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Chapter 10This chapter, along with chapters 6 and 9, covered models that were trainedusing unsupervised learning. In the next chapter, we move on to another learningparadigm: reinforcement learning.References1. https://arxiv.org/abs/1404.11002. http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc453/student_tutorials/principal_components.pdf3. http://mplab.ucsd.edu/tutorials/pca.pdf4. http://projector.tensorflow.org/5. http://web.mit.edu/be.400/www/SVD/Singular_Value_Decomposition.htm6. https://www.deeplearningbook.org7. Kanungo, Tapas, et al. An Efficient k-Means Clustering Algorithm: Analysisand Implementation. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machineintelligence 24.7 (2002): 881-892.8. Ortega, Joaquín Pérez, et al. Research issues on K-means Algorithm: AnExperimental Trial Using Matlab. CEUR Workshop Proceedings: SemanticWeb and New Technologies.9. A Tutorial on Clustering Algorithms, http://home.deib.polimi.it/matteucc/Clustering/tutorial_html/kmeans.html.10. Chen, Ke. On Coresets for k-Median and k-Means Clustering in Metric andEuclidean Spaces and Their Applications. SIAM Journal on Computing 39.3(2009): 923-947.11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determining_the_number_of_clusters_in_a_ data_set.12. Least Squares Quantization in PCM, Stuart P. Lloyd (1882), http://www-evasion.imag.fr/people/Franck.Hetroy/Teaching/ProjetsImage/2007/Bib/lloyd-1982.pdf13. Dunn, J. C. (1973-01-01). A Fuzzy Relative of the ISODATA Process and Its Usein Detecting Compact Well-Separated Clusters. Journal of Cybernetics. 3(3):32–57.14. Bezdek, James C. (1981). Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective FunctionAlgorithms.15. Peters, Georg, Fernando Crespo, Pawan Lingras, and Richard Weber. Softclustering–Fuzzy and rough approaches and their extensions and derivatives.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 54, no. 2 (2013): 307-322.[ 405 ]

Unsupervised Learning16. Sculley, David. Web-scale k-means clustering. In Proceedings of the 19thinternational conference on World wide web, pp. 1177-1178. ACM, 2010.17. Smolensky, Paul. Information Processing in Dynamical Systems: Foundationsof Harmony Theory. No. CU-CS-321-86. COLORADO UNIV AT BOULDERDEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, 1986.18. Salakhutdinov, Ruslan, Andriy Mnih, and Geoffrey Hinton. RestrictedBoltzmann Machines for Collaborative Filtering. Proceedings of the 24thinternational conference on Machine learning. ACM, 2007.19. Hinton, Geoffrey. A Practical Guide to Training Restricted BoltzmannMachines. Momentum 9.1 (2010): 926.20. http://deeplearning.net/tutorial/rbm.html[ 406 ]

Chapter 10

This chapter, along with chapters 6 and 9, covered models that were trained

using unsupervised learning. In the next chapter, we move on to another learning

paradigm: reinforcement learning.


1. https://arxiv.org/abs/1404.1100

2. http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc453/student_tutorials/principal_


3. http://mplab.ucsd.edu/tutorials/pca.pdf

4. http://projector.tensorflow.org/

5. http://web.mit.edu/be.400/www/SVD/Singular_Value_Decomposition.


6. https://www.deeplearningbook.org

7. Kanungo, Tapas, et al. An Efficient k-Means Clustering Algorithm: Analysis

and Implementation. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine

intelligence 24.7 (2002): 881-892.

8. Ortega, Joaquín Pérez, et al. Research issues on K-means Algorithm: An

Experimental Trial Using Matlab. CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Semantic

Web and New Technologies.

9. A Tutorial on Clustering Algorithms, http://home.deib.polimi.it/


10. Chen, Ke. On Coresets for k-Median and k-Means Clustering in Metric and

Euclidean Spaces and Their Applications. SIAM Journal on Computing 39.3

(2009): 923-947.

11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determining_the_number_of_

clusters_in_a_ data_set.

12. Least Squares Quantization in PCM, Stuart P. Lloyd (1882), http://



13. Dunn, J. C. (1973-01-01). A Fuzzy Relative of the ISODATA Process and Its Use

in Detecting Compact Well-Separated Clusters. Journal of Cybernetics. 3(3):


14. Bezdek, James C. (1981). Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function


15. Peters, Georg, Fernando Crespo, Pawan Lingras, and Richard Weber. Soft

clustering–Fuzzy and rough approaches and their extensions and derivatives.

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 54, no. 2 (2013): 307-322.

[ 405 ]

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