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Chapter 12You can learn about all the services offered by AWS using this link: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/index.html?nc2=h_ql_doc_do. Let us now go through some ofthe important AWS services that we as deep learning engineers/researchers can use:• Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): Provides virtual computers. You canconfigure the hardware and software according to your infrastructural needs.You have an option to choose from CPU, GPU, storage, networking, and diskimage configurations. We will talk about how to create an EC2 instance fordeep learning in the next section.[ 443 ]

TensorFlow and Cloud• Lambda: The serverless computer service offered by Amazon. It lets you runcode without provisioning or managing servers. You only need to pay forthe compute time you consume – there is no charge when your code is notrunning. It allows one to run code for virtually any type of application orbackend service, with zero administration requirements.• Elastic Beanstalk: Provides quick and efficient services for deployment,monitoring, and scaling of your application.• AWS IoT: Allows you to connect and manage devices in the cloud.• SageMaker: A platform for developing and deploying machine learningmodels. With its prebuilt ML models, it allows you to train and deployML algorithms with ease. Later in this chapter we will learn how to use theintegrated Jupyter Notebook of SageMaker to train our model on cloud.Google Cloud Platform (GCP)From computing infrastructure to software management, GCP provides a suiteof cloud computing services. A complete list of all the services offered by GCP isavailable here: https://cloud.google.com/docs/. Google cloud offers the sameinfrastructure that it uses for its end-user products like Gmail, Google Search, andYouTube. Beside CPUs and GPUs, GCP also offers a choice of TPUs (Chapter 16,Tensor Processing Unit).GCP allows you to open an account for free – you just need to register using anemail address (or phone) and card (debit/credit) details. It offers a $300 credit to newusers, which is valid for 12 months and can be used across its products. Once you login to the Google console you can access all its services. Following is a screenshot ofmy Google console:[ 444 ]

Chapter 12

You can learn about all the services offered by AWS using this link: https://docs.

aws.amazon.com/index.html?nc2=h_ql_doc_do. Let us now go through some of

the important AWS services that we as deep learning engineers/researchers can use:

• Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): Provides virtual computers. You can

configure the hardware and software according to your infrastructural needs.

You have an option to choose from CPU, GPU, storage, networking, and disk

image configurations. We will talk about how to create an EC2 instance for

deep learning in the next section.

[ 443 ]

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