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Tensor Processing Unit

Then the usage of TPUs, where the appropriate TPU strategy is used:

with strategy.scope():

model = create_model()






In short, it is extremely simple to use TPUs with the upcoming TensorFlow 2.1, and

if you want to experiment immediately you can use TensorFlow 2.0 nightly build.

Martin reports typical run times for his specific model:

• GPU (V100): 15s per epoch

• TPU v3-8 (8 cores): 5s per epoch

• TPU pod v2-32 (32 cores): 2s per epoch


TPUs are very special ASIC chips developed at Google for executing neural

network mathematical operations in an ultra-fast manner. The core of the

computation is a systolic multiplier that computes multiple dot products (row

* column) in parallel, thus accelerating the computation of basic deep learning

operations. Think of a TPU as a special-purpose coprocessor for deep learning, which

is focused on matrix or tensor operations. Google has announced three generations

of TPUs so far, plus an additional Edge TPU for IoT. Cloud TPU v1 is a PCI-based

specialized co-processor, with 92 TeraFLOPS and inference only. Cloud TPU v2

achieves 180 TeraFLOPS and it supports training and inference. Cloud TPU v2 pods

released in alpha in 2018 can achieve 11.5 PetaFLOPS. Cloud TPU v3 achieves 420

TeraFLOPS with both training and inference support. Cloud TPU v3 pods can deliver

more than 100 PetaFLOPS of computing power. That's a world-class supercomputer

for tensor operations!

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