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Unsupervised Learning

Then there are some more helper functions to find the winner and generate a 2D

lattice of neurons, and a function to map input vectors to the corresponding neurons

in the 2D lattice:

def winner(self, x):

idx = self.WTU_idx,self.WTU_loc

return idx

def _neuron_location(self,m,n):


Function to generate the 2D lattice of neurons


for i in range(m):

for j in range(n):

yield np.array([i,j])

def get_centroids(self):


Function to return a list of 'm' lists, with each inner

list containing the 'n' corresponding centroid locations as 1-D

NumPy arrays.


if not self._learned:

raise ValueError("SOM not trained yet")

return self._centroid_grid

def map_vects(self, X):


Function to map each input vector to the relevant

neuron in the lattice


if not self._learned:

raise ValueError("SOM not trained yet")

to_return = []

for vect in X:

min_index = min([i for i in range(len(self._Wts))],

key=lambda x: np.linalg.norm(vect -



return to_return

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