
from soumyasankar99 More from this publisher

• tf.data can be used to load models in a very efficient way.Chapter 2• tf.keras and Estimators are high-level libraries where the power ofTensorFlow 1.x is still accessible via tf.* lower-level libraries. tf.kerassupports eager computation while still retaining the performance of lowerlevelcomputational graphs via tf.function. tf.hub is a nice collection ofpretrained models that can be used immediately.• Distribution Strategies allow training to be run on CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs.• SavedModel can be served on multiple platforms.In this chapter we have discussed the main differences between TensorFlow 1.xand 2.x and reviewed the powerful new features available in 2.x. The key topicsdiscussed in this chapter were: the computational graph in TensorFlow 1.x, and theadvantages of TensorFlow 2.x, such as support for eager execution, distribution, andTPU training. The next chapter will introduce Regression a quite powerful tool formathematical modelling, classification and prediction.[ 85 ]

• tf.data can be used to load models in a very efficient way.

Chapter 2

• tf.keras and Estimators are high-level libraries where the power of

TensorFlow 1.x is still accessible via tf.* lower-level libraries. tf.keras

supports eager computation while still retaining the performance of lowerlevel

computational graphs via tf.function. tf.hub is a nice collection of

pretrained models that can be used immediately.

• Distribution Strategies allow training to be run on CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs.

• SavedModel can be served on multiple platforms.

In this chapter we have discussed the main differences between TensorFlow 1.x

and 2.x and reviewed the powerful new features available in 2.x. The key topics

discussed in this chapter were: the computational graph in TensorFlow 1.x, and the

advantages of TensorFlow 2.x, such as support for eager execution, distribution, and

TPU training. The next chapter will introduce Regression a quite powerful tool for

mathematical modelling, classification and prediction.

[ 85 ]

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