25th Issue

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ISSUE 25 May 2023<br />


Heart of Gold<br />

PAGE 2<br />

Primary Prefects<br />

PAGE 5<br />

Role Models<br />

PAGE 7<br />

Alumni sharing with Y12<br />

PAGE 9<br />

ECECE Posters<br />

PAGE 10<br />

Formula Edge<br />

PAGE 11<br />

Hong Kong Youth Writers<br />

PAGE 13<br />

Friendship Friday<br />

PAGE 14<br />

Hong Kong Young Physicist<br />

Tournament<br />

PAGE 18<br />

Reading Night<br />

PAGE 27<br />

Alumni News<br />

PAGE 29<br />

And many more

Founding Principal’s Words<br />

校 ⻑ 的 話<br />

Guiding Stars<br />

Role models abound at CKY, a place where there is no shortage of inspiring people to look up to. Students<br />

can find suitable role models not only in their dedicated teachers, but also in other people across our whole<br />

school community. Older students, parent volunteers and non-teaching staff who interact with students each<br />

day can also serve as excellent role models. School is a place where characters are formed; where attitudes<br />

and values take shape. These formative years are guided by role models and mentors who are all too willing<br />

to give generously of their time, patience and care. We all need role models to look up to; they are our<br />

Guiding Stars whose strength of character spurs us to better ourselves through the good example that they<br />

set. There is a great deal that can be learned from the wisdom and experience of positive role models. They<br />

may naturally exhibit the personal qualities that we aim to foster at CKY, not least kindness, compassion,<br />

honesty and selflessness. Students can expect to be encouraged and mentored at each phase of their journey<br />

by good role models. At the same time, as they mature, they are increasingly expected to give back by being<br />

a role model to younger students.<br />

A welcome return<br />

of the communal<br />

barbecue at Year 3<br />

Camp<br />

This edition of the CKY Newsletter raises the profile of role models and mentors from across our whole school<br />

community. Our flourishing alumni network offers fertile ground for finding role models not only in successful<br />

university students, but also young professionals who are carving impressive niches in their respective<br />


These former students of CKY are all too glad to give<br />

back and share their experience with the younger<br />

generation. The Newsletter featured some ‘Hearts of<br />

Gold’ in the last edition, teams such as our janitors,<br />

catering and security team who work tirelessly on<br />

campus each day. This issue uncovers other teams of<br />

big hearted individuals whose dedication to service is<br />

an inspiration to our community. Furthermore, our<br />

students have various opportunities to take up<br />

positions of responsibility where their leadership skills<br />

are stretched. The Prefects featured in this issue<br />

are role models for younger students to look up<br />

to in their inspiring ability to engage others in<br />

school activities, and in their role as upstanding<br />

school ambassadors during major functions.<br />

Celebrating the close bonds of friendship<br />

found across our community on Fun Friday<br />

As always, the richness and diversity of school life at<br />

CKY are reflected in our news and events section,<br />

which showcases some of the plethora of events that<br />

have been held recently. The easing of pandemic<br />

restrictions and the swift return to normalcy has seen<br />

our community resume much-loved activities, such as<br />

welcoming more visitors to Open Day, overnight camps,<br />

and Reading Night. A series of Fun Fridays has also<br />

brought even more joy and beaming smiles to our<br />

campus; regardless of one’s stage of childhood (or<br />

indeed adulthood!), it seems as if one can never outgrow<br />

the excitement of fancy dress, while always appreciating<br />

the deeper meaning of such fun!<br />

I wish you and your family good health and happiness<br />

in the delights of springtime.<br />

Easter Bunny ears usher in the arrival of springtime<br />

Dr. LAU, Siu-Ling<br />

Founding Principal

Heart of Gold<br />

Appreciating our Hearts of Gold<br />

The strength of our school community is often seen in dedicated staff teams who collaborate with<br />

each other to provide our students with a unique CKY education. This section of the Newsletter<br />

shines a spotlight on different members of staff who work day-in-day-out to support our students.<br />

Their continuous care and commitment to student support reveal individuals who always go the<br />

extra mile. Our Librarians, Student Guidance Officers, Teaching Assistants and University<br />

Guidance Counsellors are some of the many Hearts of Gold found at CKY’s campus. Next time<br />

you see these members of our community around the campus, why not show your appreciation<br />

through a friendly smile or greeting!<br />

Library team<br />

(From left)<br />

Ms Joli Moore,<br />

Ms Ada Ng,<br />

Ms Tammy Ng,<br />

Ms Wendy Tsang,<br />

Ms Tung Ha<br />

Page<br />


Student Guidance Team<br />

From left to right:<br />

(From left) Ms Pia Fung, Mr Xavier Chan, Mr Lui Wan Hap, Principal Connie Lam, VP Stella Tsoi, ST Zoe Chan, Ms Stella<br />

Chan, Ms Alva Hui, Ms Winnie Wong<br />

Teaching Assistant<br />

Team<br />

(From left)<br />

Ms Mandy Au,<br />

Ms Greenie Yau,<br />

Ms Betty Lee,<br />

Ms Jenny Kwok,<br />

Ms Marie Singh,<br />

Mr Bryan Chiu<br />

Page 3

University Guidance Team<br />

(From left) VP Jason Chin, Ms Dorothy Lo, Ms Lana Miskulin, Ms Liz Chung,<br />

VP James Kuan<br />

Page 4



My school life altered once I was elected head prefect. As prefects, we<br />

make an effort to be proactive and helpful to everyone and, not only to<br />

teachers. We occasionally also run into little problems that need to be<br />

fixed. Being a prefect requires us to always put our best foot forward and<br />

create an excellent example for other students. Over my two years of<br />

experience, I’ve learned that being a prefect requires us to show that we<br />

are committed to a desired goal and are willing to put in the necessary<br />

time and effort to succeed. We prefects don't give up easily when we are<br />

confronted with obstacles. We hope our passion to succeed can inspire<br />

others to be a better person.<br />

<br />

Head Prefect, 5A Mischa Lan 藍 明 晞<br />

It’s an honour to be Head Prefect for the year 2022-23. As Head<br />

Prefect, I have learnt to face challenges and take on the difficult task of<br />

representing a community of outstanding, accomplished and passionate<br />

students. I have been immensely supported, motivated and pushed to<br />

my utmost potential by the principals, teachers, students and all<br />

members in the school.<br />

Head Prefect, 5C Ayden Wong<br />

⿈ 毅 麟<br />

I’ve handled both minor and major problems at the beginning of my<br />

prefect duties such as asking students to tuck in their shirts or to stop a<br />

fight. I have also learnt from former Head Prefects and Miss Chan how<br />

to handle unexpected situations and build strong leadership skills to help<br />

students become responsible learners so that all members of the school<br />

can enjoy a harmonious learning environment.<br />

Being a Head Prefect, I have to be polite, responsible, reliable, honest,<br />

co-operative and respectful to others at all times. I am delighted and<br />

honoured to become a role model for our wonderful school and I hope<br />

that everyone of us will enjoy our school life to its fullest.<br />

Page 5

擔 任 領 袖 ⽣ 已 經 兩 年 的<br />

我 , 在 當 初 收 到 通 知 , 成 為 ⾵ 紀 隊<br />

員 ,⼗ 分 ⽭ 盾 , 還 差 點 拒 絕 ⽼ 師 的 委<br />

任 , 因 為 我 ⼗ 分 喜 歡 在 ⼩ 息 時 間 和 同<br />

學 玩 耍 。 不 過 ,⽗ 母 跟 我 細 ⼼ 分 析<br />

後 , 我 改 變 了 想 法 , 決 定 ⾃ 我 挑 戰 。<br />

兩 年 過 去 , 我 累 積 了 不 少 寶 貴 的 經<br />

驗 , 還 成 為 了 ⾵ 紀 隊 副 隊 ⾧, 其 中 ⼀<br />

個 印 象 深 刻 ……<br />

會 ,⾃⼰ 去 找 ⽼ 師 查 詢 。⾛ 到 隔 壁 班<br />

的 ⾨⼜, 探 頭 ⼀ 看 , 課 室 坐 著 ⼀ 位 我<br />

不 認 識 的 ⽼ 師 。⼩⼼ 翼 翼 的 我 頓 時 停<br />

下 了 腳 步 。 猶 豫 ⽚ 刻 後 , 我 ⿎ 氣 勇 氣<br />

⾛ 進 課 室 向 ⽼ 師 簡 單 說 明 情 況 。 聽 完<br />

我 的 查 詢 ,⽼ 師 說 他 們 可 以 來 隔 壁 班<br />

吃 。 謝 過 ⽼ 師 後 , 我 便 回 去 告 訴 他<br />

們 。 最 後 , 他 們 倆 ⾼⾼ 興 興 地 吃 ⼩ 吃<br />

去 。<br />

Deputy Head Prefect, 5E<br />

Janis Chim 詹 ⼦ 瑜<br />

記 得 有 次 ⼩ 息 當 值 時 , 看 ⾒<br />

兩 位 ⼀ 年 級 學 ⽣ 在 ⾛ 廊 徘 徊 , 他 們 ⼀<br />

看 到 我 , 就 ⾛ 向 我 , 問 :「⾵ 紀 , 你<br />

可 以 幫 我 嗎 ? 我 班 去 了 ⽛ 科 保 健 , 我<br />

們 倆 沒 去 。 我 們 剛 在 隔 壁 班 上 了 兩 節<br />

課 , 現 在 可 以 吃 ⼩ 吃 嗎 ?」 我 並 不 肯<br />

定 怎 麼 回 答 , 便 叫 他 們 現 在 ⾛ 廊 等 ⼀<br />

經 過 這 次 的 經 驗 , 我 明 ⽩ 了<br />

作 為 ⾵ 紀 , 會 時 常 遇 到 不 同 的 狀 況 ,<br />

⽽ 這 些 突 發 情 況 未 必 能 在 ⾵ 紀 訓 練 時<br />

⼀⼀ 得 知 , 只 能 靠 平 ⽇ 的 訓 練 、 累 積<br />

經 驗 , 才 能 成 為 ⼀ 名 能 為 學 校 服 務 的<br />

領 袖 ⽣。<br />

當 上 了 ⾵ 紀 後 , 我 的 校 園 ⽣ 活 改 變 了 。 在 得 知 ⾃⼰ 當 選 ⾵ 紀 的 那<br />

⼀ 天 , 我 又 驚 又 喜 , 因 為 我 得 到 了 ⽼ 師 的 認 同 。⾵ 紀 , 就 像 ⽼ 師 們 的 ⼩<br />

助 ⼿。⼩ 息 時 , 協 助 維 持 秩 序 ;⼩ 息 後 , 當 ⽼ 師 還 沒 到 達 課 室 時 ,⾵ 紀<br />

便 會 看 守 着 課 室 , 安 頓 同 學 。 其 實 , 有 時 候 我 們 也 會 遇 到 ⼀ 些 ⼩ 挑 戰 需<br />

要 解 決 , 例 如 有 些 ⾼ 年 級 的 同 學 經 常 不 聽 ⾵ 紀 的 話 , 雖 然 ⾵ 紀 會 勸 他 們<br />

注 意 安 全 , 但 他 們 卻 依 然 故 我 地 在 課 室 裏 追 逐 , 我 們 只 能 不 厭 其 煩 地 提<br />

醒 , 希 望 他 們 能 乖 乖 遵 守 規 則 。 我 們 在 校 園 裏 的 ⼀ 舉 ⼀ 動 也 ⼗ 分 謹 慎 ,<br />

因 為 作 為 ⾵ 紀 , 要 給 同 學 樹 ⽴ 好 榜 樣 。 最 後 , 我 學 會 了 做 ⾵ 紀 其 實 不 是<br />

同 學 不 聽 話 就 告 訴 ⽼ 師 ,⽽ 是 應 該 ⽤⾃⼰ 的 ⾏ 動 、 親 和 ⼒ 及 說 話 技 巧 去<br />

感 染 他 們 , 共 創 和 諧 校 園 。<br />

Deputy Head Prefect, 5F<br />

Kaya Chu 朱 依 澄<br />

Page 6

Why we<br />

need a<br />

Venus Yip (9A)<br />

Role models can have a tremendous effect<br />

on our lives. They provide guidance,<br />

motivation, and inspiration as we navigate<br />

life's obstacles and strive for success. By<br />

watching their accomplishments, we gain<br />

the courage and mental clarity necessary<br />

to overcome our own difficulties and reach<br />

success. Positive role models provide<br />

encouragement and support throughout all<br />

areas of life - be it sports, academics, arts -<br />

finding someone whose values align with<br />

our own can help us thrive and realize our<br />

aspirations. So don't wait any longer: find your role model and follow your<br />

dreams!<br />

When we think of a good role model, we may think of someone who<br />

is:<br />

A lifelong teacher steeped in wisdom and experience as well as<br />

knowledge;<br />

A leader, inspiring others with respect and exuding gravitas;<br />

A patient mentor, caring and forgiving when we inevitably stumble;<br />

A driving force which encourages us to keep raising the bar higher;<br />

A bedrock of reassuring support through thick and thin.<br />

We all need good role models throughout the challenging journey of<br />

life. They are a beacon of light who help to pave our way forward.<br />

With special thanks to an exceptional role model and mentor to us<br />

all, our Founding Principal Dr Lau.<br />

CKY Newsletter Committee<br />

Page 7

By Ian Ko (11E) and Justin Yu (11E)<br />

Martin Luther King gave powerful speeches in the name of civil rights<br />

for people of color, inspiring people all over the world to partake in<br />

nonviolent activism in support of what is right. In 2019, Greta<br />

Thunberg – at the young age of 16 – addressed world leaders at the<br />

UN Climate Action Summit, encouraging youth worldwide to take<br />

action against climate change. Another prominent figure, Stephen<br />

Hawking, changed the world with his discoveries despite his<br />

disabilities, motivating people to carry on in spite of adversity.<br />

According to the National Literacy Trust, 93.4% of children aged 7 to<br />

18 have had at least one role model. Through their actions, role<br />

models give us a goal to strive towards, and push us to become a<br />

better version of ourselves. As fellow human beings, they connect with<br />

us, and show us what's possible through bravery and determination.<br />

Not all role models are world leaders and celebrities. Think of all the people around you who you admire and learn<br />

from. Do they not deserve to be called role models as well?<br />

He consistently scored the highest scores on our<br />

English tests, and maths, and science, and Chinese.<br />

His grades were flawless; his teacher’s comments<br />

unblemished; his report card the ideal so many<br />

students strived for and worshipped. Not only did he<br />

excel in academics, he also dominated in music,<br />

sports, art, among other extracurriculars. He was the<br />

model student.<br />

One can only imagine how he achieved such<br />

astonishing feats. What was his secret? For starters, it<br />

was well known that he was an attentive notetaker.<br />

While the average student jot down the occasional<br />

bullet point, his notebook was filled with transcripts of<br />

entire forty-five minute lessons. His afterschool<br />

schedule was filled to the brim with Hong Kong team<br />

football practices and youth orchestra rehearsals. On<br />

weekends, he went to university lectures about<br />

quantum physics and mediaeval history. Over time,<br />

the youthful glint in his pupils had been drained from<br />

him. The bags beneath his eyes represented the<br />

centuries of knowledge he<br />

had accumulated over his<br />

short lifetime. His glare<br />

bore the weight of the<br />

universe and more.<br />

“You should take notes<br />

from him,” teachers would<br />

say. “You should be more<br />

like him,” parents would<br />

say. And the children agree. With his unparalleled<br />

diligence and intellect, it is no wonder so many looked<br />

up to him.<br />

Never has anyone met a student quite like him. If he<br />

was still with us, one could only imagine the marvels<br />

he could’ve achieved. In the hearts of teachers and<br />

students alike, he remains an icon, the pinnacle of<br />

role models. He was the model student<br />

Page 8

Alumni Learning Support Sharing<br />

with Y12<br />

<br />

學 習 經 驗 分 享<br />

時 間 ⾶ 逝 , 想 不 到 IB 對 我 ⽽⾔ 已 經 是 差<br />

不 多 ⼀ 年 前 的 事 了 。 還 記 得 ⼀ 年 前 的 我 ,⾯ 對<br />

著 即 將 要 參 加 第 ⼀ 次 真 正 的 公 開 考 試 的 壓 ⼒,<br />

感 到 極 其 緊 張 。 所 以 , 我 ⾮ 常 能 夠 理 解 ⼗⼆ 年<br />

級 的 同 學 現 在 忐 忑 不 安 的 ⼼ 情 , 亦 因 此 很 ⾼ 興<br />

有 機 會 回 到 學 校 和 ⼤ 家 分 享 我 的 學 習 經 驗 。<br />

過 去 幾 年 , 我 不 斷 嘗 試 尋 找 適 合 ⾃⼰ 的 溫<br />

習 ⽅ 式 , 途 中 也 經 歷 了 不 少 挫 折 。 所 以 , 在 準<br />

備 這 次 分 享 的 過 程 中 , 我 多 次 思 考 如 何 總 結 出<br />

⼀ 個 能 夠 廣 泛 應 ⽤ 的 溫 習 模 式 。 我 問 了 身 邊 的<br />

朋 友 , 也 參 考 了 ⼀ 些 學 習 博 主 的 建 議 。 可 惜 ,<br />

最 終 也 沒 能 夠 找 到 統 ⼀、 公 認 最 有 效 的 學 習 ⽅<br />

法 , 可 ⾒ 每 個 學 ⽣ 都 是 通 過 不 斷 的 嘗 試 , 才 得<br />

以 為 ⾃⼰ 制 定 最 有 效 的 學 習 ⽅ 案 。<br />

我 堅 信 ,⽤ 對 的 ⽅ 式 溫 習 , 能 夠 再 進 ⼀ 步<br />

提 升 ⾃⼰ 的 學 習 效 率 , 有 助 於 ⼤ 家 取 得 好 的 成<br />

績 。 努 ⼒ 的 學 ⽣ 是 不 會 被 辜 負 的 。 希 望 ⼗⼆ 年<br />

級 的 同 學 聽 完 我 的 分 享 後 也 有 所 啟 發 , 能 夠 全<br />

⼒ 以 赴 地 向 ⾃⼰ 的 ⽬ 標 進 發 。 最 後 , 想 和 ⼤ 家<br />

說 ⼀ 聲 : 加 油 , 你 們 可 以 的 !<br />

校 友 洪 嘉 瑩 Charis Hung<br />

Page 9


My Amazing Class<br />

Our Primary students recently reflected on all of the wonderful activities that they have<br />

had this academic year. They then selected their favourites to highlight and showcase<br />

on a poster. The posters were made by at least 8 classmates and they had bilingual<br />

descriptions with each photo. The winning posters will be announced soon!

Students worked hard throughout the race days to<br />

optimise and refine their A.I. cars.<br />

Q3. What were the most challenging parts of the<br />

competition?<br />

One of the most challenging parts of the competition is<br />

to fine-tune the dynamic throttle algorithm. We made use<br />

of certain mathematical functions (team secret) as a basis<br />

and took steering and throttle as the variables, we<br />

included parameters to transform the functions to<br />

optimise the steering and throttle during a turn. Such<br />

tuning is important and extremely risky at the same time<br />

as we can only modify the function once for the finals.<br />

Q4. How would this experience have given you an impact<br />

as an IBDP (pre-university) student?<br />

From the competition, it has been obvious that artificial<br />

intelligence would be something relevant to society in the<br />

future, and it is indeed something that we would consider<br />

using, even possibly pursuing a career in relevant fields.<br />

The experience has definitely made us more interested in<br />

the subject, affecting our subject choices when applying<br />

to university, including artificial intelligence and relevant<br />

subjects in our applications.<br />

Q2. What do you think about the potential influence of AI<br />

in the future? Why is it important to know and learn about<br />

it?<br />

From the rudimentary form of an artificial checker<br />

opponent to an uncannily lifelike robot, there has been an<br />

exponential development in artificial intelligence and<br />

machine learning. Hence, it is highly probable that<br />

Artificial Intelligence will shape the future in numerous<br />

fields. According to researchers at the University of Oxford,<br />

AI will overtake humans in aspects of language such as<br />

translation and composition as early as 2024, and is<br />

projected to become proficient at conducting surgeries by<br />

2053. ​During the competition, we were introduced to the<br />

concept of deep learning. As a subset of machine learning,<br />

it has played an integral role in furthering the progression<br />

of AI, especially in fields such as image processing and<br />

recognition. Recent advancements in deep learning have<br />

enabled the prospect of “general artificial intelligence”, or<br />

the ability of an agent to master any task that humans can<br />

execute. Therefore, it is evident that AI will soon govern the<br />

majority of occupations, and become an ubiquitous part of<br />

our daily lives. It is paramount that we familiarise ourselves<br />

with its principles.<br />




TEAM: CS 3<br />

9A Shannon Lau, 9D Shelly Chan,<br />

9D Carinna Tong, 10B Seton Chan<br />

Q1. How did you prepare for the competition as a team<br />

and what result did you achieve in the end?<br />

Preparation for the AI racing competition was crucial for<br />

our performance on track on the day of the race. With<br />

experience of this competition from the previous year, our<br />

team has explored and found new ways to reduce the car's<br />

limitations, allowing our car to perform its best on the<br />

circuit. Friday activity period enabled our teams to have<br />

higher exposure to the world of AI, giving us more time to<br />

discover both mechanical and digital flaws and making<br />

suitable adjustments to improve our cars overall drivability.<br />

As well as having our own miniature track in our school,<br />

our cars perform practical tests, allowing us to identify any<br />

possible issues we had with the car. Just as importantly,<br />

testing the car on track on the day of the race made more<br />

issues emerge. However with our models and extensive<br />

trials with the car, we were able to make the necessary<br />

changes, qualified for top 16 teams and finished in 6th<br />

place.<br />

Page 12

CKY Secondary Students Slay the Hong Kong Young Writers Awards<br />

At the 2023 Hong Kong Young Writers Awards, our secondary students achieved considerable<br />

success. Herman Pang (11B) and Ian Ko (11E) submitted pieces that were shortlisted at the<br />

Senior Level, while the captivating work of Charlotte Chan (7F) earned a shout at the Junior<br />

Level. Notably, Justin Yu (11E) won first place in his group. A big congratulations to them all!<br />

For the contest this year, students were prompted to write stories about the life and adventures<br />

of Judge Pao, the Chinese Sherlock Holmes. CKY’s young writers flexed their bilingual<br />

backgrounds and cross-cultural perspectives to create fiction that jumped from the page to an<br />

inspiring and imaginary plane where East meets West.<br />

Now that we’ve established a schoolwide precedent for success, we hope that next year more of<br />

our literary-minded students will participate in this fun and rewarding contest.<br />

Page 13


Our Fun Fridays continue with a celebration of friendship!<br />

Members of the school community came together with matching outfits.

保 良 局 75 周 年 教 育 匯 演<br />

保 良 局 75 周 年 教 育 匯 演 於 2⽉20⽇ 和 21⽇ 假 ⾹ 港 ⼤ 會 堂 隆 重 舉 ⾏, 屬 下 中 ⼩ 學 及 幼<br />

稚 園 共 同 參 與 , 精 彩 節 ⽬ 紛 呈 。 在 這 次 匯 演 中 , 學 ⽣ 們 展 現 了 ⾃⼰ 的 才 華 和 創 意 , 幼 稚<br />

園 的 ⼩ 朋 友 們 ⽤ 可 愛 的 表 演 帶 給 觀 眾 無 限 歡 樂 , 中 ⼩ 學 ⽣ 們 則 以 精 湛 的 技 藝 和 ⾃ 信 的 表<br />

現 贏 得 了 觀 眾 的 喝 彩 。 此 次 匯 演 展 現 了 保 良 局 學 校 的 教 育 成 果 和 學 ⽣ 的 綜 合 素 質 , 除 了<br />

讓 觀 眾 們 感 受 到 了 學 ⽣ 們 的 熱 情 和 才 華 , 也 讓 他 們 更 加 認 識 了 保 良 局 的 教 育 事 業 。 蔡 繼<br />

有 學 校 分 別 派 出 了 家 ⾧⼤ 合 唱 和 中 學 管 樂 隊 參 加 這 兩 天 的 活 動 , 展 現 出 蔡 繼 有 學 校 特 有<br />

的 ⽂ 化 , 呈 現 家 ⾧ 學 ⽣ 獨 特 的 ⾵ 采 。<br />

開 演 之 前 來 張 ⼤ 合 照 ,⼈ 才 濟 濟 !<br />

學 ⽣ 和 家 ⾧⿑<br />

聚 在 舞 台 上 ,<br />

獻 上 ⼀⾸⾸ 經<br />

典 的 歌 曲 。

每 個 ⼈ 都 如 此 地<br />

專 注 。<br />

屬 校 學 ⽣ 使 出 渾 ⾝ 解 數 , 展 現 學 校 不 同 的 ⾵ 采 。<br />

Page 16

同 學 們 和 保 良 局 副 主 席 李 何 芷 韻 ⼥⼠<br />

合 作 表 演 , 同 學 們 格 外 ⽤⼼!<br />

等 待 的 時 間 同 學 們 各 ⾃ 精<br />

采 , 各 有 各 忙 !<br />

再 怎 麼 忙 , 也 不 能 少 了 和 兩 位 校 ⾧ 拍 張 合 照 。<br />

Page 17

HK Young Physicists'<br />

Teacher's Thoughts<br />

Tournament (HKYPT)<br />

In this second year of Hong Kong Young Physicists'<br />

Tournament (HKYPT), SISHK and PLKCKY continued to form<br />

strong bonds and co-organise this competition regionally. We<br />

were proud to see how HKYPT strived by having more schools<br />

participating, including WIS, ISHK and DBS. It was also our honour<br />

to enlarge our jury team to 8 physics professors, coming from<br />

CUHK, HKU, EdUHK and CityU. The competition was held on 14<br />

January 2023 at Singapore International School (Hong Kong).<br />

Being as the organiser and a physics educator, it was<br />

satisfying to witness how engaged the participants were. The<br />

participants from different schools did not stop their "physics<br />

fight" just because the official game had ended. They took the<br />

short break to discuss the problem further! Very heart-warming<br />

to find how physics was bringing our students together<br />

spontaneously.<br />

Going forward, we are planning to take our Hong Kong<br />

students to a whole new level this year. The winning teams shall<br />

each send a representative to form a team representing Hong<br />

Kong collectively in the next OYPT. This will be our first attempt<br />

prior to joining IYPT.<br />

HKYPT is based on the rules and<br />

problems set by the international<br />

committees (IYPT). Each team must<br />

choose one out of the selected 17<br />

problems, investigate experimentally<br />

and present the findings with physics<br />

concepts. The opponent team would<br />

then take the floor to discuss followup<br />

questions with the reporting team.<br />

It is a very unique competition format<br />

that offers opportunities of<br />

performing formal scientific research<br />

to the secondary school students.<br />

These were various problems<br />

investigated by the participating<br />

teams, which included investigating<br />

phenomena related to oscillating<br />

spheres, coloured lines, upstream<br />

flow, balls on ferrite rod, rice<br />

kettlebells, and arrester beds.<br />

I am very grateful to all the jurors,<br />

supervising teachers, students, spectators,<br />

SISHK and, last but not least, my YPT<br />

partner Mr TK Leong for making this<br />

possible.<br />

Mr Louis Wong

Students' Reflection<br />

By Athena Wong (11D), Isaac Lau (11E)<br />

Peter Nui (11E), Justin Yu (11E)<br />

Q1. How did you prepare for the competition as a<br />

team and what result did you achieve in the end?<br />

Try filling a bottle with rice, then force a<br />

chopstick into it. Once the chopstick goes deep<br />

enough, you will realise that you can actually lift the<br />

entire bottle just by holding the chopstick. Why is<br />

that?<br />

We found this phenomenon particularly<br />

interesting, so we immediately went to work<br />

analysing the prompt and doing background<br />

research. Then, we formulated a theory and<br />

conducted experiments to verify our hypothesis, not<br />

too dissimilar to the science projects and<br />

symposiums we are all used to. After analysing the<br />

data, we still weren’t 100% confident in our theory, so<br />

we got some advice from our alumni advisors. They<br />

gave us ideas on how to develop our ideas or even<br />

help us come up with new approaches to explain<br />

why we could lift the rice. In the end, we were able<br />

to achieve a holistic report on the problem,<br />

including a detailed framework (theory) and indepth<br />

analysis, allowing us to reach our high score.<br />

Not only did we prepare for our provided<br />

prompt, we also had to critique another team’s<br />

presentation. The team we were opposing chose to<br />

research arrestor beds, which are beds of sand that<br />

catch high-speed cars on highways that cannot<br />

turn fast enough. The prompt called for them to<br />

investigate all of the parameters that would affect<br />

the braking distance of the cars. We investigated<br />

and discussed aspects of the opposing prompt<br />

such as the framework or evaluation of errors. We<br />

theorised all sorts of factors that could affect the<br />

braking distance, But ultimately, for a<br />

comprehensive understanding of the prompt, we<br />

needed to do the experiment ourselves. On the<br />

competition day, it was being familiar with both the<br />

theoretical and the practical elements of the<br />

experiment that allowed us to perform as well as we<br />

did during the actual debate.<br />

Q2. What were the most challenging parts of the<br />

competition?<br />

The prompts provided by the IYPT were unique,<br />

and we had to formulate the experimental<br />

procedures and theories on our own. Even down to<br />

the last minute, none of us had a concrete idea of<br />

what was going on in that cylinder of rice.<br />

Additionally, not only do we have to create one<br />

holistic presentation within a few short months, we<br />

have to research and prepare for our opponent’s<br />

prompt as well. In short, imagine doing two science<br />

projects simultaneously, except the content is much,<br />

much more complicated.<br />

Q3. What was the most rewarding part of the<br />

experience? Will you recommend other CKY<br />

students to join next year?<br />

Reflecting upon this whole competition, we are<br />

generally satisfied with our performance. We believe<br />

that our courage to challenge ourselves in<br />

participating in new activities or new tasks<br />

increased, and our ability to confidently present<br />

ourselves, research and work with each other<br />

improved throughout these few months. The<br />

experience of constantly trying and never giving up<br />

despite failing was valuable. The process of<br />

encountering these obstacles and challenges, and<br />

eventually figuring out a way to overcome them,<br />

was also what made this experience so fulfilling. We<br />

are sure that this experience gained will better<br />

prepare ourselves for future challenges and tasks,<br />

thus we recommend other CKY students to join next<br />

year!<br />

Page 19

YEAR 1<br />

Watching "The Gruffalo"<br />

at the HKAPA!<br />

YEAR 2<br />

Ocean Park is fun and a<br />

great place to learn!<br />

YEAR 4<br />

Exploring STEM concepts<br />

at HK Disneyland!<br />

YEAR 5<br />

Learning about marine<br />

life at WWF Hoi Ha Wan!

Y 3 O V E R N I G H T C A M P<br />


Y 3 C A M P R E F L E C T I O N S<br />

7 - 8 MARCH '23<br />

The Year 3 English overnight camp is one<br />

of our favourite activities so far this school<br />

year as we had the chance to be<br />

independent without our parents. We were<br />

split into different teams and had the<br />

opportunity to take part in thrilling games,<br />

such as dodgeball, team chants and the<br />

amazing race. In the evening, we had a<br />

joyous barbecue dinner with our parents<br />

before going back to our bungalows for the<br />

night. This was surely a memorable<br />

experience.<br />

3B Anisa Fung, Patrice<br />

Peng, Olivia Stack<br />

The English camp was such an<br />

unforgettable experience. The team names<br />

are based on a colour and I really like it.<br />

We have lots of fun games, such as<br />

dodgeball, amazing race. We have lovely<br />

snacks during breaks. We could stay in our<br />

own room in the bungalows without our<br />

parents. I really like English camp, I hope I<br />

can go there again.<br />

3C Lucas Xu, Sebastian Smith,<br />

Charlotte Wu, Aegis Law, Theo Lam<br />

This year, the Year 3’s had a fabulous<br />

camp at Wu Kai Sha. Our first day was<br />

quite eventful, from familiarising ourselves<br />

with the surroundings, having a delicious<br />

lunch and taking part in team building<br />

activities. My favourite game was the<br />

Amazing Race. The evening was just as<br />

fun, as we had delicious BBQ and spent<br />

some time with our families and friends.<br />

Afterwards, we headed to our bunglows<br />

where we got to show our rooms to our<br />

parents, but then quickly sent them home<br />

so that we could continue the fun with our<br />

friends. We didn't get much sleep in, as we<br />

were up at 4am, to clean up our bunglow, I<br />

was tired. Year 3 camp was unforgettable<br />

and I really want to have more camps in<br />

the future.<br />

3D Renee Chan<br />

Page 22

Our class 3G joined the rest of the Year 3<br />

students and went to an overnight camp<br />

at Wu Kai Sha on 7th March. The camp was<br />

terrific. We did many activities, such as<br />

dodgeball, dancing statute, chasing the<br />

dinosaur for photos and the amazing race.<br />

We all love these activities. The best part<br />

of the overnight camp was sleeping in a<br />

bungalow with our best friends. I hope we<br />

can all spend a few more days in the<br />

camp.<br />

3G Caleb Ng<br />

My experience at Year 3 camp was the<br />

best. It was like I was in a movie. It was<br />

fun, exciting and thrilling. I am the luckiest<br />

third grader ever. By the end of the camp, I<br />

learned that sleeping away from home is<br />

actually quite hard. It was very difficult<br />

sleeping with friends because we got<br />

distracted and stayed up all night. I<br />

needed a while to get used to it but new<br />

experiences are very fun. Camp was the<br />

best time of my life.<br />

3H Tisya Lai<br />

On the first day, we played ‘The Amazing<br />

Race’. The key to winning was to work<br />

together and stick together as a team. We<br />

also played Dodgeball which was<br />

fantastic! Then we went to our bungalow,<br />

and it was so interesting! On Day 2, we<br />

played Dancing Statues; and it was so<br />

funny to see other styles of dancing. I was<br />

euphoric! At home, just thinking about it<br />

makes me over the moon.<br />

3E Jaren Chow<br />

My Amazing English Overnight Camp. I<br />

went to the English Overnight Camp on<br />

March 7th-8th, 2023 at Wu Kai Sha Youth<br />

Village. We were very excited to play many<br />

games, like dodgeball, Amazing Race and<br />

dancing statues. In the evening, we were<br />

hungry, so we gathered together to have<br />

our barbecue dinner. Then, we ate our<br />

marshmallows which were very<br />

delicious.That night, it was my first time to<br />

sleep in the bungalow with my classmates,<br />

not my parents. We played a little bit<br />

boardgame and slept.I wish I could stay<br />

longer.<br />

3F Othniel Li


8 - 9 MARCH '23 <br />

4A<br />

“Green versus Purple!” Our team, the Green Giants walked over to the large<br />

basketball court. BEEP! The game of dodgeball started. My heart thumped loudly and my<br />

lungs screamed. I dodged left, and right, as my teammates caught the ball and threw it<br />

rapidly. Just one more throw from my teammates…BEEP BEEP! “Green wins!” YES! I<br />

punched my fists in the air and screamed with joy as I shaped my fingers into a “V” sign.<br />

Thinking about that day of the unforgettable and astounding Overnight Camp, I smiled.<br />

Through sweat, I learnt that teamwork is the key to success.<br />

4B<br />

Overnight Camp (also known as English Camp) is an annual activity in CKY and is usually done<br />

in Year 3. But due to the pandemic, it was delayed and replaced the Y4 Study Tour this year. In<br />

the Camp, we formed 10 groups (they mix all the classes together). We played lots of games<br />

and did lots of activities including dodgeball and The Amazing Race. They were very fun and<br />

everybody enjoyed them a lot. We worked together as a team and showed great sportsmanship<br />

while doing the activities. The best part was that we had to stay in bungalows for the night and<br />

had to do everything independently. It was totally fantastic! You are definitely going to agree<br />

with this once you have had the camp!<br />

4C<br />

On the first day of the year 4 camp, there were many<br />

enjoyable games, such as “The Amazing Race” and dodgeball…<br />

Later that night, we also had the most scrumptious barbecue<br />

ever. Our favourite part of the camp was being inside our<br />

bungalows. Speaking of favourite parts, the team chant<br />

competition was also one of everyone’s favourite as it was<br />

exciting and hilarious. All the meals tasted appetising and mouthwatering,<br />

especially the crunchy french fries. Have you ever been<br />

to a delightful year 4 camp? We certainly have!<br />

Page 24

4D<br />

There is no doubt that the Year 4 overnight camp was EXTREMELY awesome! When do you<br />

get to stay up all night chatting with your friends? That’s something that parents will never<br />

ever let you do! The overnight camp was not only an opportunity to spend time with our entire<br />

class but with the whole of the Year 4 level. It was a great experience mixing with other<br />

classes in our group colours and making new friends. We even got to enjoy a delicious BBQ<br />

dinner with our classmates. Of course, who can forget about the Dodgeball Tournament?<br />

Except there were TWO balls. Orange streaks whizzing past you from all directions - what<br />

could be more exciting than this? The Year 4 Overnight Camp was truly one of the best<br />

experiences we’ve had as students and we can’t wait for the study tour next year!<br />

4E<br />

Year 4 camp was our first and most exciting English overnight camp. We learned teamwork<br />

and sportsmanship. We had lots of fun with our amazing colour teams. We played the Amazing<br />

Race and dodgeball. All these games that Ms Sa and all of the teachers planned for us to play.<br />

After all of these fun games, we went for dinner which was BBQ which was SCRUMPTIOUS! We<br />

ate humongous marshmallows and chicken wings coated with sweet honey and pork beef and<br />

meat. Soon, it was the end of Day 1 but soon a new start of Day 2. We woke up and quickly ate<br />

our delicious “Wu Kai Sha” breakfast. After breakfast, we played lots of both indoor and<br />

outdoor games. Our FAVOURITE was the ‘TEAM CHANT’. Time flies in a blink of our eyes, what<br />

can I say? It was time to go back home from out amazing English overnight camp. We are still<br />

thinking of this camp! We really look forward to out next years’ study tours and camps!!<br />

4F<br />

During Year 4 Overnight Camp, we had lots of opportunities to shine and show our<br />

ability to be independent. We had tons of fun together in our teams, and we learnt how<br />

to cooperate with other teammates, even at lunch. Dodgeball and The Amazing Race were<br />

excellent games that let us understand teamwork and sportsmanship. At the evening<br />

barbecue, we created “comet” marshmallows, which are marshmallows that are on fire and<br />

also roasted grapes with honey. Finally, on the second day, it was time to leave, and we<br />

were disappointed to leave because we had such a great time together. From our free<br />

time in the bungalows, to the last moment at the village, and until we got on the coach<br />

to head back to school, it was a spectacular time!

Alumni News<br />

Crystal Wu 胡 錦 蕙<br />

(CKY Class of 2014)<br />

創 業 路 上<br />

光 陰 似 箭 ,⽇⽉ 如 梭 。 不 經 不 覺 我 已 從 CKY 畢 業 差 不 多 9<br />

年 了 。⼤ 部 分 ⽼ 師 都 是 看 着 我 從 ⼀ 個 ⼩ 矮 ⽠⻑⾄ 跟 他 們 ⼀ 樣 ⾼<br />

的 , 好 像 ⼀ 眨 眼 , 我 已 成 年 了 。<br />

記 得 ⼩ 學 總 有 作 ⽂「 我 的 志 願 」, 當 時 我 寫 了 ⻑⼤ 想 要<br />

「 起 樓 」。 從 CKY 畢 業 後 , 我 到 了 英 國 紐 卡 素 ⼤ 學 攻 讀 「 建 築<br />

與 城 市 規 劃 」。 多 年 的 寒 窗 苦 讀 後 , 我 跟 所 有 ⼈⼀ 樣 投 身 社<br />

會 ,⼤ 學 的 專 業 亦 變 成 我 ⽇ 後 的 ⼯ 作 。 初 時 , 那 無 了 期 的 ⼯ 時<br />

讓 我 身 ⼼ 疲 憊 , 對 於 建 築 也 已 失 去 了 從 前 的 熱 誠 。 慢 慢 的 , 我<br />

的 ⽣ 活 也 開 始 褪 ⾊。<br />

偶 然 的 ⼀ 次 機 會 , 獲 得 朋 友 的 邀 請 , 我 為 他 設 計 即 將 開 張<br />

的 ⻄ 餐 廳 , 這 重 燃 了 我 對 設 計 的 熱 情 。 當 你 ⼀⼿⼀ 腳 ⼀ 筆 ⼀ 劃<br />

設 計 的 餐 廳 在 你 眼 前 逐 漸 呈 現 , 那 種 成 就 感 ⾮ 筆 墨 所 能 形 容 。<br />

你 讀 的 專 業 不 ⼀ 定 要 成 為 你 ⽇ 後 的 ⼯ 作 , 但 它 會 成 為 你 在 這 個<br />

社 會 上 的 墊 腳 ⽯。 現 在 我 已 辭 去 建 築 師 的 ⼯ 作 ,⾃⼰ 成 ⽴ 了 ⼀<br />

間 商 業 室 內 設 計 的 公 司 , 主 要 為 商 舖 及 餐 廳 進 ⾏ 設 計 及 ⼯ 程 。<br />

每 天 上 班 時 , 我 都 懷 着 興 奮 的 ⼼ 情 , 即 使 超 時 ⼯ 作 也 不 再 感 到<br />

疲 憊 。<br />

當 然 , 第 ⼀ 年 創 業 時<br />

的 我 , 確 實 意 氣 ⾵ 發 , 三 個<br />

⽉ 已 回 本 , 亦 有 很 多 因 朋 友<br />

介 紹 慕 名 ⽽ 來 的 客 ⼾。 可<br />

惜 ,⼈⽣ 總 是 ⼀ 帆 ⾵ 順 的 ,<br />

很 快 , 我 遇 上 了 來 勢 洶 洶 的<br />

第 五 波 疫 情 。 談 好 的 ⽣ 意 不<br />

翼 ⽽⾶, 很 多 餐 廳 也 倒 閉 ,<br />

不 再 有 ⼈ 諮 詢 裝 修 ⼯ 程 。⼀<br />

開 始 有 多 好 , 現 在 就 有 多<br />

壞 。 有 ⼈ 問 我 :「 後 悔 在 這<br />

種 情 況 下 創 業 了 嗎 ?」 我<br />

答 , 從 不 後 悔 ! 當 時 我 看 ⾒<br />

了 商 機 , 亦 遇 ⾒ 了 機 會 , 我<br />

選 擇 了 把 握 時 機 , 現 在 無 論<br />

發 ⽣ 什 麼 事 , 我 都 會 守 護 好<br />

⾃⼰ 的 公 司 和 員 ⼯。 幸 好 ,<br />

世 界 正 在 逐 步 復 常 ,⼤ 家 終<br />

於 守 得 雲 開 ⾒⽉ 明 , 公 司 也<br />

再 次 返 回 正 途 。<br />

相 信 各 位 同 學 也 在 為 ⾃<br />

⼰ 的 前 程 及 選 科 苦<br />

惱 , 建 議 ⼤ 家 放 鬆 ⼼<br />

情 。 我 當 初 成 績 也 不<br />

是 特 別 出 眾 , 更 不 會<br />

是 所 謂 品 學 兼 優 的 好<br />

學 ⽣。 當 然 , 我 亦 曾<br />

為 ⾃⼰ 未 在 中 學 時 ⽤<br />

盡 全 ⼒⽽ 後 悔 , 可 惜<br />

世 上 沒 有 後 悔 藥 , 所<br />

以 ,⼤ 家 可 以 放 鬆 ,<br />

但 不 能 鬆 懈 , 要 讓 ⾃<br />

⼰ 的 中 學 ⽣ 涯 無 悔 。<br />

“In this school, every<br />

child is good at<br />

something”,⽽ 我 的<br />

“something” 是 室 內 設 計 。 祝<br />

願 各 位 同 事 能 找 到 ⾃⼰ 的<br />

“something”, 不 再 為 前 程 迷<br />

惘 。<br />

Page 29

Netis Tse<br />

(Class of 2018)<br />

Hope everyone is doing well! This is<br />

Netis, I graduated from CKY in 2018<br />

and recently graduated from HKU<br />

with a Bachelors in Finance,<br />

currently starting my first year of<br />

real adulthood working as a private<br />

banking analyst in the financial<br />

industry.<br />

youth. Have fun and<br />

have more fun, and<br />

you will grow bigger<br />

on the inside!<br />

When you are getting older, life will<br />

often present you with different<br />

challenges and you will inevitably<br />

experience a new low after another, but<br />

it is important that you stay optimistic<br />

and positive. What I would say is that a<br />

lot of what I am goes back to what I<br />

have experienced in CKY. With that<br />

said, with hindsight I would tell my<br />

younger self to try to be more<br />

proactive, to do everything that CKY<br />

has to offer (sports teams, musicals,<br />

MC, prefect etc.) and maximise your<br />

If you need anything,<br />

feel free to reach out<br />

to the alumni. We<br />

have all been where<br />

you are and I am<br />

sure every one of us<br />

has a lot of advice<br />

that we can offer to<br />

you. Never be afraid<br />

to ask, we don’t<br />

bite. :)<br />

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