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about 354, 355

reference link 355

SRGAN 209, 210

stacked autoencoder

about 360

Keras autoencoder example 365-373

stateful RNNs 290

state-of-the-art results, CIFAR-10

reference link 130

state-of-the-art results, MNIST

reference link 122

State-Value function 410

static embeddings

about 234

GloVe 238

Word2Vec 235

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) 19, 238

style transfer

about 165, 166

content distance 166, 167

style distance 167

subword embeddings 259, 260

sum of squared error (SSE) 383

SVM-based classifier

reference link 143


Teacher Forcing 324


about 568

MNIST handwritten digits, used for building

GAN 193-198

reference link 108

TensorFlow 1.x

about 51

computational graph, program structure 51

constants 54

converting, to TensorFlow 2.x 80

operations, examples 55

placeholders 55

TensorFlow 1.x, example 59, 60

TensorFlow 2.0

changes 3, 4, 5

code example 7, 8

CycleGAN 218-228

k-means clustering 381-384

libraries, reference link 15

neural network, defining 15-19

optimizers, testing 26-32

simple Net, improving with Dropout 24-26

simple Net, improving with hidden

layers 21-23

TensorFlow 2.0 net

baseline, establishing 20

running 20

TensorFlow 2.1

using 587, 588

TensorFlow 2.x

about 60

Autograph 61, 62

callback 67

ConvNets 112

custom training 74, 75

distributed training 76

eager execution 60

ecosystem 81

Estimators 72-74

gradients, computing 74, 75

Keras APIs 63

libraries and extensions, reference link 82

model, saving 68, 69

namespaces, changes 79

native code, best practices 80, 81

ragged tensors 74

TensorFlow 1.x, converting to 80

tf.Keras 72-74

training, from tf.data.datasets 69-72

using 80

weights, saving 68, 69

TensorFlow 2.x ecosystem

Accelerated Linear Algebra (XLA) 82

Colab 82

language bindings 82

MLPerf 82

Sonnet 81

TensorBoard 81

TensorBoard Federated 81

TensorBoard Playground 82

TensorBoard Probability 82

TensorFlow Datasets 82

TensorFlow Extended (TFX) 81

TensorFlow Hub 81

TensorFlow.js 81

[ 607 ]

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