download✔ The Creation of Health: The Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Responses

Copy LInk : Book synopsis : A clinician's guidebook for treating developmental trauma--Apply the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) to help clients overcome complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and map post-traumatic growth.The Practical Guide for Healing Developmental Trauma introduces a cutting-edge therapeutic model for addressing attachment, relational, and developmental trauma in a clinical setting. NARM is an integrated mind-body framework that identifies and treats the Copy LInk :

Book synopsis :
A clinician's guidebook for treating developmental trauma--Apply the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) to help clients overcome complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and map post-traumatic growth.The Practical Guide for Healing Developmental Trauma introduces a cutting-edge therapeutic model for addressing attachment, relational, and developmental trauma in a clinical setting. NARM is an integrated mind-body framework that identifies and treats the


#BESTSELLERThe Creation of Health: The Emotional, Psychological, andSpiritual Responses That Promote Health and HealingSinopsis :A collaboration between a traditionally trained physician and amedical intuitive, The Creation of Health illuminates the deepconnection between emotional dysfunction and physicalillness. It describes the role that emotional disturbances play inthe most common diseases and ailments from the commoncold to arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.Afterproviding an introduction to intuitive medicine and its history,method of diagnosis, and relationship to traditional medicine,Myss and Shealy detail the deeper emotional and psychicreasons why illness develops in the body. Dr. Shealy offers atraditional account of a particular disease or ailment, while Dr.Myss sheds light on the deeper causes through hercorresponding energy analysis.Confirming the link betweenillness and emotion, The Creation of Health puts forth agroundbreaking vision of holistic healing.


The Creation of Health: The Emotional, Psychological, and

Spiritual Responses That Promote Health and Healing

Sinopsis :

A collaboration between a traditionally trained physician and a

medical intuitive, The Creation of Health illuminates the deep

connection between emotional dysfunction and physical

illness. It describes the role that emotional disturbances play in

the most common diseases and ailments from the common

cold to arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.After

providing an introduction to intuitive medicine and its history,

method of diagnosis, and relationship to traditional medicine,

Myss and Shealy detail the deeper emotional and psychic

reasons why illness develops in the body. Dr. Shealy offers a

traditional account of a particular disease or ailment, while Dr.

Myss sheds light on the deeper causes through her

corresponding energy analysis.Confirming the link between

illness and emotion, The Creation of Health puts forth a

groundbreaking vision of holistic healing.

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