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Chapter 5

And we can evaluate the trained model:

Figure 15: An evaluation of the trained model

We have successfully created an estimator. In the next section, we will discuss a new

deep learning technique called transfer learning.

Deep Inception-v3 Net used for transfer


Transfer learning is a very powerful deep learning technique that has applications in

a number of different domains. The idea behind transfer learning is very simple and

can be explained with an analogy. Suppose you want to learn a new language, say

Spanish, then it could be useful to start from what you already know in a different

language, say English.

Following this line of thinking, computer vision researchers now commonly use

pretrained CNNs to generate representations for novel tasks [1], where the dataset

may not be large enough to train an entire CNN from scratch. Another common

tactic is to take the pretrained ImageNet network and then to fine-tune the entire

network to the novel task. For instance, we can take a network trained to recognize

10 categories in music and fine-tune it to recognize 20 categories in movies.

Inception-v3 Net is a very deep CNN developed by Google [2]. tf.keras

implements the full network described in Figure 16 and it comes pretrained on

ImageNet. The default input size for this model is 299×299 on three channels:

Figure 16: Inception-v3 deep learning model

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