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reference link 17, 27

testing 26-32


predicting 45


paragraph embedding 262, 264

Paragraph Vectors - Distributed Bag

of Words (PV-DBOW) 264

Paragraph Vectors - Distributed Memory

(PV-DM) 264

paraphrase database (PPDB) 247

Part-of-Speech (POS) analysis 175

peephole LSTM 288, 289

perceptron 6, 7


about 55

defining 58

plot command 383

policy-based methods 412

pooling layers, DCNN

about 113

average pooling 113

max pooling 113

pose estimation

reference link 471

Positive Rate (TPR) 506

POS tagging 307-316

prebuilt deep learning models

recycling, for feature extraction 136, 137

pre-trained models, TensorFlow.js

BodyPix, reference link 486

Coco SSD, reference link 486

DeepLab v3, reference link 486

KNN Classifier, reference link 487

MobileNet, reference link 486

PoseNet, reference link 486

Speech Commands, reference link 487

Toxicity 487

Universal Sentence Encoder, reference

link 487

pre-trained models, TensorFlow Lite

image classification 468, 470

mobile GPUs 473

object detection 468, 471

pose estimation 468, 471

question and answer 468, 472

reference link 468

segmentations 468, 471

smart reply 468, 471

style transfers 468, 471

text classification 468, 472

pretrained TPU models

using 584, 585

principal component analysis (PCA)

about 375, 376

implementing, on MNIST dataset 376-378

k-means clustering 380, 381

reference link 379

TensorFlow embeddings API 379

principal components 375

principles, reinforcement learning (RL)

goal 407

interaction, with environment 407

trial and error 407

Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) 414


reference link 1, 272



about 462

post-training quantization 462

quantization-aware training 462


ragged tensors 74

rainbow 434

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) 279

Region of Interest (ROI) 144

Region Proposal Network (RPN) 144

regression 87, 88


about 36

adoption, for avoiding overfitting 36-38

BatchNormalization 38

elastic regularization 38

L1 regularization (LASSO) 38

L2 regularization (Ridge) 38

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