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03 Elementary Bench

Water Water (YIN)

01 The Elemental

The Water Phase Phase represents provides the

the most users Yin aspect to have of the Five conversations

and interactions while


facing Water, is each fl uid and or by moves sitting downward.

by It tends side to and be calm the and rising slow,


profile but it can also acts be quick. as a It arm will yeild, rest




it is







a place



clearing doubts ,problems

The Earth (N(

The Water Phase provides the users to have conversations and interactions while facing

each or by sitting side by side and the rising profile also acts as a arm rest .It can also

act as a place for clearing doubts ,problems or queries that too in a informal way and

fun way make the whole conversation more interesting,

The Earth Phase is the harmonizing

Phases. It gives the who

The Earth Phase is the harmonizing

and The stabilizing energy represented aspect of byt the Earth Five Ph

Phases. is unmoving It gives without the whole being concept stagnant.Th a

center. forces The energy into balance, represented It leads to byt the

Earth Phase is firm without being


Metal Metal (YIN)

The Earth Phase the most important element

of all helps in face to face interactions

with The Earth a backrest Phase the for most a more

important elem

comforatble experience interactions the extra with spa a ce


alsp allows comforatble the user to experience put their the feet extra on

spa ce a

the chair for rea ding feet or on any the other chair for stuff.

rea ding

The Metal Metal Phase provides Phase the user provides a space in between the of sitting user and laying a ,the space cross sections in between adapt to the

of posture sitting of humans and laying and allow ,the cross a comforatble sections sitting adapt experience to the

posture of humans and allow a comforatble sitting experience

The Metal Phase Phase is very is very much much the opposite the opposite

Wood of Phase. the Wood


the Phase.

While Wood Wood is the rising is of Yang the energy, rising Metal is the of

rising Yang energy, of Yin Metal energy is and the

represent rising contraction, of Yin such energy as the evening and . It

is represent a time of the finishing contraction, phase of any such project. as

the evening . It is a time of the

finishing phase of any project.

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