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Chapter 5Figure 22: An example of an extreme form of an Inception moduleXception (eXtreme Inception) is a deep convolutional neural network architectureinspired by Inception, where Inception modules have been replaced with depthwiseseparable convolutions. Xception uses multiple skip-connections in a similar wayto ResNet. The final architecture is rather complex as illustrated in Figure 23 (fromhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.02357.pdf). Data first goes through the entry flow,then through the middle flow, which is repeated eight times, and finally throughthe exit flow:Figure 23: The full Xception architecture[ 161 ]

Advanced Convolutional Neural NetworksCasing, HyperNets, DenseNets, Inception, and Xception are all available aspretrained nets in both tf.keras.application and TF-Hub. The Keras application(https://keras.io/applications) reports a nice summary of the performanceachieved on an ImageNet dataset and the depth of each network:Figure 24: Performance summary, shown by KerasIn this section, we have discussed many CNN architectures. Next, we are goingto see how to answer questions about images by using CNNs.Answering questions about images (VQA)One of the nice things about neural networks is that different media types canbe combined together to provide a unified interpretation. For instance, VisualQuestion Answering (VQA) combines image recognition and text natural languageprocessing. Training can use VQA (https://visualqa.org/), a dataset containingopen-ended questions about images. These questions require an understandingof vision, language, and common knowledge to answer. The following images aretaken from a demo available at https://visualqa.org/.Note the question at the top of the image, and the subsequent answers:[ 162 ]

Chapter 5

Figure 22: An example of an extreme form of an Inception module

Xception (eXtreme Inception) is a deep convolutional neural network architecture

inspired by Inception, where Inception modules have been replaced with depthwise

separable convolutions. Xception uses multiple skip-connections in a similar way

to ResNet. The final architecture is rather complex as illustrated in Figure 23 (from

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.02357.pdf). Data first goes through the entry flow,

then through the middle flow, which is repeated eight times, and finally through

the exit flow:

Figure 23: The full Xception architecture

[ 161 ]

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