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Chapter 12TFX uses the open source Apache Beam to implement data-parallel pipelines.Optionally TFX allows Apache Airflow and Kubeflow for easy configuration,operation, monitoring, and maintenance of the ML pipeline. Once the model isdeveloped and trained, using TFX you can deploy it to one or more deploymenttarget(s) where it will receive inference requests. TFX supports deployment tothree classes of deployment targets: TensorFlow Serving (works with REST orgRPC interface), TensorFlow.js (for browser applications), and TensorFlow Lite(for native mobile and IoT applications). Trained models that have been exported asSavedModels can be deployed to any or all of these deployment targets.TensorFlow EnterpriseTensorFlow Enterprise is the latest offering from Google that provides enterprisegradesupport, cloud-scale performance, and managed services. TensorFlowEnterprise has been launched as a beta version. Its aim is to accelerate softwaredevelopment and ensure the reliability of launched AI applications. It is fullyintegrated with Google Cloud and its services, and introduces some improvementsin the way TensorFlow Datasets reads data from Cloud Storage. TensorFlowEnterprise also introduces the BigQuery reader, which, as the name implies, allowsthe user to read data directly from BigQuery.In ML tasks, speed is critical, and one of the major bottlenecks is the speed at whichdata is accessed for the training process. TensorFlow Enterprise provides optimizedperformance and easy access to data sources, making it extremely efficient on GCP.SummaryIn this chapter we explored different cloud service providers who could providethe computing power necessary to train, evaluate, and deploy your deep learningmodels. We started by first understanding the types of cloud computing servicesavailable today. The chapter explored the Amazon, Google, and Microsoft IaaSservices for creating a virtual machine. The different infrastructure optionsavailable in each were discussed. Next, we moved to SaaS services, specificallyJupyter Notebook on cloud. The chapter covered the Amazon SageMaker, GoogleColaboratory, and Azure Notebooks. Just training a model is not sufficient;eventually we want to deploy it in a scalable manner. Thus, we delved intoTensorFlow Extended, which allows users to develop and deploy ML models ina scalable, safe, and secure manner. Lastly, we introduced TensorFlow Enterprise,the latest offering in the TensorFlow ecosystem, and briefly discussed its features.[ 459 ]

TensorFlow and CloudReferences1. To get a complete list of virtual machine types offered by Microsoft Azure:https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/pricing/details/virtualmachines/series/2. A good tutorial on Amazon SageMaker: https://www.bmc.com/blogs/amazon-sagemaker/3. https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/intro.ipynb#recent=true4. A collection of interesting Azure Notebooks: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/wiki/A-gallery-of-interesting-IPython-Notebooks5. Sculley, David, Gary Holt, Daniel Golovin, Eugene Davydov, Todd Phillips,Dietmar Ebner, Vinay Chaudhary, Michael Young, Jean-Francois Crespo, andDan Dennison. Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems. In Advancesin neural information processing systems, pp. 2503-2511. 20156. TensorFlow Extended tutorials: https://www.tensorflow.org/tfx/tutorials7. Baylor, Denis, Eric Breck, Heng-Tze Cheng, Noah Fiedel, Chuan Yu Foo,Zakaria Haque, Salem Haykal et al. Tfx: A TensorFlow-Based Production-Scale Machine Learning Platform. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDDInternational Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 1387-1395. ACM, 2017.8. A nice comparison between Google Colab and Azure Notebooks: https://dev.to/arpitgogia/azure-notebooks-vs-google-colab-from-anovices-perspective-3ijo9. TensorFlow Enterprise: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/aimachine-learning/introducing-tensorflow-enterprise-supportedscalable-and-seamless-tensorflow-in-the-cloud[ 460 ]

Chapter 12

TFX uses the open source Apache Beam to implement data-parallel pipelines.

Optionally TFX allows Apache Airflow and Kubeflow for easy configuration,

operation, monitoring, and maintenance of the ML pipeline. Once the model is

developed and trained, using TFX you can deploy it to one or more deployment

target(s) where it will receive inference requests. TFX supports deployment to

three classes of deployment targets: TensorFlow Serving (works with REST or

gRPC interface), TensorFlow.js (for browser applications), and TensorFlow Lite

(for native mobile and IoT applications). Trained models that have been exported as

SavedModels can be deployed to any or all of these deployment targets.

TensorFlow Enterprise

TensorFlow Enterprise is the latest offering from Google that provides enterprisegrade

support, cloud-scale performance, and managed services. TensorFlow

Enterprise has been launched as a beta version. Its aim is to accelerate software

development and ensure the reliability of launched AI applications. It is fully

integrated with Google Cloud and its services, and introduces some improvements

in the way TensorFlow Datasets reads data from Cloud Storage. TensorFlow

Enterprise also introduces the BigQuery reader, which, as the name implies, allows

the user to read data directly from BigQuery.

In ML tasks, speed is critical, and one of the major bottlenecks is the speed at which

data is accessed for the training process. TensorFlow Enterprise provides optimized

performance and easy access to data sources, making it extremely efficient on GCP.


In this chapter we explored different cloud service providers who could provide

the computing power necessary to train, evaluate, and deploy your deep learning

models. We started by first understanding the types of cloud computing services

available today. The chapter explored the Amazon, Google, and Microsoft IaaS

services for creating a virtual machine. The different infrastructure options

available in each were discussed. Next, we moved to SaaS services, specifically

Jupyter Notebook on cloud. The chapter covered the Amazon SageMaker, Google

Colaboratory, and Azure Notebooks. Just training a model is not sufficient;

eventually we want to deploy it in a scalable manner. Thus, we delved into

TensorFlow Extended, which allows users to develop and deploy ML models in

a scalable, safe, and secure manner. Lastly, we introduced TensorFlow Enterprise,

the latest offering in the TensorFlow ecosystem, and briefly discussed its features.

[ 459 ]

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