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Chapter 3One can also use TensorBoard to see how the weights and bias of the model weremodified as the network underwent training. In the following graph we can seethat with each time step the bias changed. We can see that as the model is learning(x-axis – time), the bias is spreading from an initial value of 0:SummaryThis chapter dealt with different types of regression algorithms. We started withlinear regression and used it to predict house prices for a simple one-input variablecase and for multiple input variable cases. The chapter then moved towards logisticregression, which is a very important and useful technique for classifying tasks.The chapter explained the TensorFlow Estimator API and used it to implementboth linear and logistic regression for some classical datasets. The next chapter willintroduce you to convolutional neural networks, the most commercially successfulneural network models.[ 107 ]

RegressionReferencesHere are some good resources if you are interested in knowing more about theconcepts we've covered in this chapter:• https://www.tensorflow.org/• https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability/describing-relationships-quantitative-data• https://onlinecourses.science.psu.edu/stat501/node/250[ 108 ]

Chapter 3

One can also use TensorBoard to see how the weights and bias of the model were

modified as the network underwent training. In the following graph we can see

that with each time step the bias changed. We can see that as the model is learning

(x-axis – time), the bias is spreading from an initial value of 0:


This chapter dealt with different types of regression algorithms. We started with

linear regression and used it to predict house prices for a simple one-input variable

case and for multiple input variable cases. The chapter then moved towards logistic

regression, which is a very important and useful technique for classifying tasks.

The chapter explained the TensorFlow Estimator API and used it to implement

both linear and logistic regression for some classical datasets. The next chapter will

introduce you to convolutional neural networks, the most commercially successful

neural network models.

[ 107 ]

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