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An introduction to AutoML

Feature construction has the goal of building new derived features, starting from

the basic ones. Frequently, this technique is used to allow better generalization and

to have a richer representation of the data.

Feature extraction aims at altering the original feature space by means of a

mapping function. This can be implemented in multiple ways; for instance, it can

use autoencoders (see Chapter 9, Autoencoders), PCA, or clustering (see Chapter 10,

Unsupervised Learning).

In short, feature engineering is an art based on intuition, trial and error, and a lot of

human experience. Modern AutoML engines aim to make the entire process more

automated, requiring less human intervention.

Automatic model generation

Model generation and hyperparameter tuning is the typical third macro-step of a

machine learning pipeline (see Figure 1).

Model generation consists of creating a suitable model for solving specific tasks.

For instance, you will probably use CNNs for visual recognition, and you will use

RNNs for either time series analysis or for sequences. Of course, many variants are

possible, each of which is manually crafted through a process of trial and error,

and works for very specific domains.

Hyperparameter tuning happens once the model is manually crafted. This process

is generally very computationally expensive and can significantly change the

quality of the results in a positive way. That's because tuning the hyperparameters

can help to optimize our model further.

Automatic model generation is the ultimate goal of any AutoML pipeline. How

can this be achieved? One approach consists in generating the model by combining

a set of primitive operations including convolution, pooling, concatenation, skip

connections, recurrent neural networks, autoencoders, and pretty much all the

deep learning models we have encountered throughout this book. These operations

constitute a (typically very large) search space to be explored, and the goal is to

make this exploration as efficient as possible. In AutoML jargon, the exploration is

called NAS, or Neural Architecture Search.

The seminal paper on AutoML [1] was produced in November 2016. The key idea

(see Figure 2) is to use reinforcement learning (RL, see Chapter 11, Reinforcement

Learning). An RNN acts as the controller and it generates the model descriptions of

candidate neural networks. RL is used to maximize the expected accuracy of the

generated architectures on a validation set.

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