, learning difficulties, to homelessness or just

feeling fragile, isolated and alone.

Service Six -


leading community charity

who provide professional

therapeutic support,

activities and services to thousands of hard-toreach

disadvantaged children, young people, adults

and families.

Motor Neurone Disease

- the only national

charity in England, Wales

and Northern Ireland

focused on improving access to care, research

and campaigning for those people living with or

affected by MND.

Music was provided by local DJs, 2 Hot

Entertainment who kept the dance floor filled. There

was also a raffle, tombola and the street food was

amazing. Cheques were presented to Mencap and

Children are Butterflies who both received £1,001


Thanks to all the volunteers who helped create such

a successful event. The 2019 theme was “Back to the

80s” … more news on that in next year’s Sandesh.

Waendel Walk

In May, 20 branch members participated in the

International Waendel Walk in Wellingborough

and the surrounding areas. One group of 18 people

walked 11 miles and a small group of 2 people did a

shorter walk. The amount raised was over £2,000.

This was the 13th year we’ve participated and our

largest group to date. It was a thoroughly enjoyable

event as the walkers took in the lovely villages and

fields around Wellingborough. Thanks to everyone

who took part and to all sponsors, your support is


We’ve now donated almost £43,000 to over 45

local, national and international charities and

disaster appeals since 2005. Big thanks to our

branch members as well as our friends from other

communities who continue to give their support.

Here are some of our branch activities these last 12


Charity Fundraiser

At the time of writing, the 2019 fundraiser hadn’t

taken place but we can report on the 2018 event

which was our 11th Fundraiser with an “Indian Street

Food” theme. It was very well supported with people

attending from various communities.

70 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

Shree Bhuvaneshwar Mahadev Samuh

Rudri Abhishek

This also took place in May with around 150 people

in attendance. The event started at 9am and we

were very pleased with the support of the yajmans

and all of the public who attended. The pooja was

conducted by Shree Labshanker Shastri from Gondal

Mandir in a peaceful and holy atmosphere. After

the Abhishek, thal and aarti, a discourse was given

by Adhyaksh Shree Pujya Ghanshyamji which was

followed by darshan, pranam and bhojan prasadi.

Thanks to all yajmans, donors, the public for their

support and especially the volunteers who were

up very early on a Sunday morning preparing the

food and setting up the hall. All of which made this

charity fundraising event a great success.

Family Fun Day

The national Family Fun Day was held at Wicksteed

Park in Kettering in July and Wellingborough Branch

were proud to support this event. The turnout was

lower than previous years but that was probably

down to the unpredictable weather and the fact

that India were playing in the cricket World Cup!

However, everyone that did attend thoroughly

enjoyed themselves and we’re already looking

forward to next year’s event.

From all of us in Wellingborough,

we wish you all the best for 2020!

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Walsall Branch

With new interest and passion, the

recently elected committee stepped

into their old shoes again to bring

renewed enthusiasm back to the

Walsall Samaj.

Many of the current executive team are long serving

members that have a wealth of experience and

knowledge which is enabling the stable running

of the organisation once again. Although we have

held back on the activities, this year we have

concentrated on attracting people back to the

organisation and winning their support which we

think is the first stepping stone in any prosperous


Brixham. It was nice that we had attracted some

loyal travellers from previous excursions as well as

some new faces. In addition, the branch extends its

congratulations to Kamran and Priyan who were

the winner and runner up respectively in the Junior

Pools category. Thank you boys for winning a trophy

for the branch!

Other activities hosted by the branch included the

much loved Shradh Bhajan and a combined Diwali

and Christmas Party which was well received.

The executive team would like to thank all our

members who have helped us during the year, and

we hope we can continue to rely on your support in

new year ahead.

A special mention must go to the Mahila ladies that

have brought Walsall samaj back onto the active

platform once more. At very short notice a handful

of ladies got together to choreograph and perform a

garbo at the HQ Senior Samelan this year. Although

nervous to begin, the ladies soon got into the hang

of things and delivered a first-class performance on

the day that was greatly appreciated.

After nine years the summer trip made a return! In

July, a coach full of people went on a long weekend

away to Torquay and Newquay with a short stay in

72 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

“pfu“p “h Ahspf

1. khpf¡ L$pdL$pS>dp„ ìehks A¡ Aô$cyÅ

2. R>p¡L$fpAp¡“¡ cZph¡ A¡ kfõhsu

3. OfMQ®“p ‘¥kpdp„’u bQs A¡ dlpgÿdu

4. ‘qfhpf dpV¡$ kkp¡B bp“h¡ A¡ AÞ“‘|Zp

5. ‘qfhpf“p sL$guadp„ Y²$Y$sp’u Dcu fl¡ A¡ ‘ph®su

6. ‘rs cu“p¡ ê$dpg ‘g„N ‘f “pM¡ A¡ vy$Np®

7. ‘rs A¡ gph¡g hõsy Mfpb “uL$m¡ sp¡ L$pgu

8. ‘rs cyg’u r‘ef rhi¡ L$p¡B bp¡g¡ A¡ drlkpkyf dv$}“u

9. ‘rs Å¡ buÆ ”u“p„ hMpZ L$f¡ sp¡ fZQ„X$u

Myi “iub R>¡, ‘fZ¡gp gp¡L$p¡ S>¡“¡ v$ffp¡S> dpspÆ“p„ “h

õhê$‘“p v$i®““p¡ gpc dm¡ R>¡

gu. kyrdÓpb¡“ A¡“. rd”u, brd¯Nlpd

d©Ðey bpv$ Ap S> R>¡ Æh““y„ L$X$hy„ kÐe

‘Гu dL$p“ ky^u... kdpS> õdip“ ky^u... ‘yÓ Ar‚v$p“ ky^u...

dpfp ky^u Aph¡ R>¡ sp¡ bk, a¼s sdpfp L$d®

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Sureshchandra Govindbhai Mistry (Late)

õh. kyf¡iQ„Ö Np¡thv$cpB rd”u

04.08.1946 (Lakhanpore, India) - 16.11.2019 (ashton-under-lyne, UK)

04.08.1946 gpMZ‘p¡f, cpfs - 16.11.2019 ApõV$“-A„X$f-gpB“, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of of father and grandfather and brother, the Late Mr Sureshchandra

Govindbhai Mistry who passed away at Tameside General Hospital, Ashton-under-Lyne (UK)

on Saturday 16 November 2019.

He will be dearly missed.

We thank through this ‘Prajapati Sandesh’ all the relatives, friends and well wishers for

support, encouragement, sharing our grief and attending the funeral. Your kindness, help and

support to us is greatly appreciated.

l¡ âcy& kyf¡iQ„Ö Np¡thv$cpB rd”u sp. 16.11.2019 “p ApõV$“-A„X$f-gpB“ (ey.L¡$.) õh®Nhpk ’ep “p

ApÐdp“¡ cphcfu îÙp„S>rg.

Adpfp Ly$Vy„$b ‘f Aphu ‘X¡$g AZ^pfu Ap‘rÑh¡mp ê$bê$ ‘^pfu, V¡$guap¡“ A“¡ Bd¡Bg Üpfp s¡dS> A„rsdq¾$ep

kde¡ lpS>f flu cphcfu îÙp„S>rg A“¡ Apðpi“ ‘pW$h“pf v$f¡L$ kNpõ“¡luAp¡ s’p rdÓp¡“p¡ ìe[¼sNs

Apcpf dp“hp¡ Ai¼e lp¡hp’u Ap âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i Üpfp Ap‘ kp¥“p¡ lpqv$®L$ Apcpf dp“uA¡ R>uA¡.

ApS>¡ ldp¡ kp¥ Ap‘“¡ Adpfp úv$e“u cphcfu îÙp„S>rg A‘®Z L$fuA¡ R>uA¡.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

Sanjay Mistry (Son) k„S>e rd”u (‘yÓ)

anita Jones (Daughter) gu A“usp Å¡“T (‘yÓu)

vitesh Mistry (Son) hus¡i rd”u (‘yÓ)

Son-in-law & Daughter-in-law: Danny Jones & Louise

Grandsons: Jaiden, Jaxson Jai and Kallen Jai

Brothers: Manubhai, Yogenkumar, Deviprasad, Charanram, Devkrishna. Sisters: Late Niruben, Padmaben

Brothers-in-law: Thakorbhai, Late Rameshbhai. Sisters-in-law: Nirmala, Champa, Madhu, Chandrakanta and Erica

âcy Ap‘“p ApÐdp“¡ ip„rs bn¡

± ip„rs: ip„rs: ip„rs:

82 Taunton Road, Ashton-under-Lyne OL7 9DU

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 251.51 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

74 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Niruben Thakorbhai Mistry (Late)

õh. “uê$b¡“ W$pL$p¡fcpB rd”u

29.06.1943 (Kasba, India) - 15.04.2019 (Ashton-under-lyne, UK)

29.06.1943 L$õbp, cpfs - 15.04.2019 ApõV$“-A„X$f-gpB“$, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of wife, mother, mother-in-law, grand-mother and sister, Late Mrs Niruben

Thakorbhai Mistry who passed away at Tameside General Hospital, Ashton-under-Lyne (UK)

on 15 April 2019.

We thank through this ‘Prajapati Sandesh’ all the relatives, friends and well wishers for

support, encouragement, sharing our grief and attending the funeral. Special thank you to her

bothers The Late Sureshbhai, Manu, Yogen, Deviprasad, Charanram, Devkrishna, sister Padma,

sisters-in-law Nirmala, Champa, Madhu, Chandrakanta and Erica. Your kindness, help and

support to us is greatly appreciated.

l¡ âcy& dpfu â¡dpm ^d®‘Гu “uê$b¡“ sp. 15.04.2019 “p ApõV$“-A„X$f-gpB“ (ey.L¡$.) õh®Nhpk ’ep

“p ApÐdp“¡ cphcfu îÙp„S>rg.

Adpfp Ly$Vy„$b ‘f Aphu ‘X¡$g AZ^pfu Ap‘rÑh¡mp ê$bê$ ‘^pfu, V¡$guap¡“ A“¡ Bd¡Bg Üpfp s¡dS> A„rsdq¾$ep

kde¡ lpS>f flu cphcfu îÙp„S>rg A“¡ Apðpi“ ‘pW$h“pf v$f¡L$ kNpõ“¡luAp¡ s’p rdÓp¡“p¡ ìe[¼sNs

Apcpf dp“hp¡ Ai¼e lp¡hp’u Ap âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i Üpfp Ap‘ kp¥“p¡ lpqv$®L$ Apcpf dp“uA¡ R>uA¡.

ApS>¡ ldp¡ kp¥ Ap‘“¡ Adpfp úv$e“u cphcfu îÙp„S>rg A‘®Z L$fuA¡ R>uA¡.

gu. îu W$pL$p¡fcpB gëgycpB rd”u

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

Thakorbhai Lallubhai Mistry (Husband)

virendrakumar Thakorbhai Mistry (Son) huf¡ÞÖLy$dpf W$pL$p¡fcpB rd”u (‘yÓ)

Kalpana Bipinbhai Mistry (Daughter) L$ë‘“pb¡“ bu‘u“cpB rd”u (‘yÓu)


Bipinbhai Mistry (Son-in-Law) bu‘u“cpB rd”u (S>dpB)

vijaykumar Thakorbhai Mistry (Son) huS>eLy$dpf W$pL$p¡fcpB rd”u (‘yÓ)

Grandsons: Ketan and Kiran

Granddaughter: Tina and Grandson-in-Law Nitesh Mistry

âcy Ap‘“p ApÐdp“¡ ip„rs bn¡

± ip„rs: ip„rs: ip„rs:

352 Oldham Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire OL7 9PS

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 251.51 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Dayaram Lallubhai Mistry (Late)

õh. v$epfpd gëgycpB rd”u

11.04.1937 (Moldhara, India) - 24.07.2018 (leicester, UK)

11.04.1937 dp¡g^pfp, cpfs - 24.07.2018 g¡õV$f, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of my dear husband, loving father and grandfather. Your kindness towards

your family will be cherished forever. Not a day goes by without remembering you, your cheeky

smile and laughter.

Those of you who know dad will remember a jovial man, someone who was strong minded and

stood up for what he believed. Someone who put his family first and loved a good get together.

We will never forget the solid example he set for us all and the way he fought right up to the end.

We are proud of him and we will miss him every day that we wake up without him in this world.

We carry him close to our hearts and with that, we strive to celebrate life as he would have liked

us to, for each of our smiles lies his beautiful memories.

He left us on Tuesday 24th July 2018. He now lives in our hearts forever more.

l¡ “p’ Å¡X$u lp’ ‘pe¡ â¡d’u klº dp„Nue¡,

ifÏ„ dm¡ kpQy sdpfy„ A¡ úv$e’u dp„Nue¡.

S>¡ Æh Apìep¡ Ap‘ ‘pk¡ QfZdp„ A‘“phÅ¡,

‘fdpÐdp A¡ ApÐdp“¡ ip„rs kpQu Ap‘Å¡..

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

dineshkumar Dayaram Mistry

Surekha Bhupendra Mistry

niranjana Bhupendra Kara

Shantaben Dayaram Mistry


jayshree D Mistry

Bhupendra V Mistry

Bhupendra V Kara

Grandchildren: Vinay, Bhaven, Neesha & Rahul

Jai Shri Krishna

18 Mill Hill Lane, Leicester LE2 1AH

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 251.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

76 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Khandubhai Keshavbhai Lad (Late)

õh. M„Xy$cpB L¡$ihcpB gpX$

09.08.1937 (Talangpur, India) - 15.01.2019 (Harrow, UK)

09.08.1937 sg„N‘yf, cpfs - 15.01.2019 l¡fp¡h, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of our beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother. Words cannot

describe how much we miss you, we will cherish fond memories always.

You treated us with affection and kindness. You were selfless, impartial, honest; a perfect

gentleman. The best role model we could have had. You taught us how to be honest,

sincere, resilient, and independent.

Thank you for gracing our lives. May your soul rest in peace.

Khandubhai will be missed by his Beloved Wife, Bhagvatiben.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti


Bhagvatiben Khandubhai Lad (Wife)

Rakesh (Son) & Shraddha (Daughter–in–Law)

Preeti (Daughter) & Richard (Son–in–Law)

Chetan (Son) & Kavita (Daughter–in–Law)

Grandchildren: Asha, Damica, Amelie, Shriya, Jemima and Arun

Brothers and Sisters:

Family of (late) Naranbhai Bhulabhai Lad & Family of (late) Keshavbhai Bhulabhai Lad

33 Farm Avenue, North Harrow, Middlesex HA2 7LS

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 301.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Naginbhai Ranchhodbhai Mistry (Late)

õh. “Nu“cpB fZR>p¡X$cpB rd”u

16.07.1940 (Maliadhara, India) - 21.05.2018 (leicester, UK)

16.07.1940 drgep^fp, cpfs - 21.05.2018 g¡õV$f, ey.L¡$.

kyM vy$:Mdp„ kv$pe lksp füp, kp¥“p úv$edp„ hksp füp—&

^X$u OX$u epv$ Aph¡ sdpfu, hfkphu “p„M¡ Ap„Mp¡ Adpfu—&&

cf¡gy Of fX$sy„ dy„L$u, sdp¡ Nep õh^pd&

L$d®ep¡Nu sdpfp ApÐdp“¡, âcy lksp¡ fpM¡ kv$pe—&&

Adpfp Ly$Vy„$b ‘f Aphu ‘X¡$g AZ^pfu Ap‘rÑh¡mp ê$bê$ ‘^pfu, V¡$guap¡“ A“¡ Bd¡Bg Üpfp S>¡ k„v$¡ip ‘pW$ìep R>¡, s¡dS>

A„rsdq¾$ep kde¡ lpS>fu Ap‘u cphcfu îÙp„S>rg s¡dS> ‘yó‘p„S>rg Ap‘hp bv$g Adpfp v$f¡L$ kNpõ“¡luS>“p¡ s’p rdÓp¡“p¡

ìe[¼sNs Apcpf dp“hp¡ Ai¼e lp¡hp’u Adp¡ Ap âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i Üpfp Ap‘ kp¥“p¡ lpqv$®L$ Apcpf dp“uA¡ R>uA¡.

‘fd L©$‘pmy ‘fdpÐdp kv¹$Ns“p Adf ApÐdp“¡ rQf ip„rs A‘£ A¡S> ldpfu A„s:L$fZ“u âcy âp’®“p.

In loving memory of a dearly departed husband, beloved dad and a proud bapa.

We are truly grateful for everything you did for us and your presence will be missed.

Your hard work and sacrifices have created a better life for us all. We will cherish your

love, wisdom, kind nature and your memory will remain in our hearts for ever.

May your soul rest in peace.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

jayesh Mistry (Son)

dipak Mistry (Son)

Kishan Govind (Son-in-Law)

Jashuben Naginbhai Mistry (Wife)


anita Mistry (Daughter-in-Law)

anita Mistry (Daughter-in-Law)

late Shila Govind (Daughter)

Grandchildren: Deepika, Henna, Shyam, Alisha, Mya

s¡dS> kh£ Ly$Vy„$buS>“p¡“p S>eîu ¾|$óZ

221 Cannon Street, Leicester LE4 6GJ

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 251.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

78 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Jagjivandas Somabhai Bhana Mistry (Late)

õh. S>NÆh“v$pk kp¡dpcpB cpZp rd”u

04.10.1928 (NAVSARI, India) - 27.03.2019 (leicester, UK)

04.10.1928 “hkpfu, cpfs - 27.03.2019 g¡õV$f, ey.L¡$.

In Loving Memory of a Dear Husband, Wonderful Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather.

Your hard work, passion, courage and sacrifices are an inspiration to us all. We will never

forget your generous nature, wisdom in wise words and your love for us all.

We miss you, we are grateful for everything you did for us all and your

memories will live In our hearts always.

May God rest your soul in Eternal peace.

A¡L$ ìlpgp ‘rs, â¡dpmy r‘spîu A“¡ v$pv$p“u epv$ s¡dS> Adpfp dpV¡$ L$f¡g AÞe L$pep£ Adp¡ l„d¡ip dpV¡$ epv$ fpMiy„.

Ly$Vy„$b dpV¡$ sdpfp¡ Ad|ëe cp¡N L$p¡B qv$hk Adpfp’u cygpi¡ “rl. s¡ Adpf¡ dpV¡$ epv$Nufu ê$‘¡ l„d¡i fl¡i¡.

‘fd L©$‘pmy ‘fdpÐdp kv¹$Ns“p Adf ApÐdp“¡ rQf ip„rs A‘£ A¡S> ldpfu A„s:L$fZ“u âcy âp’®“p.

ApS>¡ ldp¡ kp¥ Ap‘“¡ Adpfp úv$e“u cphcfu îÙp„S>rg A‘®Z L$fuA¡ R>uA¡.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

narendra Jagjivandas Mistry (Son)

Balwantray Jagjivandas Mistry (Son)

ranjan M Mistry (Daughter)

anuradha A Mistry (Daughter)

Paksha P Mistry (Daughter)

Maniben Jagjivandas Mistry (Wife)


Mrudula N Mistry (Daughter In Law)

Padma B Mistry (Daughter In Law)

Mohanlal N Mistry (Son In Law)

anilbhai M Mistry (Son In Law)

Pravinbhai P Mistry (Son In Law)

Grandchildren: Nina & Keith, Pritesh & Katie, Preya, Vimal & Reena,

Mishale & Niraj, Hitesh & Rosey, Hiren, Bhavin, Kishan

Great Grandchildren: Nia, Rohan, Ella

229 Canon Street, Leicester LE4 6GJ

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 250.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Manubhai Maganlal Mistry (Late)

õh. d“ycpB dN“gpg rd”u

28.07.1938 (Kasbapar, India) -

15.03.2018 (aSHTON-UNDER-LYNE, UK)

28.07.1938 L$õbp‘pf, cpfs - 15.03.2018 ApõV$“-A„X$f-gpB“$, ey.L¡$.

Laxmiben Manubhai Mistry (Late)

õh. gndub¡“ d“ycpB rd”u

26.11.1947 (MOMBASA, KENYA) -

27.03.2019 (ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE, UK)

26.11.1947 dp¡çbpkp, L¡$Þep - 27.03.2019 ApõV$“-A„X$f-gpB“, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of a dear mother and father and doting

grandparents who came to the UK in 1966 to pursue a dream.

Passionate about horology from his early days in India, Manubhai pursued a lifelong

career establishing a successful business manufacturing watches and clocks and being a

mentor to others. His dream was only possible through the unrelenting support of his wife

and our mother Laxmiben who worked tirelessly alongside him to bring up a family and

support him through his business ventures.

We will miss you both more than you will ever know, your generosity and willingness to

help those less fortunate has entrenched in us the values you held dear to your heart.

Your home was open to all and your reassuring guidance and warm

welcome was the flame around which every member of the family

knew was a refuge of laughter, solace and union.

Your hard work and encouragement has enabled us the opportunities to follow our hearts

and flourish, and the strength you showed us throughout the difficult times is an example

to us all of unfaltering determination and to never give up in the face of adversity.

May your souls rest in peace together.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

Anita Mistry (Daughter)

Kiran Mistry & Bhavna Mistry (Son & Daughter in Law)

Anjelina K Mistry (Granddaughter)

Parents’ Brothers & Sisters:

Jayantilalbhai, Ramilaben & Binduben Mistry

Jasuben, Natubhai, Ambaben, Parvatiben & Kantubhai Mistry

3 Elmswood Drive, Godley, Hyde SK14 3SE

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 275.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

80 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Ghelabhai Dayal Mistry (Late)

õh. O¡gpcpB v$epm rd”u

16.05.1928 (Khumbharfalia, India) -

10.08.2019 (BRADFORD, UK)

16.05.1928 Ly„$cpfarmep, cpfs - 10.08.2019 b°¡X$ap¡X®$, ey.L¡$.

Laxmiben Ghelabhai Mistry (Late)

õh. gndub¡“ O¡gpcpB rd”u

06.08.1934 (Valvada, India) -

19.08.1981 (BRADFORD, UK)

06.08.1934 hghpX$p, cpfs - 19.08.1981 b°¡X$ap¡X®$, ey.L¡$.

Who lives in self- harmony,

Whose faith is his life;

And he who finds wisdom,

Soon finds the peace Supreme.

- Bhagvad Gita.

In loving memory of a devoted husband, wonderful parents, proud grandparents and much

cherished great grandparents.

Those who knew our parents will remember two wonderful people who loved all and were

a source of joy to everyone. They were both extremely dutiful providing support not only

to their family but to our beloved Samaj and beyond. They were both very inspirational

and remain as bright exemplary guiding lights to all. Their wise words and actions

provided balm to all seeking advice at troubled times. The loving warm smiles

that glowed upon their gentle faces offered reassurance to all that met them.

We miss them dearly and treasure the special memories they have given us that

will provide ample moments of joy and love in our hearts always.

May God’s abode provide your souls an abundance of love and peace.

jagdishbhai Mistry (son)

Diwaliben Ghelabhai Mistry (wife)

anil Mistry (son)

niruben Mistry (daughter)

narbadaben Lad (daughter)

enduben Lad (daughter)

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih


diptiben Mistry (Daughter-in-Law)

Menaxiben Mistry (Daughter-in-Law)

Pranjivan Mistry (Son-in-Law)

amratbhai Lad (Son-in-Law)

thakorbhai Lad (Son-in-Law)

Grandchildren: Jaineesha, Krishan, Shivani, Joshan, Jayna, Rikki, Heena, Jayant, Ryan and Keisha

Great Grandchildren: Khush, Shant, Harriet, Matilda, Aashriya

8 Cambridge Street, Great Horton, Bradford BD7 3BX

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 275.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Bhikhabhai Nathubhai Mistry (Late)

õh. cuMpcpB “p’ycpB rd”u

15.05.1917 (Maroli Bazar, India) - 18.01.2003 (Rugby, UK)

15.05.1917 dfp¡gu bTpf, cpfs - 18.01.2003 fÁbu$, ey.L¡$.

Kamlaben Bhikhabhai Mistry (Late)

õh. L$dmpb¡“ cuMpcpB rd”u

05.01.1923 (Jalalpore, India) - 17.01.2019 (RUGBY, UK)

05.01.1923 S>gpg‘p¡f, cpfs - 17.01.2019 fÁbu, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of our Ba and Bapuji. At this time, we are reminded of the virtues and ideals

Ba and Bapuji stood for as well as the sacrifices they made to make our life good and prosperous.

Bapuji was the first student to enrol at Shri Prajapati Vidyarthi Ashram in Navsari, when

established in 1934. He went to Africa in the forties, worked as a carpenter in Zanzibar and then

in Dar-es-Salam. He came to the UK in 1970. He was a quiet, content and a generous person,

always giving more than you could ever ask for.

Ba was a bright child and an outstanding student (studied for 7 years when 4 was the norm). She

was offered a job as a teacher, but the family turned it down due social stigma. She was always

methodical and meticulous as well as self-reliant in managing family and her own tasks. She

loved to read and write and was wise and quick witted in any conversation.

We miss them very much

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

dolatrai Bhikhabhai Mistry (Son)

Bhanumati D Mistry (Daughter In Law)

Kantaben Shantilal Mistry (Daughter)

Bhanumati Mistry (Daughter)

Prabodhbhai Bhikhabhai Mistry (Son)

Pushpaben Kantilal Mistry (Daughter)


Shantilal Umedbhai Mistry (Son In Law)

Kaminiben P Mistry (Daughter In Law)

Kantilal Dhanjibhai Mistry (Son In Law)

And all the grandchildren and great grandchildren

27 Avenue Road, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2JN

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 275.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

82 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Vasanjibhai Devabhai Mistry (Late)

õh. hkS>ÆcpB v$¡hpcpB rd”u

18.12.1931 (Bigri, India) - 25.06.2017 (BRADFORD, UK)

18.12.1931 buN°u, cpfs - 25.06.2017 b°¡X$ap¡X®$, ey.L¡$.

Manchhaben Vasanjibhai Mistry (Late)

õh. d„R>pb¡“ hk“ÆcpB rd”u

18.04.1932 (amalsad, India) - 08.11.2013 (BRADFORD, UK)

18.04.1932 AdgkpX$, cpfs - 08.11.2013 b°¡X$ap¡X®$, ey.L¡$.

No amount of words could do justice to our parents. Both were the guiding lights in our

lives. The discipline, high moral standards, work ethics and guidance were, at times, difficult

to follow but these qualities have borne fruit in all our lives.

Although you have passed on, the guiding light still shines and will continue to shine in

all our hearts throughout our lives. We will miss your wisdom and your limitless love

for us. We hope we can impart these qualities to our children and grandchildren.

Your absence has left a huge emptiness in our daily lives. We nurture the memories

of our time together which will always be embedded deeply in our hearts and minds

and therefore you will always be with us for eternity.

We are confident that both of you have achieved Maux (Salvation) and your

Atma (soul) are with Parmatma for eternal peace as per your endeavours

and unwavering devotion to God.

Life is Love and Love is Life. Mum & Dad, we will always love you.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

Chandrakantbhai Vasanjibhai Mistry (Son)

(Late) Shashikantbhai Vasanjibhai (Son)

Champaben Vasanjibhai Mistry (Daughter)


Pushpaben C Mistry (Daughter In Law)

Shushilaben S Mistry (Daughter In Law)

(Late) Vasanjibhai DayabhaiMistry (Son In Law)

Grandchildren: Nila & Hemantkumar, Kirti & Kishanlal, Sonal & Dhirren, Kishan,

Krisha & Jatin, Harshaben & Dipak, Sarjubhai & Bhavnaben

Great Grandchildren: Avni & Mayuri, Jaanvi, Priyana, Dilan & Amiya, Anaya

Jai Shree Krishna

274 Clayton Road, Bradford BD7 2RA

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 275.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Chhanabhai (Chhaganbhai) Lalbhai Mistry (Late)

õh. R>“pcpB (R>N“cpB) gpgcpB rd”u

06.05.1939 (Gunaswel, India) - 23.11.2018 (Stanmore, UK)

06.05.1939 NyZkh¡g, cpfs - 23.11.2018 õV¡$“dp¡f, ey.L¡$.

dpfp ìlpgp â¡dp ‘rs sd¡ Adpf¡ dpV¡$ L$f¡gp AÞe L$pep£ ld¡ l„d¡ip epv$ fpMuiy„.

sdpfp¡ Adyëe cp¡N L$p¡B qv$hk Adpfp’u cygpi¡ “rl A¡ Adpfp dpV¡$ l„d¡ip epv$Nufu fl¡i¡.

‘fd L©$‘pmy ‘fdpÐdp Ap ApÐdp“¡ rQf ip„su Ap‘¡ A¡S> dpfp A„s:L$fZ“u âcy âp’®“p. S>e kpBfpd.

± ip„rs: ip„rs: ip„rs:

Dad was born in Gunaswel, India and at the age of 10 and was sent by his parents to Africa to set up a new life. His parents

later joined him, where his mother passed when he was just 16.

He was later sent to the UK while his father returned back to India. He worked in various locations managing manufacturing

equipment. During this time, dad is much remembered for how he helped others to find work and settle in the UK.

Chhanabhai married Savitaben in 1963 at age 22, they lived through difficult times in Shepherds Bush and it was

here that Paresh, Neena and Daksha were born. 1969 was when they purchased Rosemead Ave and life became

better for the family. With dad working nights, all three children were educated and married, all the while

helping others in both the UK and India for which many have fond memories.

1992 saw the move to St Andrews Drive where dad finally retired to

enjoy his seven grandchildren and his close circle of friends.

As a grandfather he was always giving his blessings and support to his grandchildren, no matter the

endeavor. He is, and will continue to be, the motivation behind their achievements.

Having lived a full and productive life, believing in the good in others and God, dad passed away after a

hard battle with cancer. He will always be remembered in our Hearts and Memories now & forever.

To dad, family & friends meant the world to him. His strength, encouragement and

words of wisdom were always there for us.

His cheeky smile and hugs gave everyone a warm feeling. We are very proud of you

dad and will always be grateful for everything you have done for us.

You will always be our hero and we will continue to build on the legacy that you left behind.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

Savitaben Chhanabhai Mistry (Wife)

Paresh C Mistry (Son)

neena B Lad (Daughter)

daksha M Mistry (Daughter)


harsha P Mistry (Daughter-In-Law)

Bharat P Lad (Son-In-Law)

Mahesh M Mistry (Son-In-Law)

Grandchildren: Deepak, Radhika, Priya, Sian, Khaylen, Shane, Tiya & Kurtish

77 St Andrews Drive, Stanmore HA7 2LZ

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 301.25 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

84 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Yasumati Ishwerbhai Gopal (Late)

õh. ekydsu BðfcpB Np¡‘pg

03.09.1950 (Kampala, uganda) - 12.09.2019 (Ashton-Under-Lyne, UK)

03.09.1950 L„$‘pgp, eyNpÞX$p - 12.09.2019 ApõV$“-A„X$f-gpB“, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of our dear wife, inspirational mother & proud grandmother.

Thank you for being an integral part of our lives. You shared your love, wisdom, positivity and

kindness with us. We will never forget your warm smile.

We are truly grateful for everything you have done for us. Your loving memories will be

treasured in our hearts. We miss you dearly but you will never be forgotten.

You will always be remembered for your selfless devotion of your time and energy over

the last 40 Years to Shree Ram Mandir, Ashton-under-Lyne.

May god rest your soul in eternal peace.

dpfp â¡dpm ^d®‘Гu îudsu ekydsub¡“ BðfcpB Np¡‘pg “y„ sp. 12.09.2019 qv$hk¡ vy$:Mv$ Ahkp“ ’sp d¡ dpfu

‘Гu“p¡ â¡d A“¡ Æh“cf“p¡ kp’ A“¡ k„Np’ Nydpìep¡ R>¡. l„d¡ip sdpfu epv$ ‘Ngp“p cZL$pfp kp’¡ Aph¡ R>¡. cg¡ sd¡

dpfu kp’¡ “’u, ‘f„sy sd¡ dpfp l¥epdp„ kv$¡h fl¡ip¡. ‘fd L©$‘pmy ‘fdpÐdp dpfu ‘Гu“p ApÐdp“¡ rQf ip„rs Ap‘¡ A¡S> âp’®“p

kp’¡ lº„ A“¡ dpfp bpmL$p¡ cph cfu îÙp„S>rg A‘®Z L$fuA¡ R>¡.

dpfp ‘Гu“p Ahkp“ ’sp Adpfp Ly$Vy„$b ‘f Aphu ‘X¡$g AZ^pfu Ap‘Ñuh¡mp ê$bê$ ‘^pfu A“¡ ‘Ó Üpfp s¡dS>

A„rsdq¾$ep hMs¡ lpS>fu Ap‘u A“¡ b^p fpd d„qv$f“p lqfc¼sp¡ s¡hp¡ kde Ap‘u v$ffp¡S> kp„S>¡ âp’®“pdp„ lpS>fu

Ap‘u dpV¡$ Adp¡ A„s:L$fZ Apcpf dp“uA¡ R>uA¡.

hardav Ishwerbhai Gopal (Son)

hamlatta D Mistry (Daughter)

Ishwerbhai Jagubhai Gopal (Husband)

hina N Lad (Daughter)

Yogita P Mistry (Daughter)

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih


Soneeka Hardav Gopal (Daughter In Law)

dilip Chhaganbhai Mistry (Son In Law)

nilesh Vasantbhai Lad (Son In Law)

Pritesh Ishwerbhai Mistry (Son In Law)

Grandchildren: Nisha Lad, Kira Mistry, Aaron Lad, Dhruv Gopal, Keya Mistry & Eesha-Bela Mistry

39 Wilshaw Grove, Ashton-Under-Lyne, Tameside OL7 9QS

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 250.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Ambaram Somabhai Mistry (Late)

õh. A„bpfpd kp¡dpcpB rd”u

17.05.1931 (Aden, Yemen) - 21.06.2019 (rugby, UK)

17.05.1931 A¡X$“, e¡d¡“ - 21.06.2019 fÁbu, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of my dear husband , a loving father and a kind Bapa. Not a day goes by

without me remembering you, your smile and laughter. Your generosity towards your family and

others was out of this world and that was simply in your nature. ...Dahiben A Mistry

Dad (Bapa) we may have not said it often enough, but we love you and thank you for all you did

for us, we will always remember how you taught us to love and respect. You will be dearly missed

by Mum and all of us and will always remain in our hearts forever.

May God rest your Soul in Eternal Peace. ...Children and Grandchildren

dpfp ‘rs îu A„bpfpd kp¡dpcpB rd”u h¥Ly„$W$hpku ’ep. Adpfp Ly$Vy„$bdp„ hpÐkëecf hqX$g“u Mp¡V$ ‘X$u R>¡. s¡Ap¡“p â¡dpm, Dv$pf

A“¡ kp¥“¡ dv$v$ê$‘ ’hp“p õhcph’u s¡Ap¡ kp¥“p râe‘pÓ bÞep lsp.

Adpfp Ly$Vy„$b ‘f Aphu ‘X¡$g AZ^pfu Ap‘rÑh¡mp ê$bê$ ‘^pfu, V¡$guap¡“ A“¡ Bd¡Bg Üpfp S>¡ k„v$¡ip ‘pW$ìep R>¡, s¡dS> A„rsdq¾$ep

kde¡ lpS>fu Ap‘u cphcfu îÙp„S>rg s¡dS> ‘yó‘p„S>rg Ap‘hp bv$g Adpfp v$f¡L$ kNpõ“¡luS>“p¡ s’p rdÓp¡“p¡ ìe[¼sNs Apcpf

dp“hp¡ Ai¼e lp¡hp’u Adp¡ Ap âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i Üpfp Ap‘ kp¥“p¡ lpqv$®L$ Apcpf dp“uA¡ R>uA¡.

‘fd L©$‘pmy ‘fdpÐdp kv¹$Ns“p Adf ApÐdp“¡ rQf ip„rs A‘£ A¡S> ldpfu A„s:L$fZ“u âcy âp’®“p.

OX$u OX$u epv$ Aph¡ sdpfu, hfkphu “p„M¡ Ap„Mp¡ Adpfu—&

lõsy dyMXy$ kv$pe lksu gu^u rhv$pe, L$d®ep¡Nu sd ApÐdp“¡ lksp¡ fpM¡ kv$pe—&&

N„.õh. X$plub¡“ A„bpfpd rd”u

± ip„rs: ip„rs: ip„rs:

vijaybhai Ambaram Mistry

naynaben Jayantilal Mistry

Malvika Dhirajlal Madhu

Mrs Dahiben Ambaram Mistry



Kalaben V Mistry

jayantilal K Mistry

dhirajlal R Madhu

Rajen J Mistry & Mathusha R Mistry

Rakesh J Mistry & Kanksha R Mistry

Sunil D Madhu, Manesh D Madhu

Alysha Vijaybhai Mistry

Jai Shri Krishna

130 Bridget Street, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2BX

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 251.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

86 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Maniben Maganbhai Mistry (Late)

õh. dZub¡“ dN“cpB rd”u

30.03.1931 (Jalalpore, India) - 24.02.2019 (London, UK)

30.03.1931 S>gpg‘p¡f, cpfs - 24.02.2019 g„X$“, ey.L¡$.

Maganbhai Hansjibhai Mistry (Late)

õh. dN“cpB lp„kÆcpB rd”u

13.07.1926 (Kasba, India) - 04.08.2019 (London, UK)

13.07.1926 L$kbp, cpfs - 04.08.2019 g„X$“, ey.L¡$.

Dear Ba and Bapuji

You are and always will be

Sadly, missed along life’s way,

Quietly remembering every day.

No longer in our lives to share,

But in our hearts, you’re always there

Your care, kindness, love and devotion to the lives of

Everyone in the family will always be remembered

May God rest your souls in eternal peace.

sdpfp¡ â¡dpm õhcph, Ly$Vy„$b hpÐkëe, ‘fp¡‘L$pfu Æh““p duW$p õdfZp¡ A“¡ kv$p kv¹$NyZu Æh“ Æhhp“u sdpfu

â¡fZp Adp¡“¡ dpN®v$i®“ Ap‘sp fl¡i¡. sdpfp dpepmy õhcph Adpfp A„sfdp„ fl¡i¡.

‘.‘|. dpsp r‘sp“p qv$ìe ApÐdp“¡ kv$pkh®v$p rQf ip„rs Ap‘¡ A¡S> âcy âp’®“p

kp’¡ Ad¡ cphcfu îÙp„S>rg A‘®Z L$fuA¡ R>uA¡.

± ip„rs: ip„rs: ip„rs:

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

late Jagjivanbhai Maganbhai Mistry (Son)

narendrabhai Maganbhai Mistry (Son)

Barwantrai Maganbhai Mistry (Son)

Pratapbhai Maganbhai Mistry (Son)

Manjulaben M Mistry (Daughter)


hansaben J Mistry (Daughter In Law)

roshaniben N Mistry (Daughter In Law)

Puspaben B Mistry (Daughter In Law)

Kalpanaben P Mistry (Daughter In Law)

Maganlal Govindbhai Mistry (Son In Law)

Grandchildren: Prasant & Bhavisha, Jamini & Priyesh, Maya & Pritam,

Devon & Dhiyana, Rajesh, Sangita & Nisha.

Great Grandchildren: Krishan & Siya, Keshav & Ariya

(of) 21 Linden Avenue, Wembley, London.

Narendra & Roshani, Rosegrange, South Hill Avenue, Harrow On The Hill, HA1 3PB

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 275.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Bhanabhai Ratanji Chhiba Mistry (Late)

õh. cpZpcpB fs“Æ R>ubp rd”u

16.07.1932 (Vedchha, India) - 08.08.2018 (Northolt, UK)

16.07.1932 h¡X$R>p, cpfs - 08.08.2018 “p¡’p£ëV$, ey.L¡$.

In loving memory of Husband, Dad and Bapa. Thank you for the love and support you have given

us, you are dearly missed and will always be missed.

You lived your life simply and with strong values centered around family, fairness and honesty. You

were seen as a strong man, but it was your quiet actions and humble approach to life that spoke

louder than any words and touched our souls. You loved being with family and friends having your

own special way of bonding with the young, the old and people from all different walks of life, many

of whom turned to you for wisdom and support. Like us, many of our friends and relatives have told

us of the profound impact you have had on their lives.

You were highly respected as an electrical contractor, being known for your professionalism &

integrity. You worked in many countries and cultures, but particularly Kenya the country you made

home and where you contributed to a number of landmark buildings during its formative years.

We are all privileged to have had you as a part of our lives, and as we remember you, we will

cherish our time, the fun and laughter we had together and raise a glass to you always.

Rest in peace, with all our love.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih


Vijyaben Bhanabhai Mistry (wife)

Jyoti & Jay Mistry Patel, Shila & Gordon Mistry Davies

Rashmi & Adi Mistry Frost (Daughters & Son In-laws)

Bhavisha Mistry Patel and Parisha Mistry Patel (Granddaughters)

Jai Shri Krishna

Northolt, Middlesex, UK

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 250.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

88 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Bhanabhai Ratanji Chhiba Mistry (Late)

õh. cpZpcpB fs“Æ R>ubp rd”u

16.07.1932 (Vedchha, India) - 08.08.2018 (Northolt, UK)

16.07.1932 h¡X$R>p, cpfs - 08.08.2018 “p¡’p£ëV$, ey.L¡$.

A¡L$ ìlpgp ‘rs, â¡dpmy r‘sp A“¡ v$pv$p. sd¡ Adpfp dpV¡$ L$f¡g AÞe L$pep£ A“¡ ld¡ kh£“¡ Ap‘¡g klL$pf dpV¡$

sdpfu epv$Nufu lpdfp qv$gdp lfl„d¡ip fl¡i¡. Ly$Vy„$b ‘f sdpfp¡ Adyëe cp¡N L$p¡B qv$hk Adpfp’u cygpi¡ “rl.

sdpê$„ ApMy Æh“ Ly$Vy„$b, kpfp k„kL$pfp¡ A“¡ kpv$p ‘pep ‘f ‘kpf L$e®y„ s¡ Ly$Vy„$b“¡ dS>bys ‘pep ‘f kpQp A“¡

bmhp“ rkÙp„sp¡ bsphu Nep. sd¡ cg¡ õhcph¡ L$W$“ lsp, ‘Z sdpfp¡ $r“fp„s õhcph, r“fp„s L$pep£ A“¡ “d°

gpNZu A¡ lpdpfp kh£“p qv$gp¡ D‘f R>hpe R>¡. sd“¡ Ly$Vy„$buS>“p¡ A“¡ rdÓd„X$m kp’¡ c¡Np dmu Ap“„v$ L$fhy„, s¡dS>

v$f¡L$ “p“p dp¡V$p cpB bl¡“p¡ kp’¡ lmudmu “¡rsL$b„^“ L$fhy„ A¡ sdpê$ Æh“ lsy„, S>¡dp„ OZp„ sdpfp¡ kp’, klL$pf

A“¡ kgpl“p¡ gpc d¡mhsp. lpdfp Æh“ D‘f sd¡ S>¡d râe‘pÓ bÞep lsp s¡dS> Ap‘Zp„ OZp„ kNpk„b„^uAp¡

A“¡ rdÓd„X$mp¡A¡ L$üy„ R>¡ L¡$ sd¡ A¡d“p Æh“ D‘f OZp¡ S> gpc Ap‘u Nep R>p¡.

sd¡ rhÛy¼s i[¼s“p W¡$L¡$v$pf lsp A“¡ gp¡L$p¡ sdpfu ìehkp’psNufu A“¡ âdprZ¼sp“u OZu L$v$f L$fsp lsp. sd¡

OZp„ v$¡ip¡dp„ A“¡ OZp„ ‘fv$¡ip¡“p dpZkp¡ kp’¡ L$pd L$e®y„, ‘Z sd¡ L¡$r“epdp„ S> sdpê$ Of b“pìey„ lsy„ A“¡ Ðep„ S>

sd¡ OZu kudpfsp¡dp„ cp¡N Apàep¡ lsp¡ A¡ L$v$f L$fue¡ R>uA¡.

sd¡ Adpfu Æ„v$Nu NY$hpdp„ Ar^L$pf bÞep s¡ ldp¡“¡ lfl„d¡ip âue‘ps$ fl¡i¡, A“¡ sdpfu kp’¡ S>¡ lmudmu

lkphu A“¡ dTpL$ L$fu R>¡ A¡ epv$Nufudp„ ld¡ kh£ sd“¡ lfl„d¡ip A¡L$ Ágpk DQy„ L$fuiy„.


rhÄepb¡“ cpZpcpB rd”u (‘Гu)

Äep¡rs A“¡ S>¡e rd”u ‘V¡$g, iugp A“¡ Np¡fX$“ rd”u X¡$rhk

fídu A“¡ A¡X$u rd”u äp¡õV$ (‘yÓuAp¡ A“¡ S>dpBAp¡)

cphujp rd”u ‘V¡$g A“¡ ‘fuip rd”u ‘V¡$g (‘p¥ÓuAp¡)

S>eîu L©$óZ

Northolt, Middlesex, UK

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 250.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Govindbhai Prabhubhai Mistry

7th April 1934 Bodali, India - 30th September 2018 London, UK

In loving memory of our devoted husband, beloved father and a very, very proud grandfather


To say that we are all heartbroken is an understatement and it has been a very difficult year without

you. Dad always had a smile on his face and was the ultimate family man, and nothing made him

happier when we all got together and enjoyed each other’s company. He beamed even louder when he

was surrounded by his 8 grandchildren.

Our Dad was our rock, advisor and mentor, and dealing with his absence has been the biggest challenge

we have ever faced. You are always in our thoughts and at the forefront of our minds during anything

we do. We especially miss your happy and wise messages, sent when there is an occasion like a birthday,

especially when you wished us “many, many happy returns of the day”.

Message from the Grandchildren

We could never think of a better role model than our Bapa/Dada. He was such a great inspiration and

always encouraged us to achieve our best. He helped show us the world with his teachings and his

stick, making us into the rounded people we are today. Our lives so far have been a blessing because of

him and moving forward without his advice, guidance and wisdom almost seems impossible, but will

continue working hard as he always taught us, to make him even prouder wherever he is now.

Save us an ice cream and we will see you when we see you.

We love you lots Bapa/Dada and we will miss you forever.

Govindbhai suddenly passed away on 30th September 2018, at the age of 84 leaving a black hole in our

lives. We are so glad that you were such a tremendous influence in our lives, and you will live on in our

hearts with all your wise words and experiences..

Rest in Peace.

Lalitaben Govinbhai

Anil, Anita, Dylan, Alicia


Anjana, Bipin, Nivesh, Devshia, Vikita

Neela, Lakhbinder, Aran, Sophia, Rohan

2 Dacre Road, Upton Park, London E13 0PS

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 250.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

90 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

cphcfu îÙp„S>rg

± c|c®h: õh: ss¹$ krhsyh®f¡Îe„, cNp£ v$¡hõe ^udrl r^ep¡ ep¡ “: âQp¡v$eps —&&

Balubhai Naranbhai Lad

6th June 1940 Talangpur, India - 16th December 2018 North Wembley, London, UK

In fond and loving memory of a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. You were selfless

and devoted to advancement of your whole family and strived tirelessly and sacrificed much in

pursuit of this for which we are truly grateful.

Your hospitality and welcome were very warm and genuine, and you listened to, and gave

respect to all around you.

You helped many people In advancement of their lives with no expectation for

anything in return.

We are truly blessed to have had you in our lives and although we miss you dearly your

influence and teachings will remain with us for the rest of our lives.

Physically you may be gone but you will never be forgotten. A poem for you till we meet again…….

You left us as your work here with us was done,

Whilst you were with us family and friends had so much fun,

You were the pillar of our family and touched all our lives,

And showed us through hard work and commitment we can thrive,

We miss you dearly but accept you had to go,

Now you enjoy your future through the good seeds you did sow,

Never a day goes by where we don’t think of you,

As your kind spirit lives on in us through and through.

We wish you eternal peace wherever you are,

And we hope one day we will re-unite on that same Star.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Shantiben Balubhai Lad (Wife)

Nilesh Lad (Son) & Payal Lad (Daughter-in-Law)

Sheila Mistry (Daughter) & Bharat Mistry (Son-in-Law)

Grandchildren: Jamie, Zaina, Niyam & Diyan

89 Carlton Avenue West, North Wembley, Middlesex HA0 3RB

kv¹$Ns“p ‘yÎep’£ âÅ‘rs k„v$¡i“¡ ‘p¦X$ 250.00 “y„ v$p“ Ap‘hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, Apcpf

vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019





Piyushbhai A Mistry


Bhavanaben D Mistry


Pravinbhai G Mistry

Shree Prajapati Association


249 Warwick Road

Birmingham, B11 2QX

+44 (0) 121 753 2893

E: spabirminghamsecretary@gmail.com




Hansaben K Mistry


Champakbhai N Fakira


Subhashbhai N Mistry




Mahesh A Mistry


Bhagwandas F Tailor


Bejay M Mistry

Shree Prajapati Association


Hindu Temple and Community Centre

Thornton Lane, Off Little Horton Lane,

Bradford, BD5 9DN

+ 44 (0) 1274 578115

E: secretary@spabradford.org.uk




Arvindbhai D Mistry


Kishorbhai J Lad


Ranjanben M Mistry

Shree Prajapati Association


519 North Circular Road

London, NW2 7QG

E: spalondonsecretary@gmail.com




Nileshbhai S Mistry

+44 (0) 1509 557016


Dipakbhai C Mistry

+44 (0) 1509 557128


Babubhai R Mistry

+44 (0) 1509 211216




Yogeshbhai G Mistry

+44 (0) 1582 583332


Kirtiben B Mistry

+44 (0) 1582 580007


Ashockbhai P Mistry

+44 (0) 1582 573551



instagram: @spaluton

Branch Officers

92 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019




Dilipbhai R Mistry


Shailesh J Prajapati


Rajeshbhai D Mistry

East London

& Ilford


Vinubhai B Mistry

+44 (0) 7400 069307


Hansaben R Mistry

+ 44 (0) 7850 069 582

E: hansa.mistry@hotmail.co.uk


Uttambhai S Mistry

+44 (0) 7956 696 289




Jayantilal D Mistry


Kalpanaben C Mistry


Arvindbhai P Mistry

Shree Prajapati Association


Ulverscroft Road, Leicester, LE4 6BY

+ 44 (0) 116 262 8560

E: leicester@shreeprajapati.org.uk






Umeshbhai A Mistry

+44 (0) 1772 497705


Sunilbhai P Lad

+44 (0)1772 774853




Mrs Revaben P Mistry

+44 (0) 1788 579915


Shashikant M Mistry

+44 (0) 7855 32 0622


Vasanji G Chhana

+44 (0) 1788 815898




Bharatbhai V Mistry

+44 (0) 161 344 1658


Saileshbhai B Mistry

+44 (0) 7972 067222

E: spatameside@hotmail.com


Amratbhai G Mistry

+44 (0) 7918 134809




Bhupendrabhai K Mistry

+44 (0) 1933 383428


Hiren Prajapati

+44 (0)7956 005949


Kalpanaben S Mistry

+44 (0) 1933 276584




Chandubhai Mistry


Yogeshbhai Mistry


Nimaben Mistry


vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019


Charity Registered No. 802570

Charity Trustees, Holding Trustees & Working Committee


Charity Trustees


Vice President



Charity Co-Ordinator

SPA (UK) ITF Chair

Mahila Convenor





East London










Bharatbhai C Mistry (Birmingham)

Kamleshbhai C Mistry (Birmingham)

Vipulbhai H Mistry (Birmingham)

Pravinbhai G Mistry (Birmingham)

Jitubhai C Mistry (Leicester)

Hansaben K Mistry (Bolton)

Nayanaben N Mistry (Leicester)

Piyushkumar Ambalal Mistry

Hansaben K Mistry

Shantilal V Mistry

Bhikhubhai Mistry

Balvantrai M Mistry

Jayantilal D Mistry

Arvindbhai D Mistry

Rameshbhai C Mistry

Yogeshbhai G Mistry

Umeshbhai Mistry

Rameshbhai Mistry

Bharatbhai Mistry

Jayantibhai Mistry

Bhupendrabhai K Mistry






















Holding Trustees





East London










Kiranchandra D Mistry

Champakbhai Fakira

Natubhai J Lad

Pravinbhai T Mistry

Uttambhai S Mistry

Hansaben S Mistry

Jasuben Mistry

Jayantibhai N Mistry

Ashockbhai P Mistry

Prakashbhai P Mistry

Kantibhai Rambhai Mistry

Manubhai G Mistry

Jayantibhai Mistry

Nanubhai Mistry















Working Committee or

Sub-committee Members

Assistant Secretary

Assistant Treasurer

Sports Team


SPA (UK) ITF Secretary

Mahila Secretary

Mahila Assistant


Sandesh Editor

Sandesh Design Lead

Accounts Examiner


GDPR Officer

Seniors Chair

Seniors Secretary

Seniors Asst. Secretary

Seniors Assistants

Balubhai M Lad (Bradford), Hansaben K Mistry (Bolton)

Ranjanaben Mistry (London), Rajnikantbhai L Mistry (Leicester)

Vipulbhai H Mistry (Birmingham), Eleshbhai C Mistry (London)

Kiranchandra D Mistry (Birmingham)

Dineshbhai L Mistry (Coventry)

Bhagwatiben Mistry (Leicester)

Padmaben B Mistry, Madhuben Mistry, Minaben Mistry - (all Leicester)

Anilbhai D Mistry (Luton)

Jasuben Mistry (London)

Dineshbhai V Mistry (Preston)

Jaybhai Mistry (London)

Arunbhai A Mistry (Luton)

Manubhai G Mistry (Tameside)

Balvantrai M Mistry (East London)

Pushpaben Y Mistry (Luton)

Ranjanaben V Mistry (East London)

Dolatrai B Mistry (Rugby), Bhikhubhai V Mistry (Coventry), Pravinbhai T Mistry (Coventry)

94 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

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vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019





Arun Mistry

Digital Designer


Dinesh Mistry

Sandesh Design Liaison


Vinay Chhana



Jaimini Mistry

Graphic Designer


LIAM Mistry

‘Reviewer’ & Writer’


Acknowledgement: PREEYA Mistry Graphic Designer & Art Director - Thank you for your expert consultation





Then contact Dineshbhai:


07903 83 5028

We’re looking for creative thinkers to join

the Prajapati Sandesh Editorial team.

The Sandesh provides an opportunity to express your

CREATIVITY and SHOWCASE your publication skills

(Graphic Design, Photography, Illustration, Proof Reading,

Marketing, and Gujarati language to name but a few).

The Sandesh is distributed throughout the UK and overseas

where your talent will be showcased.

96 vol. 44 | Prajapati Sandesh 2019

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