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PrefaceChapter 13, TensorFlow for Mobile and IoT and TensorFlow.js, this chapter focuses onthe math behind DL. The goal of the chapter is to provide readers a glimpse of whatis happening "under the hood" when you play with neural networks. The chapterreviews the high school concepts of derivatives and gradients, and will introduce thegradient descent and backpropagation algorithms commonly used to optimize deeplearning networks.Chapter 14, An Introduction to AutoML, this chapter discusses the cloud environmentand how to utilize it for training and deploying your model. It will cover the stepsneeded to set up Amazon Web Services (AWS) for DL. The steps needed to set upGoogle Cloud Platform for DL applications will also be covered. It will also coverhow to set up Microsoft Azure for DL applications. The chapter will include variouscloud services that allow you to run the Jupyter Notebook directly on the cloud.Finally, the chapter will conclude with an introduction to TensorFlow Extended.Chapter 15, The Math behind Deep Learning, this chapter, as the title implies, discussesthe math behind deep learning. In the chapter, we'll get "under the hood" and seewhat's going on when we perform deep learning. The chapter begins with a briefhistory regarding the origins of deep learning programming and backpropagation.Next, it introduces some mathematical tools and derivations, which help us inunderstanding the concepts to be covered. The remainder of the chapter detailsbackpropagation and some of its applications within CNNs and RNNs.Chapter 16, Tensor Processing Unit, this chapter introduces the Tensor Processing Unit(TPU), a special chip developed at Google for ultra-fast execution of neural networkmathematical operations. In this chapter we are going to compare CPUs and GPUswith the three generations of TPUs and with Edge TPUs. The chapter will includecode examples of using TPUs.What you need for this bookTo be able to smoothly follow through the chapters, you will need the followingpieces of software:• TensorFlow 2.0 or higher• Matplotlib 3.0 or higher• Scikit-learn 0.18.1 or higher• NumPy 1.15 or higherThe hardware specifications are as follows:• Either 32-bit or 64-bit architecture• 2+ GHz CPU[ xxi ]

Preface• 4 GB RAM• At least 10 GB of hard disk space availableDownloading the example codeYou can download the example code files for this book from your account at www.packt.com/. If you purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit www.packtpub.com/support and register to have the files emailed directly to you.You can download the code files by following these steps:1. Log in or register at http://www.packt.com.2. Select the Support tab.3. Click on Code Downloads.4. Enter the name of the book in the Search box and follow the on-screeninstructions.Once the file is downloaded, please make sure that you unzip or extract the folderusing the latest version of:• WinRAR / 7-Zip for Windows• Zipeg / iZip / UnRarX for Mac• 7-Zip / PeaZip for LinuxThe code bundle for the book is also hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-2-and-Keras. In case there'san update to the code, it will be updated on the existing GitHub repository.We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos availableat https://github.com/PacktPublishing/. Check them out!Download the color imagesWe also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams usedin this book. You can download it here:https://static.packt-cdn.com/downloads/9781838823412_ColorImages.pdf[ xxii ]


• 4 GB RAM

• At least 10 GB of hard disk space available

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an update to the code, it will be updated on the existing GitHub repository.

We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available

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