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Chapter 3

Multiple linear regression

The preceding example was simple, but that is rarely the case. In most problems, the

dependent variables depend upon multiple independent variables. Multiple linear

regression finds a linear relationship between the many independent input variables

(X) and the dependent output variable (Y), such that they satisfy the predicted Y

value of the form:

Y hat

= W T X + b

Where X = {x 1

, x 2

, ..., x n

} are the n independent input variables, and W = { w 1

, w 2

, ...w n


are the linear coefficients, with b as the bias term.

As before the linear coefficients W's are estimated using the method of least squares,

that is, minimizing the sum of squared differences between predicted values (Y hat


and observed values (Y). Thus, we try to minimize the loss function:

llllllll = ∑(YY ii − YY haaaaii ) 2


Where the sum is over all the training samples. As you might have guessed, now

instead of two we will have n+1 equations, which we will need to simultaneously

solve. An easier alternative will be to use the TensorFlow Estimator API. We will

learn shortly how to use the TensorFlow Estimator API.

Multivariate linear regression

There can be cases where the independent variables affect more than one dependent

variable. This is the case of multivariate linear regression. Mathematically,

a multivariate regression model can be represented as:

YŶ iiii = ww 0jj + ∑ ww kkkk xx iiii

Where ii ∈ [1, … , nn] and jj ∈ [1, … , mm] . The term YŶ iiii represents the j th predicted output

value corresponding to the i th input sample, w represents the regression coefficients,

and x ik

is the k th feature of the i th input sample. The number of equations needed

to solve in this case will now be n × m. While we can solve these equations using

matrices, the process will be computationally expensive as it will involve calculating

inverse and determinants. An easier way would be to use the gradient descent

with the sum of least square error as the loss function and to use one of the many

optimizers that the TensorFlow API includes.



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