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Neural Network Foundations

with TensorFlow 2.0

In this chapter we learn the basics of TensorFlow, an open source library developed

by Google for machine learning and deep learning. In addition, we introduce the

basics of neural networks and deep learning, two areas of machine learning that

have had incredible Cambrian growth during the last few years. The idea behind

this chapter is to give you all the tools needed to do basic but fully hands-on deep


What is TensorFlow (TF)?

TensorFlow is a powerful open source software library developed by the Google

Brain team for deep neural networks, the topic covered in this book. It was first

made available under the Apache 2.0 License in November 2015 and has since

grown rapidly; as of May 2019, its GitHub repository (https://github.com/

tensorflow/tensorflow) has more than 51,000 commits, with roughly 1,830

contributors. This in itself provides a measure of the popularity of TensorFlow.

Let us first learn what exactly TensorFlow is and why it is so popular among

deep neural network researchers and engineers. Google calls it "an open source

software library for machine intelligence," but since there are so many other deep

learning libraries like PyTorch (https://pytorch.org/), Caffe (https://caffe.

berkeleyvision.org/), and MxNet (https://mxnet.apache.org/), what makes

TensorFlow special? Most other deep learning libraries – like TensorFlow – have

auto-differentiation (a useful mathematical tool used for optimization), many

are open source platforms, most of them support the CPU/GPU option, have

pretrained models, and support commonly used NN architectures like recurrent

neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and deep belief networks.

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