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Interesting Culinary Lives

Welcome to Interesting Culinary Lives

If you are tired of the classic kitchen life , this magazine for you.

In this magazine, we will talk about the differences of vegan and

vegetarian lifestyle, interviews and some original recipes that most

of you do not know.

If you want to be involved in a vegan or vegetarian life, you can

make our original recipe using the cooking techniques mentioned in

our interviews and get information about this subject in the

following article.This magazine will perhaps change most of your

thoughts and allow you to continue by adding different

perspectives. All of you can now prepare your coffee to read this

fun magazine.Pleasant reading!

Interview with Aynur :

1- Do you know the dry heat cooking methods?

- Yes i know, some them. For example sauteing, grilling, deep

frying, roasting and baking.

2- What is sauteing?

- It is the process of cooking food at a high temperature and us,ng a

small amount of oil.

3- Can you explain how to cook in deep frying?

- Deep frying is a method of cooking a food by soaking it in hot oil.

4- Do you know stir frying?

- It is a method of cooking in a short time by constantly stirring over

high heat with little oil. %99 wok is used.

5- What is the difference between roasting and baking?

- Roasting; Basically cooking whole pieces of meat in the oven.

Baking; This cooking method is usually used for baking flour and

baked goods.

6- Can you tell us about moist cooking techniques?

- Of course, boiling, poaching, simmering etc.

7- How many degrees of temperature should simmering be at?

- The water is between 85-95 degrees dec.

8- Do you know technique of steaming?

- In this method, products are cooked with water vapor from below.

9- Which methods do you think is best to cook vegetables?

- My preference is the boiling method. I love boiled broccoli.!!

10- Do you like to consume animal products?

- Yes, i love it.

Interview with Yagmur:

1- Are you vegan or vegetarian?

- No, it is so difficult. I can not.

2- Why do you think it is so difficult?

- I really like meat products, animal products. Is it possible to cook

without them?

3- Have you not seen vegetarian or vegan recipes before?

- No, i have not come across it before.

4- For examle, did you know that meatballs are made from


- Ah, really? It is starting to look interesting.

5- Did you know that veganism or vegetarianism has many healty


- Yes, I have heard this before.

6- Can you tell me a little about?

- It allows vegans to have better cholesterol levels and lower blood


7- What about vegetarians?

- It is protects heart health because there is no saturated fat and

cholesterol intake. There is less risk of kidney and gallstones


8- What is the difference between vegans and vegetarians?

- I know that vegans do not consume any animal products,

vegetarians do not consume animal products.

9- If you had to choose one, which one would you choose?

- Maybe, vegetarians.

10- What is the reason for choosing this?

- Because it has wider options that veganism.

Original Recipes;

Vegetarian Baked Creamy Potatoes

Ingredients and measures

4 pieces medium size potato

1 cup milk

1/2 cup milk cream

1 pinch nutmeg grated

1 garlic clove (cut in half)

2 tsp salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

for the above:

100 grams of cheddar cheese (grated)

50 grams of old cheddar cheese (optional)

Steps of Preparation

How to Make a Creamy Potato Recipe in the Oven?

Step 1: Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin round slices.

Step 2: Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan. Add salt, pepper,

nutmeg grater and garlic cut in half to it. First, cook over medium

heat until hot, then turn down the bottom.

Step 3: Add the potatoes to the saucepan and carefully stir into the

milky mixture. Close the lid of the saucepan and cook over low heat

for 20 minutes.

Step 4: at the end of 20 minutes, remove the garlic from the pan.

Transfer the potatoes to a large baking sheet.

Step 5: Pour the liquid part remaining in the last pot over the


Step 6: Evenly distribute the grated fresh cheddar and old cheddar

cheese on top.

Step 7: Bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for about 1 hour or

until the potatoes are tender.

Enjoy your meal!

Vegan Banana Chocolate Cake

Ingredients and measures

1 tablespoon powdered flaxseed

3 tablespoons of water

1.5 cup flour

1/2 (half) cup melted coconut oil

3 ripe bananas

3/4 (one half+one quarter) cup sugar

1/2 (half) cup applesauce ( without sugar )

1 package baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 (quarter) cup cocoa

1/3 cup vegan chocolate

1 teaspoon vanilla essence ( liquid vanilla )

Half a teaspoon of salt

Steps of preparation

How to Make a Vegan Banana Chocolate Cake Recipe?

Step 1: Set the oven to 200 degrees.

Step 2: Mix the flaxseed and water and let it gel for 5 minutes.

Step 3: Peel and crush the bananas and add the flaxseed, which has

a gel consistency, mix.

Step 4: Add the sugar, coconut oil, applesauce and vanilla, mix.

Step 5: Mix again by adding the baking soda, baking powder, cocoa

and salt.

Step 6: Divide the flour into 3 and add, stirring gradually.

Step 7: Finally, add the chocolate and mix.

Step 8: Touch the tray that you have greased with coconut and bake

for 20-25 minutes. Check it with a toothpick or knife, if it doesn't stick,

it's ready.

Step 9: After resting for 5-10 minutes, it is ready to serve.


These differences seem very small, but when detailed, large and

effective differences appear. Before these differences, 4 vegetarian

varieties should be examined, and then the differences between

them should be examined. These four varieties are named ovo

vegetarian, lacto vegetarian, pesco vegetarian, and the most

common lacto-ovo vegetarian. First of all, ovo-vegetarians consume

eggs and do not consume animal and dairy products, but unlike

them, lacto-vegetarians consume dairy products and do not

consume eggs. On the other hand, pesco-vegetarians prefer only

fish and fish products as meat, completely different from them. Now

we can look at the difference between vegan and vegetarian. First

of all, vegetarians do not consume animal products as we have

explained, while vegans do not consume any animal or animal

products. For example, when we go to a restaurant, if we are

vegetarian, we can consume that food if there is no animal meat,

but if we are vegan, we should ask what the food is made of. First

of all, vegetarians do not consume animal products as we have

explained, while vegans do not consume any animal or animal

products. For example, when we go to a restaurant, if we are

vegetarian, we can consume that food if there is no animal meat,

but if we are vegan, we should ask what that food is made of, if it

contains a product of animal origin, that is, a product made using

the exploitation of animals, it is not appropriate for us to eat this

food. Secondly, we can give the materials we will use in cosmetics

and the clothes we wear as examples of the difference between

vegans and vegetarians. Unlike vegetarians, vegans should not

wear materials such as leather, fur, silk, wool, hides and angora in

their clothes. Apart from that, animal experiments should not be

done on the cosmetics and cleaning products they use. Most people

think that a vegetarian or vegan diet has a bad effect on the human

body.But it should be known that both diets offer similar health

benefits and usually encourage people to eat more antioxidant-rich

and nutrient-dense foods. In addition, research shows that

vegetarian and vegan diets tend to be low in saturated fat and

cholesterol. In conclusion if these two lifestyles are balanced with

proper nutrition, they can have a good impact on human life, and

even prevent some of the atrocities against animals.Therefore, such

issues should be taken into account and listened to more around the

world and acted in a way that appeals to everyone.

In conclusion if these two lifestyles are balanced with proper

nutrition, they can have a good impact on human life, and even

prevent some of the atrocities against animals.Therefore, such issues

should be taken into account and listened to more around the world

and acted in a way that appeals to everyone.

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