ENHANCE - 2nd Quarter 2023

The second quarter 2023 edition of our ‘Enhance’ magazine has articles on perseverance, Innovation: Africa, King Charles III, and bagels; as well as reports on our strategic prayer conference, a Jerusalem forum and the political crisis in Israel; and a Hebrew word study on ‘Emunah’ (faith).

The second quarter 2023 edition of our ‘Enhance’ magazine has articles on perseverance, Innovation: Africa, King Charles III, and bagels; as well as reports on our strategic prayer conference, a Jerusalem forum and the political crisis in Israel; and a Hebrew word study on ‘Emunah’ (faith).


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2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • No 215<br />

Christian Friends of Israel<br />

United Kingdom<br />

The Lord has promised<br />

good things for Israel<br />

Numbers 10:29<br />

INSIDE: EDITORIAL – Run with Perseverance • Jerusalem Forum • CHARITY FEATURE – Innovation Africa • HEBREW WORD FOCUS – Emunah<br />

Prayer Conference Report • King Charles III Profile • Back to Bagels • Political Crisis in Israel • Spring Harvest Report • RESOURCES

Christian Friends of Israel<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Editorial<br />

Run with<br />

perseverance<br />

About us<br />

CFI UK seeks to bless Israel through<br />

practical and moral support, and serve<br />

the Church in teaching about God’s<br />

purposes for Israel and the Hebrew<br />

heritage of our faith.<br />

CFI UK also produce a monthly prayer<br />

letter, a weekly audio Middle East report<br />

and distribute Haverim teaching.<br />

Please contact us for full details of<br />

projects in Israel and the teaching<br />

resources available.<br />

As an educational charity, we carry a<br />

variety of resources relevant to our<br />

purpose. We do not necessarily endorse<br />

every view expressed by our guest<br />

writers or authors.<br />

Encouraging understanding in the<br />

Church of Israel in context of the<br />

Bible, history and today.<br />

Challenging prejudice against Israel<br />

and antisemitism alongside the Jewish<br />

community in the UK.<br />

Assisting cross-culturally in Israel<br />

with charitable projects - medical,<br />

educational and social.<br />

What’s in a name?<br />

<strong>ENHANCE</strong> means to increase, or further<br />

improve the quality, value, or extent<br />

of, in our instance, Christian friendship<br />

of Israel. It also emphasises that when<br />

God’s faithfulness to Israel is included<br />

and understood by the wider Church, it<br />

truly is ‘faith enhancing.’<br />

<strong>ENHANCE</strong> Magazine<br />

Published by:<br />

CFI Charitable Trust, PO Box 2687<br />

Eastbourne BN22 7LZ<br />

Tel: 01323 410 810<br />

Email: info@cfi.org.uk<br />

www.cfi.org.uk<br />

Registered Charity, No. 1101899<br />

Registered Office c/o<br />

Caladine, Chantry House, 22 Upperton Road<br />

Eastbourne, BN21 1BF<br />

Company No: 04984515<br />

VAT Registration No: GB678780275<br />

Front cover photo:<br />

Tel Aviv Towers, Israel<br />

Jacob Vince<br />

When reading the books<br />

of the Bible in the<br />

Jewish sequence, we<br />

might notice extra connections.<br />

Take for example the books of<br />

Judges and Samuel (the Book of<br />

Ruth being located with the Psalms).<br />

As the Book of Judges draws to a<br />

close, the last judge focused on is<br />

Samson. In the Book of Samuel, the<br />

next two judges are Eli and Samuel.<br />

So, we see that both Samson and<br />

Samuel are judges. In many ways<br />

they are similar in that they arise<br />

out of barren wombs in answer<br />

to prayer, they are both Nazarite,<br />

neither cutting their hair, and<br />

they both challenge the Philistines<br />

in their day. They are both also<br />

involved in physical warfare with<br />

their enemies, Samson on a much<br />

greater scale, though Samuel, as<br />

a result of King Saul’s failure to<br />

do so, carried out the judgement<br />

on King Agag of the Amalekites.<br />

Later in the Bible, as we come to<br />

the Apostles’ teaching, we find they<br />

both feature amongst those who<br />

exercised faith, towards the end of<br />

a long list found in the Letter to the<br />

Hebrews. Gideon, Barak, Samson<br />

and Jephthah feature from the Book<br />

of Judges. Then the list goes on to<br />

David and Samuel.<br />

Clearly there are also significant<br />

differences between them. Samuel<br />

perhaps better exemplifies the<br />

qualities of a judge; yet struggles<br />

with bringing up his own children,<br />

in a similar way to Eli and indeed<br />

Samson’s parents – who specifically<br />

asked for God’s help in that. Yet,<br />

despite their failings, God uses<br />

them both to further his purposes,<br />

with Samuel anointing David as<br />

Israel’s king, who unites the north<br />

and south of Israel as one nation,<br />

eventually bringing the Ark of the<br />

Covenant to Jerusalem.<br />

Shortly after the list of the judges<br />

and King David, followed by the<br />

prophets in general, we find it said<br />

that they, ‘through faith conquered<br />

kingdoms, administered justice and<br />

gained what was promised’ (Hebrews<br />

11:33) – presumably, at this stage,<br />

the ‘promised land’, as mentioned<br />

earlier where ‘Abraham made his home<br />

… like a stranger in a foreign country;<br />

he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob,<br />

who were heirs of the same promise’<br />

(Hebrews 11:9).<br />

Despite this there remained some<br />

unfinished outworking of the<br />

second part of the two-part covenant<br />

promise made to Abraham, this<br />

time not the promised land, but the<br />

hereditary line, which eventually<br />

continues through to Israel’s<br />

Messiah, and Saviour of the world,<br />

Jesus.<br />

Hence the writer continues, ‘these<br />

were all commended for their faith, yet<br />

none of them received what had been<br />

promised. God had planned something<br />

better for us so that only together<br />

with us would they be made perfect’<br />

(Hebrews 11:39-40).<br />

Notice first, the word ‘together’. But<br />

how can this be that God ‘planned<br />

something better for us so that only<br />

together with us would they be made<br />

perfect’? Most, if not all, despite<br />

being ‘commended for their faith’ in<br />

the ‘hall of faith’, were far from<br />

perfect. But then neither are we.<br />

Even after professing faith in Jesus<br />

as God’s son, we cannot claim to<br />

be without sin, hence provision is<br />

made for its ongoing confession (see<br />

1 John 1:8-9).<br />

The next chapter begins, ‘Therefore,<br />

since we are surrounded by such a<br />

great cloud of witnesses’ (Hebrews<br />

12:1), with ‘therefore’, there for a<br />

reason. Here we find an analogy of<br />

2 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

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an athletic sports stadium, as<br />

we are encouraged to run the<br />

race with perseverance.<br />

The race seems less a sprint<br />

and more a long distance<br />

one, perhaps a steeplechase<br />

with obstacles to clear at<br />

intervals along the way.<br />

At times we may need to<br />

speed up and at others slow<br />

down.<br />

Along with those who<br />

have gone before, we are<br />

representing a country<br />

and a kingdom that cannot<br />

be shaken – which Jesus<br />

refers to as the kingdom of<br />

heaven, or kingdom of God,<br />

in contrast to the kingdom<br />

of this world. Nonetheless,<br />

we must run the race on an<br />

earthly track, as did those<br />

who have gone before. So,<br />

it is how we run the race<br />

and what resources we draw<br />

upon that will count. May<br />

we then likewise, in the<br />

days God has chosen for us<br />

to live, ‘throw off everything<br />

that hinders and the sin that<br />

so easily entangles, and let us<br />

run with perseverance the race<br />

marked out for us’ And ‘Let us<br />

fix our eyes on Jesus the author<br />

and perfector of our faith’<br />

(Hebrews 12:1-2).<br />

Israel Forum Conference Jerusalem<br />

At a conference held in Jerusalem at the end<br />

of February, the following six subjects were<br />

covered by expert panels.<br />

DEFENCE: The Iranian nuclear threat is high on the agenda.<br />

Iran requires three elements: (1) Material – uranium enrichment<br />

presently running around 60 percent, but briefly rose to around<br />

85 percent, close to the required level of 90 percent; (2) Warhead<br />

– essentially a ‘treadmill’ exercise estimated at 18 to 24 months<br />

for completion; (3) Missile – already tested. What are Israel’s<br />

options? There are no good options. Economic sanctions are<br />

entering the red zone for diplomacy but may give more time<br />

to plan. A military strike requires more in-flight refuelling<br />

aircraft. Israelis don’t want to act alone and feel the need for US<br />

involvement. They also desire a greater international consensus.<br />

There is some progress on this due to the war in Ukraine and the<br />

growing axis of Iran and China with Russia, and hence scope for<br />

an alliance of moderate European states with the USA and UK<br />

alongside increasing middle eastern support.<br />

DISCREDIT: Recent anti-Israel campaigns from companies<br />

such as Booking.com, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream were thwarted<br />

by legal means. The long-term campaign to discredit Israel<br />

was kicked-off by the notoriously erroneous declaration at<br />

the Durban conference in South Africa which falsely equated<br />

Zionism with racism. This was later rescinded, but the<br />

campaign continues, seeking to deny space or place for Israel<br />

academically, culturally and economically. This is high on<br />

Israel’s list of strategic affairs.<br />

DISTORT: There is a reassessment of the war on Jew hatred<br />

and its effectiveness. Despite immense effort to stem the flow,<br />

it continues to grow steadily and irrationally, even in western<br />

countries. Increasingly widespread Holocaust memorial events<br />

and monuments fail to influence campaigns against Israel,<br />

which are increasingly obvious and merging into Jew hatred.<br />

DEVELOP: Israel has progressed from its reputation for Jaffa<br />

oranges to a new national identity as a startup nation with its<br />

climate and ecosystem of innovation. Since the mid-eighties<br />

when fledgling fibre-optics were being developed and there was<br />

zero venture capital available, Israel has become the leading<br />

venture capital funder worldwide. A recent gathering in Israel saw<br />

over eighty countries represented by 9,000 delegates covering<br />

subjects from quantum computing to space, food and health<br />

technology. Fifty four percent of Israel’s exports now come from<br />

the technology industry.<br />

DIPLOMACY: Prior to the Abraham Accords some 200 Israeli<br />

businesses were already operating behind the scenes in the<br />

Gulf countries. Following their announcement, the growth of<br />

connections has continued exponentially, along with warmth in<br />

relations, running alongside mutual curiosity exemplified in the<br />

growth of Gulf tourism that led to the opening up of airspace<br />

over Saudi Arabia. The momentum has encouraged a warming in<br />

relations with long-term peaceable neighbours who don’t want to<br />

be left out or behind.<br />

DIASPORA: Presently challenged by the proposed laws for judicial<br />

reform. News from Israel increasingly has a direct impact on<br />

Jewish relations in the diaspora. There is a need for a better flow<br />

of accurate information – getting it out quickly. There is continued<br />

concern at outbursts and underlying anti-Semitism, particularly<br />

amongst students on campus and on the fringes of political parties.<br />

Jonathan Medved CEO of OurCrowd being interviewed at the Forum<br />

@christianfriendsofisrael_uk<br />

2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 3

Charity Feature<br />

Innovation: Africa<br />

Bringing Israeli technologies to the poor<br />

Sivan Ya’ari founder and CEO<br />

An individual-inspired Israeli<br />

charity, Innovation: Africa,<br />

is a non-profit organisation<br />

that brings Israeli solar, water and<br />

agricultural technologies to rural<br />

African villages.<br />

Since 2008, using solar and water<br />

technologies, Innovation: Africa has<br />

provided access to clean water and<br />

light to more than 4 million people<br />

for the first time. They have done this<br />

across ten African countries: Tanzania,<br />

Malawi, Democratic Republic of the<br />

Congo, Senegal, Ethiopia, Zambia,<br />

Eswatini, South Africa, Uganda, and<br />

Cameroon.<br />

The charity has now completed<br />

over 700 solar and water projects,<br />

transforming the lives of some of the<br />

poorest communities in the world.<br />

With some 54 countries in Africa,<br />

which is twice the size of the United<br />

States, it seems to be left behind and<br />

forgotten. Around 620 million Africans<br />

lack access to electricity – many have<br />

never seen a lightbulb.<br />

The main challenge for them is the lack<br />

of energy. Because of it the people<br />

are still suffering with no electricity in<br />

medical centres and no electricity in<br />

schools. But most importantly, because<br />

there is no energy, there is no access to<br />

clean water. And yet the Sun exists, the<br />

water exists, and it is possible to make a<br />

change with just a few solar panels.<br />

Once Innovation: Africa bring clean<br />

water to a village, everything changes.<br />

Children now go to school, where<br />

there is better education, and fewer<br />

people are sick. But what inspires<br />

the charity the most is that, when<br />

they go back to a village, they see<br />

agriculture, brickmaking, and economic<br />

independence. Energy is key to<br />

breaking the cycle of poverty.<br />

Innovation: Africa raises funds through<br />

a variety of schemes. They give the<br />

opportunity to adopt a village. They<br />

have a long list of schools, orphanages,<br />

medical centres and villages that are<br />

waiting for their help to gain access to<br />

clean water and light.<br />

They encourage those who are not<br />

yet able to raise sufficient funds to<br />

transform an entire village, to start their<br />

own campaign in the confidence that<br />

100 percent of any amount raised will<br />

go toward villages in need.<br />

www.innoafrica.org<br />

4 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

Hebrew Word Focus<br />

Melissa Briggs MA<br />

Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Melissa is an experienced Hebrew<br />

teacher with a desire to make the<br />

rich language of the Scriptures<br />

accessible to Christians.<br />

Visit: www.explorehebrew.co.uk<br />

Faith in<br />

Action<br />

אֱ‏ מּונָה<br />

Emunah<br />

“For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in Emunah.” (Psalm 33:4)<br />

According to the Disney princesses, if<br />

I believe in something… or desire it<br />

strongly enough… or wish upon a star,<br />

then it will come true. But is that how faith<br />

works in real life?<br />

The Hebrew word for faith is אֱ‏ מּונָה Emunah, which<br />

does not merely mean ‘a belief in anything’ or ‘a<br />

mental assent to a certain set of ideas’, as the word<br />

‘faith’ is so often used in English. No, this biblical<br />

word emunah speaks of something much more stable,<br />

beautiful and stronger.<br />

Emunah can be translated as ‘faith, faithfulness,<br />

truth, fidelity, steadfastness, steadiness, firmness or<br />

stability.’<br />

Emunah is trust due to proven actions which affirm<br />

the reliability of the trust. Emunah is not faith or<br />

belief alone, it is faith ‘completed’ or ‘demonstrated’<br />

by works. So according to this biblical definition<br />

of emunah, our actions demonstrate our<br />

beliefs (see Hebrews 11 and James 2).<br />

Others in this family of Hebrew words,<br />

which share the same root letters and are<br />

interconnected topically, include:<br />

’Emet אֱ‏ – מֶ‏ ת a truth.<br />

’Amen אָ‏ – מֵ‏ ן so be it (an affirmation of truth).<br />

’Aman אֲ‏ – מַ‏ ן to be faithful and trustworthy.<br />

’Aman אָ‏ – מַ‏ ן to believe, doorposts/pillars, endure,<br />

establish, faithful, firm, fulfilled, guardians, has<br />

assurance, have faith, lasting, nurse, foster parent, to<br />

put your trust, reliable, verified.<br />

Do your actions line up with what you claim are your<br />

beliefs? If someone took an honest look at your daily<br />

schedule or your bank activity, would the way you<br />

spend your time and your money align with what you<br />

say is most important to you?<br />

In English and in our modern way of thinking, we<br />

can separate the ideas of ‘faith’ and ‘being faithful’ –<br />

but in Hebrew these two ideas are one and the same,<br />

encapsulated in the word emunah. This begs the<br />

question:<br />

“Are you really a person of faith if you are not a<br />

faithful person?”<br />

Are you faithful to God, your marriage, your family,<br />

the roles and responsibilities God has given you?<br />

All of these words around emunah represent the<br />

concept of something or someone that can be<br />

trusted because of doing things that prove they are<br />

trustworthy. And what an accurate description of the<br />

Great is your<br />

faithfulness<br />

character and nature of God! He is the only one who<br />

is always faithful, true, steady and trustworthy,<br />

And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord<br />

displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord<br />

and put their aman (trust/faith) in him and in Moses his<br />

servant (Exodus 14:31).<br />

Emunah means so much more than our western idea of<br />

‘faith’. For example, we can see the literal meaning of<br />

‘steadiness’ in the following passage,<br />

But Moses’ hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and<br />

put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur<br />

supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other.<br />

Thus his hands were emumah (steady) until the sun set<br />

(Exodus 17:12).<br />

Biblical emunah is a stable thing – related to the word<br />

for pillar or support – and always based on reliable<br />

truth, as it is so closely related to the word ‘emet’.<br />

Therefore, if something is ‘amen-ed’ it is something<br />

that can be affirmed in reality, and not a random or<br />

baseless belief.<br />

The Hebrew word for ‘foster parent’,<br />

‘oman’, is also closely related to emunah<br />

and found in Isaiah 49:23. As foster<br />

carers, my husband and I had new<br />

opportunities to put emunah into action.<br />

We sought to be obedient to God’s voice and trust<br />

his character as we took emergency phone calls from<br />

social workers – sometimes late at night – asking if we<br />

would take new placements.<br />

Even now it sounds daunting to me the things we’ve<br />

said “yes” to welcoming into our home through<br />

foster care—a fragile newborn with severe medical<br />

conditions, sibling groups with diverse needs, babies<br />

withdrawing from drug exposure in utero, parents<br />

in prison or dealing drugs, teenagers with recent<br />

overdose attempts, etc. Each time we had to choose<br />

to believe God would faithfully guide us to say either<br />

‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the requests in faith.<br />

True emunah is to believe in the steadfast truth of God,<br />

and then be faithful, reliable, firmly holding onto that<br />

truth and acting on it, as led and empowered by the<br />

Holy Spirit. The focus is on the Lord, his reliability<br />

and steadiness.<br />

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for<br />

his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;<br />

great is your Emunah (Lamentations 3:22-23).<br />

Contact Melissa to learn Hebrew at: www.explorehebrew.co.uk<br />

To learn more about what “Emunah” looks like outworked, check<br />

out the charity serving Israel’s orphans and most vulnerable<br />

children at: www.emunahisrael.org<br />

2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 5

Special Report<br />



Tuesday 21 st – Thursday 23 rd March<br />

By Julia Soakell<br />

Praise the Lord, the God of Israel,<br />

from everlasting to everlasting.<br />

Let all the people say “Amen”,<br />

Praise the Lord.<br />

(Psalm 106:48)<br />

The theme of this year’s CFI Annual Prayer<br />

Conference was Everlasting to Everlasting. In<br />

‏.(אֵ‏ ל עֹולָ‏ ‏ֽם)‏ Hebrew the Everlasting God is El Olam<br />

The word ‘olam’ occurs more than 400 times in the Hebrew<br />

scriptures and is often translated eternal, forever, lasting, ever<br />

and ancient. Drawing aside from the chaotic days we are living<br />

in, we felt blessed to pray and spend time with the Lord when<br />

so much in the world seems changeable and shaken.<br />

More than fifty supporters gathered at Kings Park Conference<br />

Centre in Northampton in mid-March, keen to pray for Israel,<br />

her people and for CFI. Many felt as they left, that the time<br />

was well spent in being rather than doing, and allowing the<br />

Lord to prepare and strengthen them for the seasons ahead.<br />

One of the CFI Jerusalem staff always ends her emails with,<br />

“Before we can do what God wants us to do, we must first<br />

be who God wants us to be – being always precedes doing”<br />

David and I were blessed to host the group, many of whom<br />

hadn’t been to a residential prayer conference before, and<br />

with a higher proportion of men than in previous prayer<br />

conferences. In our preparations we felt it would be vital to<br />

‘hold lightly’ the sessions and their focus, allowing the Holy<br />

Spirit to lead us into the Lord’s focus and priorities.<br />

A good amount of time was spent in worship, especially in<br />

the first session. Prayer topics included our post-Christian<br />

nation and the church in the UK, as well as our leaders and<br />

government, asking the Lord in grace and mercy to lead our<br />

nation to become a greater blessing to the land and people<br />

of Israel. We also prayed about Aliyah and its counterpart<br />

Yeridah – the phenomenon of Jewish people leaving Israel to<br />

return to their previous countries and lives. That happens for<br />

various reasons, but economic factors are a current concern.<br />

CFI Jerusalem projects were considered and thanks offered for<br />

breakthroughs where new visas and staff recruitment have<br />

drawn seven new project coordinators into their roles.<br />

Praying for the younger generations was a major focus,<br />

appealing for them to better understand Israel as they become<br />

pastors, teachers, politicians and intercessors in the years to<br />

come. We included those generations in Israel itself, and also<br />

in the Arab Palestinian areas where hatred is promoted in the<br />

education system. These children and their parents can ask<br />

God to intervene and bring about supernatural change and<br />

restoration for all. The young people of the region have known<br />

tensions and traumas in life, with high levels of hatred and<br />

media bias against the Jewish people.<br />

We also considered that the Bible mentions there will be an<br />

accumulation of knowledge in later times. As the late Derek<br />

Prince once said,<br />

“Cleverness and education are no substitute for the<br />

moral foundation and understanding which are the fear<br />

of the Lord and obedience to his precepts.”<br />

David Soakell and Jonathan Holbrook led morning<br />

meditations based around scriptures about the everlasting<br />

God and living in his presence. David led a session on<br />

‘Comfort and keep comforting’ (see Isaiah 40:1), sharing<br />

personally on the difficulty of standing with Israel in<br />

connection with CFI’s ‘Forsake Them Not’ project. We also<br />

heard from Jacob Vince, our Chief Executive, about attending<br />

the Global Coalition for Israel Conference and hearing of<br />

some surprising nations that now work closely with Israel.<br />

And he shed light on praying for the UK church about pivotal<br />

issues raised lately in the Church of England’s General Synod.<br />

Looking back on the theme and on our time together we<br />

give thanks to the everlasting God we serve and in whom<br />

we can put our trust, even when we see the nations shake<br />

and tremble. We can be confident in him. He is powerful<br />

and productive in all he does, producing fruit in his perfect<br />

6 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


Psalms 90:2; 106:48<br />

Conference Feedback<br />

“All the glory went to the Lord. We<br />

were led step by step with our loving<br />

Shepherd. His heart was manifest.<br />

Unity was powerful. Praise the Lord!”<br />

“God revealed he is more glorious<br />

– more awesome – and I believe this<br />

time was so important too”<br />

“The truth is God can move<br />

mountains, he doesn’t need us – but<br />

entirely overwhelmed he wants us.<br />

Beautiful conference, good spiritual<br />

food and time set aside a blessing to<br />

see God’s hand at work and answers<br />

to prayer and motivating to see the<br />

work still to be done.”<br />

Julia Soakell<br />

Prayer Encouragement Philip Aitchison<br />

Liaison Support Jacob Vince<br />

Chief Executive Jonathan Holbrook<br />

Trustee<br />

timing, sowing seeds for times to come. He is impervious<br />

to distractions and the plans of the enemy, and always<br />

victorious. God and his purposes thrive in times of crisis, and<br />

he is able to bring good even when the enemy acts to harm.<br />

“We aren’t adrift in chaos. We are held in the<br />

everlasting arms” Elisabeth Elliot<br />

Finally, we focused on CFI UK, praying for our staff, trustees<br />

and volunteers. This is key and by bringing these roles to<br />

mind we could help further prayer in the future. David Greer,<br />

chairman of our Trustees, shared his heart for CFI UK in the<br />

current climate and the difficult days the ministry has faced<br />

recently, as well as breakthroughs in God’s provision since.<br />

David Greer<br />

Trustee<br />

“Excellent conference - a balanced<br />

mix, with worship, meditation,<br />

teaching and prayer, plus time for<br />

fellowship.”<br />

“Thank you - Everything was put<br />

together with prayer and it showed.<br />

It’s been so good to come apart and<br />

devote this time to the things that<br />

need prayers.”<br />

“I feel it was strategic spiritually<br />

to focus in and on the awesomeness<br />

of God.”<br />

In our hearts we really felt our time together was an essential<br />

way of supporting Israel strategically. We acknowledged the<br />

difficulty of continuing to stand for the whole word of God<br />

in a secular nation where Christianity is still the foundation<br />

despite the huge decline in the value placed on our Judeo<br />

Christian heritage. But in praying together with like-minded<br />

people, many felt stronger, more focused and returned home<br />

determined to continue to pray about key issues and share<br />

sensitively with others the needs we covered.<br />

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the<br />

everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:27)<br />

twitter.com/cfi_uk<br />

facebook.com/cfiuk<br />

youtube.com/cfiuk<br />

2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 7

Feature<br />

The Coronation of<br />

King Charles III<br />

The 6 th May <strong>2023</strong> will mark the historic<br />

Coronation of King Charles III and of his<br />

wife, Camilla, as Queen.<br />

We give thanks for the life and Christian service<br />

of the late Queen Elizabeth II for whom many<br />

Christians prayed over the 70 years of her reign.<br />

Her values were clear for all to see - Christian<br />

leadership, family and a personal walk with<br />

God, a true woman of the Bible and of prayer.<br />

The Coronation is centred around a solemn religious<br />

ceremony and has remained largely unchanged for more<br />

than 1,000 years. For the last 900 years it has taken place<br />

at Westminster Abbey, London, and is conducted by the<br />

Archbishop of Canterbury. The Coronation in <strong>2023</strong> will<br />

differ from others to reflect modern times with ‘Coronation<br />

Big Lunches’ around the UK and Commonwealth, a<br />

spectacular ‘Coronation Concert’ at Windsor Castle with<br />

laser and drone displays, followed by an extra bank holiday<br />

on 8 th May.<br />

The Chrism oil which will be used to anoint the King<br />

has been consecrated in Jerusalem. It was created<br />

using olives harvested from two groves on the Mount<br />

of Olives, at the Monastery of Mary Magdalene and<br />

the Monastery of the Ascension. The Monastery<br />

of Mary Magdalene is the burial place of King<br />

Charles’ grandmother, Princess Alice of Greece.<br />

The olives were pressed just outside Bethlehem<br />

and the oil has been perfumed with essential oils<br />

– sesame, rose, jasmine, cinnamon, neroli, benzoin<br />

and amber – as well as orange blossom. This<br />

oil is based on that used for the Coronation of<br />

Queen Elizabeth II – a formula used for hundreds<br />

of years. It will also be used for the anointing of<br />

Camilla as Queen.<br />

The Archbishop of Canterbury said, “Since beginning the<br />

planning for the Coronation, my desire has been for a new<br />

Coronation Oil to be produced using olive oil from the<br />

Mount of Olives. This demonstrates the deep historic link<br />

between the Coronation, the Bible and the Holy Land. From<br />

ancient kings through to the present day, monarchs have<br />

been anointed with oil from this sacred place. As we prepare<br />

to anoint the King and his Queen, I pray that they would be<br />

guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.”<br />

In his first Christmas speech as King, Charles quoted the<br />

much-loved carol ‘O little town of Bethlehem’ and referred<br />

tenderly to his mother and her faith in God and in people.<br />

He spoke of his trip to Israel in January 2020 where he had<br />

met the then Israeli President<br />

Reuven Rivlin at his official<br />

residence in Jerusalem. He<br />

saw a model of the Second<br />

Temple of Jerusalem in the<br />

Israel Museum and the Dead<br />

Sea Scrolls in the Shrine of the<br />

Book Museum.<br />

Later he attended the World<br />

Holocaust Forum at Yad<br />

Vashem and made a speech<br />

saying, “The Holocaust must never be allowed to become<br />

simply a fact of history. We must never cease to be<br />

appalled, nor moved by the testimony of those who lived<br />

through it. Their experience must always educate, and<br />

guide, and warn us.”<br />

On his second day in the Holy Land he visited the Mosque<br />

of Omar, the only mosque in the Old City of Bethlehem,<br />

heard about its history and signed the visitors’ book.<br />

He then visited the Church of the Nativity for an<br />

ecumenical service and later travelled to see the tomb<br />

of his grandmother, Princess Alice, at the Church of<br />

St Mary Magdalene on the Mount of Olives, near the<br />

Garden of Gethsemane.<br />

In his first New Year Honours List, King Charles<br />

knighted Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis in recognition<br />

of his services to the Jewish community, interfaith<br />

relations and education. It was one of the most<br />

extensive lists of honours for Jewish community<br />

leaders, Holocaust survivors and philanthropists in<br />

memory.<br />

Sir Ephraim told the Jewish News: “I am enormously<br />

honoured and deeply humbled by this award. It will be<br />

particularly moving for me to receive this award from His<br />

Majesty the King in his first year as our monarch.”<br />

We pray for the power of God’s love to strengthen all<br />

family relationships in the House of Windsor; in particular<br />

for reconciliation, humility, greater understanding<br />

and communication between them and for forgiveness<br />

where needed. As our nation continues to face economic<br />

downturn and civil unease, within a world often rife with<br />

conflict, we pray for God’s will to be fulfilled in members of<br />

the Royal Family, that they will stand up as people of strong<br />

Christian faith and serve our nation well, following in the<br />

legacy of the late Queen.<br />

8 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

Feature<br />

Hidden Treasures<br />

Back to bagels<br />

Traditional Jewish Kracover Polish bagels<br />

The bagel’s known history goes back at least six<br />

centuries. While we know them in 21 st century UK,<br />

the bagel’s appearance probably began in Poland. In<br />

her excellent book, ‘The Bagel: the Surprising History of a<br />

Modest Bread,’ Maria Balinska shares some theories of its<br />

origin.<br />

Balinska first suggests the possibility that they<br />

travelled East to Poland from Germany as part<br />

of a migration flow during the 14 th century.<br />

At the time ‘pretzels’, the thick bread of<br />

the German variety, moved out of their<br />

original home in monasteries to become<br />

readily available feast-day bread. German<br />

immigrants, brought to Poland to help<br />

build the economy, brought the ‘pretzels’<br />

with them. In Poland, so the theory goes, the<br />

German breads morphed into a round roll with a<br />

hole in the middle that became known in Poland as an<br />

‘obwarzanek’ which means to ‘boil’ in Polish. Written records<br />

of them appear as early as the 14 th century.<br />

They gained notoriety when Queen Jadwiga, known for her<br />

charity and piety, opted to eat obwarzanek during Lent, in<br />

lieu of the more richly flavoured breads and pastries she<br />

enjoyed the rest of the year. While that might seem like quite<br />

a step in the context of Marie Antoinette’s later comment<br />

“let them eat cake”, note that, although Queen Jadwiga was<br />

apparently pretty down-to-earth as queens go, obwarzanek<br />

at that time wasn’t exactly the kind of inexpensive street<br />

food that bagels became a few centuries later.<br />

Lent, then as now, was a period during which devout<br />

Christians consciously chose deprivation - but what<br />

constitutes ‘deprivation’ is relative. What the queen chose<br />

for her daily bread was rather costly at the time, because<br />

wheat was not cheap. Most Poles in her day could barely<br />

afford the cheaper, coarser breads made from rye flour.<br />

So, obwarzanek was primarily the province of princes, nobles,<br />

and men and women of means, not the poor.<br />

A second theory dates the first bagels to the late 17 th century<br />

in Austria, saying that they were invented in 1683 by a<br />

Viennese baker trying to pay tribute to the King of Poland,<br />

Jan Sobieski. The king had led Austria and Poland in repelling<br />

invading Turkish armies. Given that the king was famous for<br />

his love of horses, the baker decided to shape his dough into<br />

a circle that looked like a stirrup – or ‘beugel’ in German.<br />

Bagels and the fight against bias<br />

A third theory suggests that, as Jewish food, the bagel really<br />

came of age during the era of Polish history known as the<br />

“Nobles’ Democracy.” While intolerance and conflict reigned<br />

elsewhere, Poland was probably the preeminent country<br />

for tolerance, acceptance, education, and understanding.<br />

Unlike almost every other country in Europe, Poles identified<br />

themselves as citizens of their country rather than of any<br />

divisive framework based on religious, ethnic, or<br />

linguistic origins. This mindset created the<br />

environment where Jews were first allowed<br />

the opportunity to bake and sell bread – of<br />

which bagels were an integral part.<br />

The shift started to take place in the<br />

late 13 th century. Balinska refers to the<br />

breakthrough ruling by Polish Prince<br />

Boleslaw the Pious in 1264 that said, “Jews<br />

may freely buy and sell and touch bread like<br />

Christians.” To quote Balinska, “This was a<br />

radical step, so radical that (in reaction) in 1267<br />

a group of Polish bishops forbade Christians to buy<br />

any foodstuffs from Jews, darkly hinting that they contained<br />

poison for the unsuspecting gentile.” At some point, the<br />

theory goes, Jews were allowed to work with bread that was<br />

boiled, and they created the bagel to comply with this ruling.<br />

2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 9

News Feature<br />

Robin Lane<br />

Political Crisis<br />

in Israel<br />

In the previous edition of <strong>ENHANCE</strong> we wrote<br />

about the new Israeli government’s controversial<br />

start to its time in power and expected ‘much more<br />

controversy’ to follow. That expectation was exceeded<br />

when Israel ran into a full-blown political crisis in the<br />

last week of March.<br />

Early differences with the Supreme Court were<br />

highlighted late in January when Benjamin Netanyahu<br />

was forced to dismiss Aryeh Deri as Interior minister<br />

and Health minister because the court ruled those<br />

appointments violated the legal principle of estoppel –<br />

Deri had gone back on his word to the court in a hearing<br />

one year before.<br />

Growing protests<br />

Much of the news then focused upon increasing conflict<br />

with Palestinian terrorists, as Israel’s security forces<br />

continued their operation ‘Break the Wave’. However,<br />

a protest movement on the streets of Israel was growing<br />

steadily, opposed to the government’s plans to reduce the<br />

power of the Supreme Court.<br />

On 21 st February, the Times of Israel’s editor, David<br />

Horovitz, described the government’s plans as almost<br />

completely neutering the court’s capacity to oppose new<br />

laws – no matter how outrageous – and enabling the<br />

government to easily override any court decision to strike<br />

down a law.<br />

He explained the concern of many, that Israel has ‘no<br />

other brakes on abuse by the political leadership’ – no<br />

constitution, no bill of rights, no second parliamentary<br />

chamber, and no capacity in the Knesset to resist<br />

legislation advanced by a majority government, even if<br />

that majority is only one.’<br />

Days of disruption<br />

By the beginning of March, the protests had grown from<br />

large-scale marches and setting up ad-hoc roadblocks<br />

into plans for a national ‘day of disruption’. The tensions<br />

in Israeli society even showed in Knesset committee<br />

meetings, where members shouted at each other so loudly<br />

that some had to be forcefully removed.<br />

In contrast to almost daily security raids against terrorists<br />

in towns like Jenin and Nablus – many of which led to<br />

violence and gunfights – the political protests on the<br />

streets of Israel were largely peaceful. Yet the government<br />

was so confrontational that some Israelis started voicing<br />

concerns that the dispute could lead to civil war.<br />

Part of the dispute focused on proposed laws that directly<br />

benefitted Benjamin Netanyahu and Aryeh Deri, as well<br />

as other proposals that suited the ultra-orthodox parties in<br />

the governing coalition. For a few days there was much<br />

international concern over a proposal to ban Christians<br />

from evangelising in Israel. But that proposal was quickly<br />

withdrawn.<br />

Protest - Tel Aviv, 28 January <strong>2023</strong> Photo: Oren Rozen<br />

Impact upon the military<br />

Nevertheless, some military reservists were so worried<br />

about the reforms they withdrew from training days<br />

and threatened to resign. With Israel’s enemies in Iran,<br />

Syria, Lebanon and Gaza issuing more threats, that was a<br />

significant problem for the new government. After days<br />

of trying privately to persuade Benjamin Netanyahu to<br />

slow the reforms down, Yoav Gallant, the Minister for<br />

Defence, made a public appeal for a delay on Saturday 25 th<br />

March.<br />

The crisis erupts<br />

That prompted Netanyahu to fire Gallant from his<br />

ministerial post through a statement on Twitter at<br />

around 10pm on the Sunday. This prompted massive<br />

spontaneous street protests which lasted through until<br />

4am on Monday 27 th March.<br />

Those protests snowballed into a general strike that<br />

closed Ben Gurion airport, shopping centres, banks,<br />

local councils and some schools. Much of the country<br />

ground to a halt and Netanyahu promised to speak to<br />

the nation in the morning. However, there followed a<br />

series of postponements before he finally made the public<br />

announcement of a delay in the judicial reforms late that<br />

evening. He was put under pressure by Itamar Ben Gvir<br />

not to delay the new laws; but quoted Solomon’s biblical<br />

wisdom in not cutting the baby in two.<br />

A way forward<br />

Israel’s president, Isaac Herzog immediately urged the<br />

leaders to get on with negotiations straight away, and the<br />

first meeting took place at his home the following evening.<br />

However, increasing tension between the USA and Israel<br />

also emerged. On that same day, Joe Biden told reporters<br />

he hoped Netanyahu would “walk away” from his<br />

current judicial overhaul legislation, saying he was “very<br />

concerned” about the health of Israeli democracy, and that<br />

“They cannot continue down this road. And I’ve sort of<br />

made that clear.”<br />

Netanyahu reacted strongly, confirming that “Israel is an<br />

independent country that makes its decisions according to<br />

the will of its citizens and not based on external pressures,<br />

including from our best friends.”<br />

There quickly followed a series of public statements<br />

designed to play down that argument. But there is little<br />

evidence emerging from the negotiations within Israel<br />

as to the chances of reaching a suitable compromise<br />

regarding the power of the Supreme Court. However,<br />

Netanyahu did reinstate Gallant as Defence Minister on<br />

Monday 10 th April.<br />

10 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

Event Report<br />

From Monday 10 th to Friday14 th April Christian Friends of Israel UK<br />

exhibited for their first time at Spring Harvest Christian Festival held at<br />

Minehead, Somerset. The stall was attended by chief executive Jacob<br />

Vince, administration assistant Chantal Paskins and designer Steve Turnham.<br />

Despite blustery storm Noa, with 60 mile an hour winds, thousands attending<br />

were able to enjoy the features on offer inside the Butlins Minehead venue.<br />

At the centre of the Skyline building were the exhibitors, including the CFI UK<br />

Resources Stall with books, pamphlets, booklets, DVDs and music CDs, alongside<br />

free literature including our recently renamed <strong>ENHANCE</strong> magazine, which proved<br />

very popular.<br />

Our request for a corner stall was arranged by the organising team who were very<br />

accommodating. We were pleased to find an Israel tour company next to our<br />

stall. A whole new cross-section of Christians and the wider church showed great<br />

interest in developing their understanding of Israel in the context of the Bible,<br />

history and today, with many new enquirers signing up to receive our regular<br />

communications, particularly the quarterly <strong>ENHANCE</strong> magazine.<br />

We also had good engagement with other stall holders including the Release<br />

charity for persecuted Christians, and students from Moorlands College, where<br />

Chris Sinkinson lectures (he was one of last year’s CFI UK annual conference<br />

speakers). We managed to attend a few teaching sessions at Spring Harvest<br />

including a speaker from the Bible Society presenting an overview of Paul’s letter<br />

to the churches at Rome, with questions following. All in all, it was a thoroughly<br />

good start to the exhibition and festival season, with the Lord granting us<br />

travelling mercies, timely conversations and fellowship.<br />

Spring Harvest <strong>2023</strong><br />

A taste of Passover <strong>2023</strong><br />

L<br />

iaison support Philip Aitchison had good feedback from his ‘A Taste<br />

of Passover’ evening event on Tuesday 4 th April in the Scottish Borders<br />

and David and Julia Soakell held a Passover teaching at Spalding on<br />

Wednesday 5 th which was very well received. There was a wide range<br />

of generations present and they had good feedback. They were able to<br />

distribute CFI UK literature to many who hadn’t heard of the ministry and<br />

also give the ‘Festival of Freedom’ leaflet to all who attended.<br />

Jacob led a Passover evening in Basingstoke on Thursday 6 th April, at<br />

which the Mayor and Mayoress were present. His talk touched on many<br />

unknown aspects for those attending and was much appreciated.<br />

On Good Friday morning, Jacob was also able to share on Jesus at Passover,<br />

at Suncoast church Eastbourne, with active involvement of the kids church.<br />

2 nd <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 11

Resources www.cfi.org.uk/shop.php<br />



Joshua Aaron’s debut album,<br />

‘You Are Holy’, features his<br />

most timeless and classic songs,<br />

including the singles Hoshiana<br />

and Gadol Elohai.<br />

MC59 // 12 Tracks // £11.50<br />

(incl. UK p&p)<br />

For resources call: 01323 410 810<br />

Postal savings on multiple items<br />


This educational souvenir from the land of Israel<br />

features modern day cities and nature reserves,<br />

biblical tourist attractions such as Tel Dan, Tel<br />

Megiddo, Caesarea, Shiloh, Qumran and Masada.<br />

Size: 8.5 x 4 inches (21 x 10 cm) Magnetic.<br />

Scale: 1 inch = 37 miles.<br />

MA2 // £4.50 (incl. UK p&p)<br />

THE LIFE OF SAMSON – (Glossy fold-out pamphlet) ROSE PUBLISHING<br />

Samson was a supernaturally strong man chosen by God to free the nation of Israel. A hero of the Old<br />

Testament, he was also plagued by personal failures and weaknesses that led to his demise. This fullyillustrated<br />

7 panel pamphlet gives great insight into the cultural background and history of the time of<br />

Samson, helping to understand his story, what the Nazarite vow was, the conflict with the Philistines and<br />

much more.<br />

BT129 // 7 Panel double-sided // £5.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />


How Technion Faculty and Graduates fuse creativity with technology to change the world.<br />

More than 100,000 Technion graduates over the years, and thousands of faculty members, past and present, have<br />

changed the world through effective creativity. This book tells the stories of 100 of them, and their innovations, in their<br />

own words. We focus here on technology-intensive and science-based innovation. Many of the innovations described<br />

are in use in our daily lives, often without the beneficiaries being aware of their Technion origin.<br />

B535 // 397 Pages // £12.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />

EQUIP – Your Personal Journey to the Kingdom – PETER TSUKAHIRA<br />

“And he gave some as apostles, and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as pastors and teachers, for<br />

the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:28)<br />

Take up the challenge of discipleship! This book is a series of 52 short teachings meant to equip men and women as<br />

disciples of God’s kingdom in our day. The teachings may be read one by one, or as a series of weekly studies for a single<br />

year. Each teaching is accompanied by several questions for reflection or discussion and a point of prayer.<br />

B534 // 400 Pages // £17.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />

UK Events<br />

CFI UK will exhibit<br />

at the following live<br />

events in <strong>2023</strong><br />

Fochabers Village<br />

Aberdeenshire,<br />

Scotland, IV32 7PQ<br />

26-30 July & 1-5 August <strong>2023</strong><br />

Kent Event Centre, Maidstone, Kent<br />

CRE Midlands 8 – 9 November <strong>2023</strong><br />

Cranmore Park, Solihull<br />

Contact: CFI Communications, PO Box 2687, Eastbourne, BN22 7LZ<br />

Tel: 01323 410810 Email: info@cfi.org.uk YouTube: www.youtube.com/CFIUK Web: www.cfi.org.uk<br />

@christianfriendsofisrael_uk<br />

twitter.com/cfi_uk<br />

facebook.com/cfiuk<br />


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