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Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

(DDPG) 434, 435

DeepDream network

creating 168-171

Deep Inception-v3 Net

used, for transfer learning 151-153

DeepLab 146

Deep Learning Containers

reference link 446

Deep Learning (DL)

about 478

history 543

used, for recognizing CIFAR-10 images 122

Deep Learning (DL) model, on cloud

about 439

advantages 439, 440

AWS 442

categories 440

IBM cloud 447

Microsoft Azure 440

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 440

Software as a Service (SaaS) 440


reference link 179

Deep Q-Networks (DQNs)

about 420-422

for CartPole 422-426

used, for playing Atari game 427-430

variants 430

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)

about 411

policy-based methods 412

value-based methods 411

working 412-414

denoising autoencoders

about 356

used, for clearing images 357

DenseNets 160

dependent variables

about 88

reference link 88

deprecated endpoints

reference link 80

derivatives 544

differentiation rules 547

Dilated Causal Convolutions 179

Dilated ConvNets 178-180

dilated convolution

about 184

dilation rate 184

transposed convolution 184

distributed representations 233, 234

distributed training, TensorFlow 2.x

about 76

multiple GPUs 76-78

MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy 78

ParameterServerStrategy 78

TPUStrategy 78

dot product 232

double DQN 430

DQN variants

about 430

double DQN 430, 431

dueling DQN 431-433

rainbow 434


used, for improving simple Net in

TensorFlow 2.0 24, 25

dueling DQN 431-433

dynamic embeddings 260, 262


eager execution 60

edge computing

Federated Learning (FL) 474

edge TPU 578

Efficient Neural Architecture Search

(ENAS) 495

eigen decomposition 375

Embedding Projector

about 379

Inspector Panel 380

Projections Panel 379

Embeddings from Language Models

(ELMo) 261

end of sentence (EOS) 318

environments, OpenAI Gym

algorithms 417

Atari 417

Box2D 417

classic control 417

MuJoCo 417

robotics 417

[ 600 ]

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