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Chapter 8

Perhaps the best approach is to replace the current loss function with one that ignores

matches where both numbers are zero; however, a simpler approach is to build

a stricter metric and use that to judge when to stop the training. Accordingly, we

build a new accuracy function masked_accuracy() whose code is shown as follows:

def masked_accuracy():

def masked_accuracy_fn(ytrue, ypred):

ytrue = tf.keras.backend.argmax(ytrue, axis=-1)

ypred = tf.keras.backend.argmax(ypred, axis=-1)

mask = tf.keras.backend.cast(

tf.keras.backend.not_equal(ypred, 0), tf.int32)

matches = tf.keras.backend.cast(

tf.keras.backend.equal(ytrue, ypred), tf.int32) * mask

numer = tf.keras.backend.sum(matches)

denom = tf.keras.backend.maximum(tf.keras.backend.sum(mask), 1)

accuracy = numer / denom

return accuracy

return masked_accuracy_fn

We are now ready to train our model. As usual, we set up the model checkpoint and

TensorBoard callbacks, and then call the fit() convenience method on the model

to train the model with a batch size of 128 for 50 epochs:

num_epochs = 50

best_model_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "best_model.h5")

checkpoint = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(




tensorboard = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=logs_dir)

history = model.fit(train_dataset,



callbacks=[checkpoint, tensorboard])

A truncated output of the training is shown as follows. As you can see, the masked_

accuracy and val_masked_accuracy numbers seem more conservative than the

accuracy and val_accuracy numbers. This is because the masked versions do not

consider the sequence positions where the input is a PAD character:

Epoch 1/50

19/19 [==============================] - 8s 431ms/step - loss: 1.4363 -

accuracy: 0.7511 - masked_accuracy_fn: 0.00

[ 313 ]

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