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ContributorsAbout the authorsAntonio Gulli has a passion for establishing and managing global technologicaltalent, for innovation and execution. His core expertise is in cloud computing, deeplearning, and search engines. Currently, he serves as Engineering Director for theOffice of the CTO, Google Cloud. Previously, he served as Google Warsaw Siteleader, doubling the size of the engineering site.So far, Antonio has been lucky enough to gain professional experience in 4countries in Europe and has managed teams in 6 countries in EMEA and the US: inAmsterdam, as Vice President for Elsevier, a leading scientific publisher; in London,as Engineering Site Lead for Microsoft working on Bing Search as CTO for Ask.com;and in several co-funded start-ups including one of the first web search companiesin Europe.Antonio has co-invented a number of technologies for search, smart energy, theenvironment, and AI, with 20+ patents issued/applied, and he has published severalbooks about coding and machine learning, also translated into Japanese and Chinese.Antonio speaks Spanish, English, and Italian, and he is currently learning Polishand French. Antonio is a proud father of 2 boys, Lorenzo, 18, and Leonardo, 13,and a little queen, Aurora, 9.


About the authors

Antonio Gulli has a passion for establishing and managing global technological

talent, for innovation and execution. His core expertise is in cloud computing, deep

learning, and search engines. Currently, he serves as Engineering Director for the

Office of the CTO, Google Cloud. Previously, he served as Google Warsaw Site

leader, doubling the size of the engineering site.

So far, Antonio has been lucky enough to gain professional experience in 4

countries in Europe and has managed teams in 6 countries in EMEA and the US: in

Amsterdam, as Vice President for Elsevier, a leading scientific publisher; in London,

as Engineering Site Lead for Microsoft working on Bing Search as CTO for Ask.com;

and in several co-funded start-ups including one of the first web search companies

in Europe.

Antonio has co-invented a number of technologies for search, smart energy, the

environment, and AI, with 20+ patents issued/applied, and he has published several

books about coding and machine learning, also translated into Japanese and Chinese.

Antonio speaks Spanish, English, and Italian, and he is currently learning Polish

and French. Antonio is a proud father of 2 boys, Lorenzo, 18, and Leonardo, 13,

and a little queen, Aurora, 9.

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