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DenseNets 160HighwaysNets 160residual networks 159xception networks 160-162CNNs, composing for complex tasksclassification 140, 141instance segmentation 145-147localization 140, 141object detection 142-145semantic segmentation 141Colaboratory Notebookreference link 454ColabsTPUs, using with 580color mappingwith SOM 387-392computational graph, TensorFlow 1.xabout 52example 53, 54execution 52need for 52program structure 51Compute Enginereference link 445ConceptNet Numberbatch 247config parameters, for convolutionlayer configurationkernel size 184padding 184stride 184constants 54content-based attention 329Contextualized Vectors (CoVe) 261continuous backpropagationhistory 543Contrastive Divergence (CD) 392ConvNet 183convolution 110convolutional autoencoderabout 360implementing 360used, for removing noise fromimages 360-364Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)about 183composing, for complex tasks 139issues 185using, for audio 178using, for sentiment analysis 175-178convolutional neural networks (ConvNets)about 109summarizing 113TensorFlow 2.x 112convolution operationsabout 183depthwise convolution 185depthwise separable convolution 185separable convolution 184Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability (COLA) 270cross entropyabout 561-563derivative 561-563Custom Estimators 94custom layers, building__init__() method, using 349build() method, using 349call() method, using 349CycleGANabout 210-212in TensorFlow 2.0 218-228reference link 228Ddata preparation, AutoMLdata cleansing 493data synthesis 493decision boundaries 101Deep Averaging Network (DAN) 263deep belief networks (DBNs) 397Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN)about 110example, LeNet 114local receptive fields 110, 111mathematical example 111, 112pooling layers 113shared weights and bias 111using, for large-scale imagerecognition 132, 133deep convolution GAN (DCGAN)about 198, 199building, for generation of MNISTdigits 200-209changes 198[ 599 ]

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient(DDPG) 434, 435DeepDream networkcreating 168-171Deep Inception-v3 Netused, for transfer learning 151-153DeepLab 146Deep Learning Containersreference link 446Deep Learning (DL)about 478history 543used, for recognizing CIFAR-10 images 122Deep Learning (DL) model, on cloudabout 439advantages 439, 440AWS 442categories 440IBM cloud 447Microsoft Azure 440Platform as a Service (PaaS) 440Software as a Service (SaaS) 440DeepMindreference link 179Deep Q-Networks (DQNs)about 420-422for CartPole 422-426used, for playing Atari game 427-430variants 430Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)about 411policy-based methods 412value-based methods 411working 412-414denoising autoencodersabout 356used, for clearing images 357DenseNets 160dependent variablesabout 88reference link 88deprecated endpointsreference link 80derivatives 544differentiation rules 547Dilated Causal Convolutions 179Dilated ConvNets 178-180dilated convolutionabout 184dilation rate 184transposed convolution 184distributed representations 233, 234distributed training, TensorFlow 2.xabout 76multiple GPUs 76-78MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy 78ParameterServerStrategy 78TPUStrategy 78dot product 232double DQN 430DQN variantsabout 430double DQN 430, 431dueling DQN 431-433rainbow 434Dropoutused, for improving simple Net inTensorFlow 2.0 24, 25dueling DQN 431-433dynamic embeddings 260, 262Eeager execution 60edge computingFederated Learning (FL) 474edge TPU 578Efficient Neural Architecture Search(ENAS) 495eigen decomposition 375Embedding Projectorabout 379Inspector Panel 380Projections Panel 379Embeddings from Language Models(ELMo) 261end of sentence (EOS) 318environments, OpenAI Gymalgorithms 417Atari 417Box2D 417classic control 417MuJoCo 417robotics 417[ 600 ]

DenseNets 160

HighwaysNets 160

residual networks 159

xception networks 160-162

CNNs, composing for complex tasks

classification 140, 141

instance segmentation 145-147

localization 140, 141

object detection 142-145

semantic segmentation 141

Colaboratory Notebook

reference link 454


TPUs, using with 580

color mapping

with SOM 387-392

computational graph, TensorFlow 1.x

about 52

example 53, 54

execution 52

need for 52

program structure 51

Compute Engine

reference link 445

ConceptNet Numberbatch 247

config parameters, for convolution

layer configuration

kernel size 184

padding 184

stride 184

constants 54

content-based attention 329

Contextualized Vectors (CoVe) 261

continuous backpropagation

history 543

Contrastive Divergence (CD) 392

ConvNet 183

convolution 110

convolutional autoencoder

about 360

implementing 360

used, for removing noise from

images 360-364

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

about 183

composing, for complex tasks 139

issues 185

using, for audio 178

using, for sentiment analysis 175-178

convolutional neural networks (ConvNets)

about 109

summarizing 113

TensorFlow 2.x 112

convolution operations

about 183

depthwise convolution 185

depthwise separable convolution 185

separable convolution 184

Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability (COLA) 270

cross entropy

about 561-563

derivative 561-563

Custom Estimators 94

custom layers, building

__init__() method, using 349

build() method, using 349

call() method, using 349


about 210-212

in TensorFlow 2.0 218-228

reference link 228


data preparation, AutoML

data cleansing 493

data synthesis 493

decision boundaries 101

Deep Averaging Network (DAN) 263

deep belief networks (DBNs) 397

Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN)

about 110

example, LeNet 114

local receptive fields 110, 111

mathematical example 111, 112

pooling layers 113

shared weights and bias 111

using, for large-scale image

recognition 132, 133

deep convolution GAN (DCGAN)

about 198, 199

building, for generation of MNIST

digits 200-209

changes 198

[ 599 ]

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