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Unsupervised Learning

PCA reduces the n–dimensional input data to r–dimensional input data, where

r<n. In the most simple terms, PCA involves translating the origin and performing

rotation of the axis such that one of the axes (principal axis) has the highest variance

with data points. A reduced-dimensions dataset is obtained from the original dataset

by performing this transformation and then dropping (removing) the orthogonal

axes with low variance. Here we employ the SVD method for PCA dimensionality

reduction. Consider X, the n-dimensional data with p points that is, X is a matrix

of size p × n. From linear algebra we know that any real matrix can be decomposed

using singular value decomposition:


Where U and V are orthonormal matrices (that is, U.UT = V.VT = 1) of size p × p

and n × n respectively. Σ is a diagonal matrix of size p × n. The U matrix is called the

left singular matrix, and V the right singular matrix, and Σ , the diagonal matrix,

contains the singular values of X as its diagonal elements. Here we assume that the

X matrix is centered. The columns of the V matrix are the principal components, and

columns of UUΣ are the data transformed by principal components.

Now to reduce the dimensions of the data from n to k (where k < n) we will select the

first k columns of U and the upper-left k × k part of Σ . The product of the two gives

us our reduced-dimensions matrix:

YY kk = UUΣ kk

The data Y thus obtained will be of reduced dimensions. Next we implement PCA

in TensorFlow 2.0.

PCA on the MNIST dataset

Let us now implement PCA in TensorFlow 2.0. We will be definitely using

TensorFlow, we will also need NumPy for some elementary matrix calculation,

and Matplotlib, Matplotlib toolkits, and Seaborn for plotting:

import tensorflow as tf

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

import seaborn as sns

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