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Copy LInk : https://fastpdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B08Z45Z8W4 Book synopsis : A dangerous hostage standoff at sea. An event planner caught in the middle. And a Navy SEAL who&#8217ll risk everything to save her.Navy SEAL Troy &#8220T-Rex&#8221 Harrison doesn&#8217t expect to see the pretty redhead he flirted with at the beach ever again. Her flirtatious smile and sexy curves might&#8217ve made his heart pound, but when he had to rush off to base for an emergency, he didn&#8217t get her name or number.Event planner Caitlyn Thomas is ready to pull off the highlight of her career. She&#8217s arr

Copy LInk : https://fastpdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B08Z45Z8W4

Book synopsis :
A dangerous hostage standoff at sea. An event planner caught in the middle. And a Navy SEAL who&#8217ll risk everything to save her.Navy SEAL Troy &#8220T-Rex&#8221 Harrison doesn&#8217t expect to see the pretty redhead he flirted with at the beach ever again. Her flirtatious smile and sexy curves might&#8217ve made his heart pound, but when he had to rush off to base for an emergency, he didn&#8217t get her name or number.Event planner Caitlyn Thomas is ready to pull off the highlight of her career. She&#8217s arr

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The Hideout

Sinopsis :

A dangerous past doesn&#8217tneed a membership card to

get a foot in the door.Juliet Saunders quit her soul-killing law

career while she still had her sanity, but she&#8217snot sure

yet if buying a private bar qualifies as sane. Determined to

make it work, she decides to shake things up with a new menu

of signature cocktails.Juliet never mixes emotions with

business or pleasure, but there&#8217san irresistible spark

with her new mixologist, a stunning, flirty blonde who ignites

Juliet&#8217sbody in a way she hasn&#8217tfelt in

years.Paige Harrison Googled her new boss pre-interview, but

nothing prepared her for Juliet&#8217ssultry looks and slow,

sensual smile. Maybe, after hopscotching through a

succession of short-term bar jobs, she&#8217sfound a safe

place&#8212beause in a members-only bar like The Hideout,

her past isn&#8217tlikely to follow her through the door.But in

the glow of a surprising new relationship, it&#8217stoo easy to

forget that safety can be an illusion&#8230an the past is never

more than a step or two behind.CONTENT GUIDANCE: THIS



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