fivepointfive - April 2023

The official magazine of the International 5.5 Metre Association

The official magazine of the International 5.5 Metre Association


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between maximum and minimum attainable coefficients for

each true windspeed, until the best VMG is obtained for that

particular windspeed.


Sail area, as such, is not equal boat to boat. Because, in most

classes, the 5.5 Metre being no exception, rig height is limited

and fixed no matter what the size of the sail area. A boat with

a smaller sail area has a higher aspect ratio which, upwind,

means that the area, although smaller, is more efficient and

can thus produce more power per square metre. Because, due

to the better aspect ratio, the lift induced drag is less it can,

righting moment allowing, be powered up more than the boat

with more sail area on the same span in fact, if separation was

not too great and therefore a limiting factor the smaller sail area

could produce the same power as the larger rig. Another way

of looking at it is that induced drag is equal to (lift/span)^2. As

span in this case is the same for both rigs, the rig with less sail

area can produce the same lift as a boat with more sail area and

induced drag will be the same.

However, because the smaller rig is producing more power

per unit area and is thus running at a higher lift coefficient (Cl),

separation and thus profile drag (all aerodynamic drags less lift

induced drag) will be greater As it is the rise in all aerodynamic

drags, not just induced drag, that pulls the aerodynamic force

vector backwards, and as it is the angle of this force vector that

determines how much of its force is available as driving force,

this rise in drag limits the attainable power from the rig upwind.

Our VPP rig model takes all this into account and arrives at

the best Cl for that particular rig on that particular boat at that

particular windspeed which will be different depending upon

the boat that the rig is attached to. In other words, that rig on

another hull may well produce a different Cl, true wind angle

etc. It will all depend upon that particular hull’s characteristics.

The main point is that the VPP gives a very reliable speed

comparison between boats with very different rigs and hulls and

it did indicate a definite advantage in most windspeeds for the

boat with the smaller but more efficient sail area.

It is comforting that logic would also suggest this result. If the

rig can produce the same or almost the same power and it has

less weight to propel through the water, it must surely be faster?


Secondly, the hull shape is completely different. Instead of

the flat U section of the majority of the fleet, this hull has a V

midsection morphing into a U at the bow and a flat section

with a very hard bilge at the stern. After many years of research

we have found this to be the best shape for low resistance

over a wide range of Froude numbers and it has many other

advantages, which I will let you discover for yourselves. Suffice

it to say that it has proved very successful in a range of boats

from our International 14, which planes sooner than its U section

brethren and stays on the plane longer, through the 5.5 Metre to

the Twelve Metre.


Thirdly, our design philosophy is different. Existing boats seem

to have fairly steep overhang angles to give, presumably, as

long a waterline length as possible which reduces the volume

coefficient (Cv) (a measure of how heavy or light a boat is

compared to its length). In theory this should make the lines

slimmer with a smaller frontal area, which should reduce drag.

However, the downside is that, the steep overhangs necessary

to achieve this, are not very effective at extending the sailing

length once the boat is heeled and/or moving. On the other

hand, a boat with a shorter waterline length and thus a higher

volume coefficient has, for the same measured length, naturally

lower pitched overhangs. Not only do these, because they are

APRIL 2023 • fivepointfive • 29

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