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Recurrent Neural Networks

# callbacks=[checkpoint_callback, tensorboard_callback]


checkpoint_file = os.path.join(

CHECKPOINT_DIR, "model_epoch_{:d}".format(i+1))


# create generative model using the trained model so far

gen_model = CharGenModel(vocab_size, seq_length, embedding_dim,



gen_model.build(input_shape=(1, seq_length))

print("after epoch: {:d}".format(i+1)*10)

print(generate_text(gen_model, "Alice ", char2idx, idx2char))


The output after the very first epoch of training contains words that are completely


Alice nIPJtce otaishein r. henipt il nn tu t hen mlPde hc efa

hdtioDDeteeybeaewI teu"t e9B ce nd ageiw eai rdoCr ohrSI ey

Pmtte:vh ndte taudhor0-gu s5'ria,tr gn inoo luwomg Omke dee sdoohdn

ggtdhiAoyaphotd t- kta e c t- taLurtn hiisd tl'lpei od y' tpacoe dnlhr

oG mGhod ut hlhoy .i, sseodli., ekngnhe idlue'aa' ndti-rla nt d'eiAier

adwe ai'otteniAidee hy-ouasq"plhgs tuutandhptiw oohe.Rastnint:e,o

odwsir"omGoeuall1*g taetphhitoge ds wr li,raa, h$jeuorsu h cidmdg't

ku..n,HnbMAsn nsaathaa,' ase woe ehf re ig"hTr ddloese eod,aed toe rh k.

nalf bte seyr udG n,ug lei hn icuimty"onw Qee ivtsae zdrye g eut rthrer n

sd,Zhqehd' sr caseruhel are fd yse e kgeiiday odW-ldmkhNw endeM[harlhroa

h Wydrygslsh EnilDnt e "lue "en wHeslhglidrth"ylds rln n iiato taue flitl

nnyg ittlno re 'el yOkao itswnadoli'.dnd Akib-ehn hftwinh yd ee tosetf

tonne.;egren t wf, ota nfsr, t&he desnre e" oo fnrvnse aid na tesd is

ioneetIf ·itrn tttpakihc s nih'bheY ilenf yoh etdrwdplloU ooaeedo,,dre

snno'ofh o epst. lahehrw

However, after about 30 epochs of training, we begin to see words that look familiar:

Alice Red Queen. He best I had defores it,' glily do flose time it makes

the talking of find a hand mansed in she loweven to the rund not bright

prough: the and she a chill be the sand using that whever sullusn--the

dear of asker as 'IS now-- Chich the hood." "Oh!"' '_I'm num about-

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out flowal woulld: 'Nis song, Eftrin in pully be besoniokinote. "Com,

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to alfoeys distrint, for spacemark!' 'You gake to be would prescladleding

readieve other togrore what it mughturied ford of it was sen!" You squs,

_It I hap: But it was minute to the Kind she notion and teem what?" said

[ 298 ]

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