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textual documents 174, 175


reference link 486


about 72-74, 83, 84

Application Zoos, using with 157

used, for classifying Fashion-MNIST 147-150

tf.Keras built-in VGG16 Net module

reference link 136

utilizing 135, 136

tf.lite API

reference link 465

TFLite Converter 464

TFLite FlatBuffer format 464

TFLite interpreter 464

third-generation TPUs (TPU3) 577, 578


reference link 78

transfer learning

Deep Inception-v3 Net, using 151-153

used, for classifying horses and

humans 154-157

transformer architecture 336-339

Transformers library

installation link 272



reference link 142

Unity ML-Agents SDK 416

Universal Language Model Fine Tuning

(ULMFit) model

BERT, using as part of network 266


value-based methods 411

vanilla autoencoder

about 347

architecture 348

used, for reconstructing handwritten

digits 350-353

Vanilla TensorFlow.js 478-484


about 54

creating 57

initializing 58

Variational Autoencoders (VAE) 399-404

vectorization 232

Vector Processing Unit (VPU) 577

VGG16 Net

used, for recognizing cat image 134


classifying, with pretrained nets 173, 174

virtual machine, on Microsoft Azure

creating 451

reference link 441

virtual machines (VM), on cloud

about 447

compute instance, on GCP 450

creating, on Amazon EC2 448

virtual machine, on Microsoft Azure 451

Visual Question Answering (VQA)

about 162-165

reference link 162



about 178-181

reference link 178, 182


saving 68, 69

Winner take all units (WTU) 384


about 235-237, 247

architectures 235

CBOW architecture 235

reference link 237

skip-gram architecture 235-237

word embedding

about 231, 232

creating, gensim used 239, 240

space, exploring with gensim 240-243

using, for spam detection 243, 244

word embedding, for spam detection

data, obtaining 244

data, processing 245, 246

matrix, building 247

model, evaluating 250

model, training 250

spam classifier, defining 248-250

spam detector, running 251, 252

[ 609 ]

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